Mega update - DEPO Online now available!
- New online popup, opens by pressing ctrl. from here it's possible to launch emojis, perform gestures, equip clothes and trails, plus many other features! - Play and interact with your friends and your enemies inside the usual DEPO... or well... maybe it has changed enough not to be the usual one. - All online system information is not stored in your saved game, but online and linked to your Steam account. - Online chat and messaging system implemented, communicate and chat with other players. - Online works also with DEPO Maker levels (although all players will see each other even if they are playing different levels). - Implemented system of multiple copies of the same level, if a level is full of players, a new one is generated. - New online settings section in pause menu (remove censorship in chat, hide online ghosts and disable online). - Introduced 113 emojis. - Introduced 13 gestures. - Introduced 48 new online skins. - Introduced 21 trails (players can see their own trail). - Added special items (2 emojis, 2 dances, 2 skins and 2 trails, almost unique rarity) for the buyers of coffee DLCs. - DLC buyers also get their name and color in messages in brown if they have normal coffee or purple if they have XXL coffee.
- Each chest offers 1000 cokkoins! - Chests appear randomly in every level of the game as long as there are at least 3 players in that level. - You can't get chests with cheats activated, don't forget.
- The summer event is currently active. - Get as many ice creams as you can! - Ice creams will appear anywhere in the levels as well as chests. - Top #3 players will get unique items and top 50# players will get almost unique items. - Check the Event Ranking on the second floor of Cokko's store. -You can't get event items with cheats enabled, don't forget.
- Send and receive trade invitations to other players. - You will be able to exchange dances, emojis, trails and skins.
- Unlock this mini-game on the second floor of Cokko's store. - Hide your eggs well (wow how bad this sounds) through the levels and other players will have to find them. - Earn cokkoins every time someone doesn't find it! - Eggs give coins depending on the difficulty and the number of people who have played it. - This mini-game can currently be found in: Core Plaza, Eye.co Test, Eye.co Facilities (underground), Lost Pixels (island), Shike's Garden and Eye Core (the other core). - When you are in egg mode you can't turn off speakers or use teleport out, you can't get clothes or eye collectibles and you can't enter levels.
- Meet Cokko and buy a bunch of interchangeable online items. - Change the color of your pixel using hex codes like this (#FF0000) - Regurgitator added, a strange creature that crashed into Cokko's store fleeing from the other core and vomits very rare items. - Recycle your purchased items to obtain higher rarity items in the Regurgitator (found on the second floor of the store). - It is now possible to equip double clothes, one from the story mode and one from the online mode at the same time. You can see them in the mirrors, pause menu, online popup and photo mode. I'm afraid to see your crazy combinations... - Cokkoins are given automatically every so often if you play in the same level with other players. - Button to remove or put visual effects of the story mode clothes added in pause menu. - Button to deactivate and activate glitch effects in pause menu. - Updated and expanded art gallery. - Russian translation corrected and improved by Mxyfell (Thank you very much for your dedication!). - Added new character in Cachefalls. __________________________________________
- Fixed speed and turning of the ship (now all players should use it at the same speed). - Optimized performance in some levels. - Improved night light main world. - Dialogo Wave that did not appear, now appears. - Improved level design in the lighthouse area in lost pixels. - Moisa and Agris voice modified to sound better. - The music in Sam's house now works fine, the radio can now also be destroyed. - The teddy of techrat in the bed doesn't go through him when he sleeps. - The player, even if he doesn't touch the first savezone in story mode, now respawns at the start of the level. - Some character voices changed to sound better. - Solved problem with the music that sounded very low (it is necessary to change the volume in the pause menu to any value so that it is updated and fixed). - Increased the activator field of the buttons inside the waterfall. - Corrected Agrippa phrase in English. - Shortened some texts in Meyers calls to avoid overcrowding. - Added platform in AVL tree to make more intuitive the sense of the level, near the beginning. - Fixed UI against the clock in Cachefalls - Improved movement and positioning of objects in Cokko's store. - Online characters have animation when entering and exiting the level. And idle animation. - Yes, the slow down mechanic has been removed and replaced by the online popup. Who wants to slow down in this frenetic game? - Fitxel zone ranking adapted in case there are only 1 or 2 crowned instead of 3. - Fixed bug that appeared popup indicating update when it was not due. - To avoid cheating, if a player activates the photo mode, the time trial is deactivated in that level. If you want to place an effect on the camera, adjust it before entering that level. - The online popup does not open in the arcade mini-games, to avoid cheating :P - Levels in the level list are grouped and sorted by name. - In the hide and seek dances like the one in the box, the name disappears. - The total number of people online and in the room is indicated in the online popup. - In the online popup the players are now always displayed with a good size and orientation. - Improved image quality of the finished exchange icon. - Added texts to the item types in the store. - If you have active exchanges at the end of the game, it remains deactivated. - Underground painting zone, base death pixels and island are working correctly again. - Disabled my swap text when you are swapping, like the other player's text. - Text to go slow in the remapping of controls changed by Online. - The images and texts of the Egg Hunt UI do not interfere with mouse clicks. - Eggs from the egg hunt cannot be placed inside the golden tree on the island. - Items are now sorted by rarity. - Fixed climbing wall bug that crashed game in art gallery. - If you don't have skin, the cube without skin appears in the chat. - Gesture icons changed to new ones. - Fixed bug when two people confirm exchange at the same time. - The text Invite to exchange doesn't disappear when you make an exchange and stays activated as it should. - If you have only one dance and you exchange it and you have no more quantity in the inventory, the dance stops. - If you have only one dance and you regurgitate it and you have no more quantity in the inventory, the dance stops. - The exchange trails are not visible once the exchange is done. - The visual effects of the clothes of the other players don't affect you. - Some dances no longer rotate with the character (coin toss and karaoke). - The text in the box of the UI to get event items no longer pops out. - In the Cokko's store now appears the symbol of the controller if you are with controller and not ESC. - Fixed that the texts in Cokko's store don't have raycast. - You can only play online if you have the most updated version of the game, otherwise a popup appears indicating it. - Bug fixed with story mode clothes in online mode. - Bug fixed with messages in chat that were not seen if the player was without skin. - The clothes of the history mode are seen in online mode. - The emojis when launching several in a row are no longer choppy. - Readjusted the time of the chests and objects of event. - Not to be able to enter to Cokko's store, neither places of Eye Core if it is in the mode egg hunter. - Adjusted zones of not appearing of chests and objects of events in all the levels. - Fixed bug in the level of the island, the dances did not appear in the inventory. - The skin online and trail can be removed. - Rearranged UI menu settings. - Trails now have icons in inventory, exchange and regurgitator. - Item containers can now be scrolled. - Item containers can now be scrolled. - The ctrl key and the RB button are no longer buggy if you play with controller and keyboard (when a player enters your zone). - Exterior windows of Cokko's store in Plaza del Core have been added. - Now you can see the story mode skin in the online popup. - The player sees his online skin and story mode skin (both combined) in mirrors and pause menu. - If you run out of skin and you wear it, it is removed. - Fixed texts in scene that prevented to use the popup. - Added cokkoin icon in popup and store monitor. - Enlarged and improved cokkoin store. - Added lights in cokko store at night and removed flashlight. - Added text lines enter your message and successful purchase. - Fixed regurgitator bug. - The swap color of the other player is set to the same color as your own button. - Placed hourglass images and animations while the other player does not accept and swap. - If you have a player in the popup and another player enters and exits, the other player is not removed or set. - Online messages are hidden if you are paused. - To make that the key ctrl of the online does not go out if you go with control, and it goes out its equivalent. - The call no longer overlaps with popup online. - Fixed bug with overlapping faces in the animations. - Clothes with UI in 1J mode are no longer affected and deformed by dances. - If someone crashes the game, it auto-disconnects and doesn't leave the bugged character. - Players you don't have as friends are shown random color pixels and random faces in Egg Hunt mini-game. - After returning from the regurgitator the button of my exchange is now interactive. - After returning from a swap or from the pause menu you will be returned to your swap status as it was. - If you start an exchange you are no longer accepted or confirmed. - If you are in the regurgitator you don't see the other player online at the bottom of the popup. - Fixed emoji rarity bug in regurgitator. - Chests appearance fixed. - The exchange is closed if another player leaves the game. - Store coins are updated if you earn coins because someone loses your egg. - Emojis with rarities and visual effects introduced. - Introduced small delay when sending and removing an object in exchange to not saturate it. - When you open an exchange it is cleaned in case there is something from before. - The pause menu and the online menu can no longer overlap if you press the keys fast. - If you leave a skin in the regurgitator and close panel the skin is no longer there. - You can't give very rare, almost unique or unique skins to the regurgitator. - Icons skins added. - Added sounds in egghunt UI. - Random eggs button in egghunt added. - Rarities are already seen in exchange, inventory and regurgitator. - When a player leaves and is close to you, the control click UI now leaves. - Player connected and chest messages are no longer displayed at the same time. - The icons of emojis are already seen in the exchange. - The swap button of the other player is updated live if you have the inventory open. - Fixed bug in which the person who opens exchange to another, does not see the objects placed by the other. - Fixed bug where when you place more than one item of the same type the other player only sees 1 item. - Controlled the error when pausing the game when you don't have connection. - Changed online panel appearance. - People can't invite you to trade if you are shopping in the store, in the pause menu or in the egg hunt mode. - Unable to remove an item from the other player in the exchange. - Added buttons to go back in the inventory in the exchange. - When you pick up a chest (or earn coins in general) the coins are updated in the store. - Trail is updated when you buy or exchange it. - A player receives the info of another player (name, game time, % depo completed) based on his steam id. - Added rarity of items in exchanges. - When you connect for the first time you get a dance, emoji, trail and default skin. - In the egg mode it gives priority of search to the ones you haven't completed yet. - In the egg mode you can see how many have not achieved it and how many have, in each egg. - The status/rank of each person is saved in the database and based on that their name is painted. - The amount of items of each person in the inventory is shown. - A person who enters a level, sees the chest if it is already placed in the level. - Updated item prices in DB. - Introduced prices in the store. - Added a light that illuminates the characters in the popup. - Failed eggs only give coins the first time, to avoid alien farmeo. - JP event collaboration zone. - Appears UI press control when being close to another player. - Made UI to inform all players that a chest has appeared. - Made that when you change the skin is autochanged in the popup. - Made that the list of levels with people does not leave the text at the bottom. - Made that the roles are caught by steam ID. - Buying new trails no longer pops the store. - Implemented call to inform all players that x player has taken the chest. - Implemented call to inform all players that a chest has appeared. - The color of the player's cube is now received correctly when connecting. - Implemented DB call to notify the server that a player didn't get an egg and the owner is rewarded. - Implemented DB call to update coin field when a player gets new coins. - Bug with the music when leaving Cokko's store fixed. - Remodeled visual of the pause menu and online menu. - Transferred player panels and online levels to online popup. - Translated instructions in Cokko store. - Fixed island time trial UI. - Fixed island time trial UI. - Coin popup has been remodeled and now makes sound. - The coin popup only appears if you complete an egg that is not yours and that you haven't done previously. - In egg hunting mode it's indicated by message that there are 3 jumps, in case you have 1 or 2. - Fixed some bugs in egg mode. - Optimized character script. - When you get egg or you desist of it, it teleports you back to the egg zone. - Made zones where you are not allowed to lay eggs. - Added waiting time between purchases. - Changed text color change. - Added hexadecimal codes on wool balls. - Game mode texts should not look bad anymore. - Now you can replay a failed egg. - Fixed: Emojis don't show up if you are riding the missile and wearing high clothes. - Egg hunting mode with controller now shows keys. - Fixed: In the egg hunting mode when placing and confirming the egg, it is placed later (the egg is placed in the same place of the mark). - Bug that prevented to die fixed. - Online log in and log out messages work fine. - When finishing either of the two 2D arcades and returning to the main world, if the game closes and loads game now loads in the main world. - Dead online players now look at the camera in both 2D arcades. - It reappears in the X a little higher in the egg hunter mode. - Announced online login and logout. - Slightly increased pixel size of online players. - Online player colliders are disabled when starting a timer or egg hunt. - Added general message system from administration. - Added ban functionality from administration... - Added functionality to launch chests, event items and give coins from administration. - In the egg search UI, if you stop selecting a button it auto redirects to one of the active UI. I've possibly forgotten a bunch of other things that I didn't write down. Wow... it's been a few months of intense work, I need a vacation. From here I want to send an eternal gratitude to Joseph for all his help and wisdom in the online management, and to all of you who have helped me in the online testing of the game. I hope you enjoy this incredible update, and don't forget that if you want to support the maintenance and improvement of the online servers you can buy a DLC coffee in the Steam store or give it to a friend. Thank you all for the support, see you inside the game!
[ 2024-07-06 18:21:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
UPDATE V 3.0 ON STEAM [06/07/2024].
Online system implemented.
- New online popup, opens by pressing ctrl. from here it's possible to launch emojis, perform gestures, equip clothes and trails, plus many other features! - Play and interact with your friends and your enemies inside the usual DEPO... or well... maybe it has changed enough not to be the usual one. - All online system information is not stored in your saved game, but online and linked to your Steam account. - Online chat and messaging system implemented, communicate and chat with other players. - Online works also with DEPO Maker levels (although all players will see each other even if they are playing different levels). - Implemented system of multiple copies of the same level, if a level is full of players, a new one is generated. - New online settings section in pause menu (remove censorship in chat, hide online ghosts and disable online). - Introduced 113 emojis. - Introduced 13 gestures. - Introduced 48 new online skins. - Introduced 21 trails (players can see their own trail). - Added special items (2 emojis, 2 dances, 2 skins and 2 trails, almost unique rarity) for the buyers of coffee DLCs. - DLC buyers also get their name and color in messages in brown if they have normal coffee or purple if they have XXL coffee.
Chest system added.
- Each chest offers 1000 cokkoins! - Chests appear randomly in every level of the game as long as there are at least 3 players in that level. - You can't get chests with cheats activated, don't forget.
Event system added.
- The summer event is currently active. - Get as many ice creams as you can! - Ice creams will appear anywhere in the levels as well as chests. - Top #3 players will get unique items and top 50# players will get almost unique items. - Check the Event Ranking on the second floor of Cokko's store. -You can't get event items with cheats enabled, don't forget.
Trade system implemented.
- Send and receive trade invitations to other players. - You will be able to exchange dances, emojis, trails and skins.
Egg hunting mini-game implemented.
- Unlock this mini-game on the second floor of Cokko's store. - Hide your eggs well (wow how bad this sounds) through the levels and other players will have to find them. - Earn cokkoins every time someone doesn't find it! - Eggs give coins depending on the difficulty and the number of people who have played it. - This mini-game can currently be found in: Core Plaza, Eye.co Test, Eye.co Facilities (underground), Lost Pixels (island), Shike's Garden and Eye Core (the other core). - When you are in egg mode you can't turn off speakers or use teleport out, you can't get clothes or eye collectibles and you can't enter levels.
New store (Online) in Core Square
- Meet Cokko and buy a bunch of interchangeable online items. - Change the color of your pixel using hex codes like this (#FF0000) - Regurgitator added, a strange creature that crashed into Cokko's store fleeing from the other core and vomits very rare items. - Recycle your purchased items to obtain higher rarity items in the Regurgitator (found on the second floor of the store). - It is now possible to equip double clothes, one from the story mode and one from the online mode at the same time. You can see them in the mirrors, pause menu, online popup and photo mode. I'm afraid to see your crazy combinations... - Cokkoins are given automatically every so often if you play in the same level with other players. - Button to remove or put visual effects of the story mode clothes added in pause menu. - Button to deactivate and activate glitch effects in pause menu. - Updated and expanded art gallery. - Russian translation corrected and improved by Mxyfell (Thank you very much for your dedication!). - Added new character in Cachefalls. __________________________________________
- Fixed speed and turning of the ship (now all players should use it at the same speed). - Optimized performance in some levels. - Improved night light main world. - Dialogo Wave that did not appear, now appears. - Improved level design in the lighthouse area in lost pixels. - Moisa and Agris voice modified to sound better. - The music in Sam's house now works fine, the radio can now also be destroyed. - The teddy of techrat in the bed doesn't go through him when he sleeps. - The player, even if he doesn't touch the first savezone in story mode, now respawns at the start of the level. - Some character voices changed to sound better. - Solved problem with the music that sounded very low (it is necessary to change the volume in the pause menu to any value so that it is updated and fixed). - Increased the activator field of the buttons inside the waterfall. - Corrected Agrippa phrase in English. - Shortened some texts in Meyers calls to avoid overcrowding. - Added platform in AVL tree to make more intuitive the sense of the level, near the beginning. - Fixed UI against the clock in Cachefalls - Improved movement and positioning of objects in Cokko's store. - Online characters have animation when entering and exiting the level. And idle animation. - Yes, the slow down mechanic has been removed and replaced by the online popup. Who wants to slow down in this frenetic game? - Fitxel zone ranking adapted in case there are only 1 or 2 crowned instead of 3. - Fixed bug that appeared popup indicating update when it was not due. - To avoid cheating, if a player activates the photo mode, the time trial is deactivated in that level. If you want to place an effect on the camera, adjust it before entering that level. - The online popup does not open in the arcade mini-games, to avoid cheating :P - Levels in the level list are grouped and sorted by name. - In the hide and seek dances like the one in the box, the name disappears. - The total number of people online and in the room is indicated in the online popup. - In the online popup the players are now always displayed with a good size and orientation. - Improved image quality of the finished exchange icon. - Added texts to the item types in the store. - If you have active exchanges at the end of the game, it remains deactivated. - Underground painting zone, base death pixels and island are working correctly again. - Disabled my swap text when you are swapping, like the other player's text. - Text to go slow in the remapping of controls changed by Online. - The images and texts of the Egg Hunt UI do not interfere with mouse clicks. - Eggs from the egg hunt cannot be placed inside the golden tree on the island. - Items are now sorted by rarity. - Fixed climbing wall bug that crashed game in art gallery. - If you don't have skin, the cube without skin appears in the chat. - Gesture icons changed to new ones. - Fixed bug when two people confirm exchange at the same time. - The text Invite to exchange doesn't disappear when you make an exchange and stays activated as it should. - If you have only one dance and you exchange it and you have no more quantity in the inventory, the dance stops. - If you have only one dance and you regurgitate it and you have no more quantity in the inventory, the dance stops. - The exchange trails are not visible once the exchange is done. - The visual effects of the clothes of the other players don't affect you. - Some dances no longer rotate with the character (coin toss and karaoke). - The text in the box of the UI to get event items no longer pops out. - In the Cokko's store now appears the symbol of the controller if you are with controller and not ESC. - Fixed that the texts in Cokko's store don't have raycast. - You can only play online if you have the most updated version of the game, otherwise a popup appears indicating it. - Bug fixed with story mode clothes in online mode. - Bug fixed with messages in chat that were not seen if the player was without skin. - The clothes of the history mode are seen in online mode. - The emojis when launching several in a row are no longer choppy. - Readjusted the time of the chests and objects of event. - Not to be able to enter to Cokko's store, neither places of Eye Core if it is in the mode egg hunter. - Adjusted zones of not appearing of chests and objects of events in all the levels. - Fixed bug in the level of the island, the dances did not appear in the inventory. - The skin online and trail can be removed. - Rearranged UI menu settings. - Trails now have icons in inventory, exchange and regurgitator. - Item containers can now be scrolled. - Item containers can now be scrolled. - The ctrl key and the RB button are no longer buggy if you play with controller and keyboard (when a player enters your zone). - Exterior windows of Cokko's store in Plaza del Core have been added. - Now you can see the story mode skin in the online popup. - The player sees his online skin and story mode skin (both combined) in mirrors and pause menu. - If you run out of skin and you wear it, it is removed. - Fixed texts in scene that prevented to use the popup. - Added cokkoin icon in popup and store monitor. - Enlarged and improved cokkoin store. - Added lights in cokko store at night and removed flashlight. - Added text lines enter your message and successful purchase. - Fixed regurgitator bug. - The swap color of the other player is set to the same color as your own button. - Placed hourglass images and animations while the other player does not accept and swap. - If you have a player in the popup and another player enters and exits, the other player is not removed or set. - Online messages are hidden if you are paused. - To make that the key ctrl of the online does not go out if you go with control, and it goes out its equivalent. - The call no longer overlaps with popup online. - Fixed bug with overlapping faces in the animations. - Clothes with UI in 1J mode are no longer affected and deformed by dances. - If someone crashes the game, it auto-disconnects and doesn't leave the bugged character. - Players you don't have as friends are shown random color pixels and random faces in Egg Hunt mini-game. - After returning from the regurgitator the button of my exchange is now interactive. - After returning from a swap or from the pause menu you will be returned to your swap status as it was. - If you start an exchange you are no longer accepted or confirmed. - If you are in the regurgitator you don't see the other player online at the bottom of the popup. - Fixed emoji rarity bug in regurgitator. - Chests appearance fixed. - The exchange is closed if another player leaves the game. - Store coins are updated if you earn coins because someone loses your egg. - Emojis with rarities and visual effects introduced. - Introduced small delay when sending and removing an object in exchange to not saturate it. - When you open an exchange it is cleaned in case there is something from before. - The pause menu and the online menu can no longer overlap if you press the keys fast. - If you leave a skin in the regurgitator and close panel the skin is no longer there. - You can't give very rare, almost unique or unique skins to the regurgitator. - Icons skins added. - Added sounds in egghunt UI. - Random eggs button in egghunt added. - Rarities are already seen in exchange, inventory and regurgitator. - When a player leaves and is close to you, the control click UI now leaves. - Player connected and chest messages are no longer displayed at the same time. - The icons of emojis are already seen in the exchange. - The swap button of the other player is updated live if you have the inventory open. - Fixed bug in which the person who opens exchange to another, does not see the objects placed by the other. - Fixed bug where when you place more than one item of the same type the other player only sees 1 item. - Controlled the error when pausing the game when you don't have connection. - Changed online panel appearance. - People can't invite you to trade if you are shopping in the store, in the pause menu or in the egg hunt mode. - Unable to remove an item from the other player in the exchange. - Added buttons to go back in the inventory in the exchange. - When you pick up a chest (or earn coins in general) the coins are updated in the store. - Trail is updated when you buy or exchange it. - A player receives the info of another player (name, game time, % depo completed) based on his steam id. - Added rarity of items in exchanges. - When you connect for the first time you get a dance, emoji, trail and default skin. - In the egg mode it gives priority of search to the ones you haven't completed yet. - In the egg mode you can see how many have not achieved it and how many have, in each egg. - The status/rank of each person is saved in the database and based on that their name is painted. - The amount of items of each person in the inventory is shown. - A person who enters a level, sees the chest if it is already placed in the level. - Updated item prices in DB. - Introduced prices in the store. - Added a light that illuminates the characters in the popup. - Failed eggs only give coins the first time, to avoid alien farmeo. - JP event collaboration zone. - Appears UI press control when being close to another player. - Made UI to inform all players that a chest has appeared. - Made that when you change the skin is autochanged in the popup. - Made that the list of levels with people does not leave the text at the bottom. - Made that the roles are caught by steam ID. - Buying new trails no longer pops the store. - Implemented call to inform all players that x player has taken the chest. - Implemented call to inform all players that a chest has appeared. - The color of the player's cube is now received correctly when connecting. - Implemented DB call to notify the server that a player didn't get an egg and the owner is rewarded. - Implemented DB call to update coin field when a player gets new coins. - Bug with the music when leaving Cokko's store fixed. - Remodeled visual of the pause menu and online menu. - Transferred player panels and online levels to online popup. - Translated instructions in Cokko store. - Fixed island time trial UI. - Fixed island time trial UI. - Coin popup has been remodeled and now makes sound. - The coin popup only appears if you complete an egg that is not yours and that you haven't done previously. - In egg hunting mode it's indicated by message that there are 3 jumps, in case you have 1 or 2. - Fixed some bugs in egg mode. - Optimized character script. - When you get egg or you desist of it, it teleports you back to the egg zone. - Made zones where you are not allowed to lay eggs. - Added waiting time between purchases. - Changed text color change. - Added hexadecimal codes on wool balls. - Game mode texts should not look bad anymore. - Now you can replay a failed egg. - Fixed: Emojis don't show up if you are riding the missile and wearing high clothes. - Egg hunting mode with controller now shows keys. - Fixed: In the egg hunting mode when placing and confirming the egg, it is placed later (the egg is placed in the same place of the mark). - Bug that prevented to die fixed. - Online log in and log out messages work fine. - When finishing either of the two 2D arcades and returning to the main world, if the game closes and loads game now loads in the main world. - Dead online players now look at the camera in both 2D arcades. - It reappears in the X a little higher in the egg hunter mode. - Announced online login and logout. - Slightly increased pixel size of online players. - Online player colliders are disabled when starting a timer or egg hunt. - Added general message system from administration. - Added ban functionality from administration... - Added functionality to launch chests, event items and give coins from administration. - In the egg search UI, if you stop selecting a button it auto redirects to one of the active UI. I've possibly forgotten a bunch of other things that I didn't write down. Wow... it's been a few months of intense work, I need a vacation. From here I want to send an eternal gratitude to Joseph for all his help and wisdom in the online management, and to all of you who have helped me in the online testing of the game. I hope you enjoy this incredible update, and don't forget that if you want to support the maintenance and improvement of the online servers you can buy a DLC coffee in the Steam store or give it to a friend. Thank you all for the support, see you inside the game!

[ 2024-07-06 18:21:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
DEPO : Death Epileptic Pixel Origins
6 Faces Team
Sons of a Bit
Game News Posts:
🎹🖱️Keyboard + Mouse
🎮 Full Controller Support
🎮 Full Controller Support
Very Positive
(241 reviews)
Public Linux Depots:
- (Linux) DEPO : Death Epileptic Pixel Origins [1.44 G]
DEPO is a first person 3D platformer where you control a rebel pixel inside a computer with an evil Operating System governing everything. You'll find final bosses, cinematic scenes, arcade mini-games, 50 huge levels full of surprises, ¡and big stories to discover!
- Memory: 2 GB RAMStorage: 3 GB available space
- Storage: 3 GB available space
[ 6076 ]
[ 1223 ]
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