-- Raised amount of gold gained per combat. -- Translations are under maintenance while we work on them. -- Fixed Hero upgrade options not always showing 3 options when possible. -- Added Demon Hunter to the compendium. -- Added 2 upgrades paths to Demon Hunter. -- Reduced Demon Hunter Event number of Burdens option. -- Fixed sometimes stuck compendium filters. -- Changed Card Forsaken cost from 1/0 to 0/0. -- Added green and red circles to distinguish allies and enemies. -- Fixed Card Prophecy sometimes retrieving the wrong card. -- Removed Relic Grave Shovel from the solo Hero relics pool -- Remove Event Biting Booth from solo Hero mode. -- Skill Possess now also leeches Health. -- Nerf to 4th Circle enemies :crab:. -- Added Decay Totem. -- Raised stats for subsequent Weekly Heroes. -- Added highlight to Unowned buttons to show that you can buy Skills/Alliances/Cards/Appearances in the Crypt. -- Reduced the chance of getting duplicates when opening custom Hero chests. -- Fixed some instances where ultrawide have weird UI and clipping some screens. -- Updated some old skill artwork.
[ 2023-01-15 00:14:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Hadean Tactics Linux [1.1 G]
With procedurally-generated paths, an assortment of game changing relics, and an unique battle system that combines the control of deckbuilding and the excitement of autobattlers, no run of Hadean Tactics is ever the same.
The heat of battle
Fight a selection of enemies, from the lowest minions up to the overlord himself. Each battle will offer a different combination of enemies and a different challenge. Place your Hero on the board, use cards to determine their actions in real-time, pause whenever you want to, and guide them to victory.A selection of Heroes
Each Hero will offer a different playstyle and different cards to start with and to discover along your journey. You might even find different Heroes to recruit during the game and expand your abilities.Dynamic maps
Explore the procedurally-generated paths as much as you want, in the order you want, but be warned - the more rooms you visit, the greater the challenges you'll encounter.Unlockable artifacts
Each run can unlock new Heroes, relics, cards, and more, expanding your game and giving you something new to discover everytime you play.Mysterious events
Find many events throughout the game that can help you become stronger by playing mini-games, making choices and bets, and more. Discover more about the history of the world, and get powerful rewards to help you on your journey.- OS: Ubuntu 12.04 or newer
- Processor: Dual core from Intel or AMD at 2.8 GHzMemory: 4 GB RAM
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: nVidia Geforce 8600/9600GT (Driver v331). AMD HD 2xxx-4xxx (Driver mesa 10.5.9). AMD HD 5xxx+ (Driver mesa 10.5.9 or Catalyst 15.7). Intel HD 3000 (Driver mesa 10.6)
- Storage: 4 GB available space
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