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 Beat Rush 



 Simon Slamka Software 



 Simon Slamka Software 











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 Beat Rush main depot LINUX [681.24 M] 


A RackJacker giveaway

Hey people,

As we still have slots in the giveaway, we're crossposting from RackJacker's community hub:

A giveaway of RackJacker testing copies is coming soon.
You'll receive an opportunity to win keys and become the first-ever players to try RackJacker.
Just join our subreddit and comment under this post to tell us that you want a copy. We'll choose a couple of people and announce the results when the time comes.

So go on and participate!

Take care,
- the devs

[ 2021-07-26 18:45:26 CET ] [ Original post ]

Our game hub on Reddit

Hello, everyone,

A few months ago, we made a subreddit dedicated to our games and other activities that we're participating in; however, we completely forgot about it. We re-discovered it just a couple of weeks ago and would like to put it to use. It will act as a singular news and game hub for all our products.
It will contain info about upcoming projects, exclusive screenshots, pieces of new tracks (including game soundtracks), and more. We think it'd become a good place to put people together and also let them comment and show their ideas. Our latest upcoming title, RackJacker, is in its development phases, and it'd be nice to hear what people think of what they could have already seen (screenshots, story into, store description). We'll collect feedback and try to incorporate it into the game.

The subreddit is available here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ongakken/

Don't hesitate to join to see what comes next, get the latest news, and voice your thoughts in a unified place of all things Ongakken.


[ 2021-07-23 20:15:58 CET ] [ Original post ]

Thanks, everyone

Hi again,

Well, who would have thought.
I've read through all your responses in all three community hubs (RunnerDot, Beat Rush, and RackJacker). You've honestly, wholeheartedly pleasantly surprised me. I stepped away too quickly because the review in question was striking down the game. After all, it was made for mobile platforms, and in my head, this meant that he's right about the other things, and I couldn't take it. But I've put a tremendous amount of time into Beat Rush, RunnerDot, and a game-in-progress, RackJacker. I think it would be a waste to throw it all away.
All of you helped me realize this. Many people said nice things about the game in the final giveaway. I had some trouble shaking off some negative comments in the past, and it's not so easy. If a person has a valid point that I can fix, I'll do that. I did that in Beat Rush nearly every time someone mentioned that something wasn't working for them. I answered almost every review with a thank-you and a promise that I'll look into it. Most of the time, I did, and I pushed a fix a while after, sometimes even the same day. So I care deeply about my creations and the people who play them. At the end of Beat Rush's lifecycle, a friend joined me, and the two of us were working on the new game. He's a bit more distant because he hasn't spent half of his sanity behind a computer, frequently without getting a tiny bit of sleep, trying to squash a bug or figure something else out.

This being said, I'm retracting the last announcement about leaving Steam and game dev in general.
You, people who said nice things, helped me gather energy and motivation to go on and made me realize that after all I've put into it, including heart, I shouldn't just stop because of a naysayer. Okay, everyone has a right to an opinion, and some people might think the game wasn't the right one for Steam, but on the other hand, nothing here says that only games initially developed for PCs have a place here. Valve doesn't say that; most of the players don't say that. Some of you have enjoyed the simplicity and the musical part of the game, even though it's initially made for mobile platforms.

Glad that we're not some large-scale corporation; otherwise, this decision couldn't have been made just like that. Sincere thanks to all of you who stood by me. You may have helped preserve something from destruction.

What all this means is that the work on RackJacker continues. First, RunnerDot will receive an exit button (as many of you have requested). Then, the Steam leaderboards that are already implemented will get exposed to the front-end so that people can use them. The button will come today, but the leaderboards may require some time to test thoroughly. After this, all resources will go towards the new game, RackJacker.

The giveaway that's in progress will continue, and all the keys will be dispersed between the people who win. So if you're not in it yet, don't miss the chance to win one of 10 000 keys :-).

Thank you,
- Simtoon

[ 2021-07-22 18:43:55 CET ] [ Original post ]

We're ending our game development operations

Hey everyone,

As was pointed out by a community member 'Obey the Fist!', the game 'RunnerDot' that we recently published is not meant for this platform. It wasn't build to be a PC game, and it has no place here. Moreover, this individual has pointed out the hurtful fact that we have no place in this industry. In light of this, we're ending our game development activities, effective immediately.

The game 'RunnerDot' will be removed from sale, and no more people will be able to purchase it. The Steam Store page will become inactive and unactivated keys will stay intact, however, no new keys will be issued. Those who own a copy of the game will continue owning it.

We don't like having to make this decision, but some things just aren't meant to be.

- Simtoon and Patrick

[ 2021-07-21 12:07:49 CET ] [ Original post ]

We launched a Discord server!

Greetings, everyone.

We always wanted to gather enthusiastic people and get them to talk to one another.
We have been trying to find gamers, tech people, artists, anime lovers, manga readers, anyone really and strongly enthusiastic about something and bring them all together, so they could discuss their stuff and share knowledge (and memes).

A few days ago, we decided to build a Discord server to try to reach this goal of ours.
Whether you're one of the mentioned people or you're passionate about something completely different, do not hesitate to join our little community:

Discord Invite

We'd be thrilled to have you!

Thanks and have a great day.

[ 2021-05-18 03:28:57 CET ] [ Original post ]

I officially welcome a new partner!

Hey everyone!

For quite some time, I was working on most of Ongakken's projects, as on the company itself, alone. It was fun, but it was also exhausting. I was looking for a graphics design expert for some time, and some time ago, I finally found one!

Which is why today, I'd like to welcome Patrick, Ongakken's new partner, and graphics designer.
I did a few gigs with him before and found out that he's very good at what he does, and I want him in my company.

Patrick is working with me on Ongakken's upcoming game, RackJacker:


Thanks for the Steam Community's support during the development of Beat Rush!

[ 2021-04-07 11:40:43 CET ] [ Original post ]

A new ship is now available!

Good evening, players,

There is a new ship available in Beat Rush and a few nice ship-features coming with it.

This new unique ship is able to heal itself, its shield is stronger, and it is much more robust. This ship is a part of the new Beat Rush DLC:


With the DLC, you'll also get a pack of blue points, which you can spend in the Shop right away. Also, if you get the DLC, this ship will automatically be available; no need to gather the blues ;-).

If you wish to get this neat 'little' ship and support an indie developer at the same time, go ahead and grab the DLC! It'd be really appreciated!!

Thank you and have fun,
- the dev

[ 2021-03-26 22:57:57 CET ] [ Original post ]

Something brand new is comin'

Hi, guys,

A few posts back, I mentioned that I'm cooking up something new, which is why I'm letting Beat Rush go.
Well, the 'new thing' is a new Ongakken game called RackJacker, now available for wishlisting.


This game will attend the summer edition of the Steam Game Festival, which will take place in June 2021. A demo will be available for free to everyone once the festival starts. After the festival, substantial internal testing will begin, and I want the Steam Community to attend. There is a banner on the store page that allows players interested in early testing to sign up (early testing != Early Access; Early testing is my internal process, after which the game will be allowed to enter Early Access).

The game is planned to be released in December 2021. You won't believe this, but this game is technically in development for almost 5 years. I'm still at high school (final year), so I wasn't working on it all the time, and I had pretty long breaks, but the first idea came to me about 5 years ago.

I'll do my best to fix Beat Rush's bugs, which is what I was doing the last few days. But, as I already said earlier, Beat Rush was never meant to be a serious game, so I gotta let go of it.

I started a little series to say goodbye to Beat Rush, check out the first episode here:

There is more news coming; I'll be introducing someone new to my company and thus, to you, soon.

Thank you very much for being here, and stay safe,
- Simtoon

[ 2021-03-22 00:28:13 CET ] [ Original post ]


Updated the HUD. Looks tidier and in one place instead of all around the screen. There will be more changes to it later on.

Suggested by nekobun.
Check out my reaction to his YouTube review of Beat Rush: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-MlKcR-c8g

[ 2021-03-20 13:34:13 CET ] [ Original post ]


Further steps taken to prevent Jack's issues from happening ever again to anyone.

[ 2021-03-20 09:44:30 CET ] [ Original post ]


The problem Jack was encountering seems to have been fixed now. I modified the anti-piracy script that was causing this and even the video Jack sent to the support email confirms that the problem was indeed caused by a malfunction of this script.

All should be working well now in regards to this particular issue.

[ 2021-03-20 09:23:49 CET ] [ Original post ]

Addressing a keylol.com post

Hello again,

In this post, I would like to address a post published on a Chinese site called keylol.com.


I understand that many of Beat Rush's players (or at least visitors) come from that site, so I hope some will find this post.

First of all, I'd like to apologize for cutting the support for Windows some time ago. I could have dual-booted, but I didn't because I couldn't afford to throw money away for a proper copy of Win10. Many people made fun of me for not having a dedicated development machine. Well, no, I only have one PC, and I use it for school, development, games, and everything else.

Secondly, I'd like to explain why I removed the lottery on steamgifts.com.
About three lotteries went through, and when I launched the fourth one, it coincided with this Windows thing when I switched the game to free. Before it could conclude, the game was already free all around the globe, so it would make no sense to give away keys when you could have just headed to Steam and grabbed yourself a free copy. Many people called me 'dishonest' after this. I mean, come on.

Auto-translated from Chinese

Finally, I'd like to say that I'm really doing what I can here. Back off, everyone.

Thank you

[ 2021-03-19 22:54:20 CET ] [ Original post ]

Input customization and gamepad support

EDIT: I have located Jack's issue. He seems to be circumventing Steam somehow and thus triggering Beat Rush's anti-cheat and anti-piracy gate (implemented when BR was still a paid game). The game must be launched through Steam and Steam only. All other launches are forbidden. Jack, if you're launching the game through Steam, send a video of you launching and playing the game, the system might be malfunctioning.


This announcement addresses a review that was posted yesterday by a Steam user called 'Jack Harlequin'.

First of all, I'd like to apologize to you. I never meant to cause such negative feelings in someone. I just wanted to make a game people would enjoy.

The input customization menu is now in the settings menu of the game. Clicking the currently set option and setting a key when the dots appear will enable you to change your settings. The settings should be persistent, so if you load up the game next time, they should be there.

I also put in partial gamepad support. The default controls are:

  • Increase/decrease speed while held = left joystick, Y axis
  • Slide to sides = left joystick, X axis
  • Increase ship sliding sensitivity = Right Face Button
  • Decrease ship sliding sensitivity = Left Face Button
  • Use = Top Face Button
  • Jump = Bottom Face Button

Since I'm not a controller user, I have no way of testing this one. I never felt that I need a controller, never had one. The last one I had was the DualShock, which I no longer have.
As far as I know, Steam should have some sort of binding system of its own for the gamepads, so to change any of these, use that.

I also added some stability improvements, which should help prevent possible crashing. Crashing hasn't been reported by other players, only by this one, though.

It's hard to read such reviews. When someone calls your game a 'frustrating experience,' it's hard not to fall in tears.
However, I did what I could to accommodate the review.

Everyone else, please, if there are any issues, please document them somehow. Either record a video of them or invite me to watch your gameplay. It would be nice to send your system specs along, too. This really helps me to track down possible issues. I'm a solo developer; I don't have a team of testers at my disposal. Please understand that. If you're sending anything, either hit me up here on Steam or send an email to support@ongakken.com.

Thank you
- the dev

[ 2021-03-19 09:52:04 CET ] [ Original post ]


Added limited gamepad support - since one of the players posted a review in which he roasted me for not having input customization and gamepad support, I implemented both. However, I've never ever had a controller connected to my PC. The last controller I held in my hands was PS's DualShock, so I have nothing to test this update on. If I had a controller lying around, I would have used it, because I want my game to be as good as I can possibly make it. People should realize that not everyone has all the hardware.

Here is the default gamepad config:

  • Increase/decrease speed while held = left joystick, Y axis
  • Slide to sides = left joystick, X axis
  • Increase ship sliding sensitivity = Right Face Button
  • Decrease ship sliding sensitivity = Left Face Button
  • Use = Top Face Button
  • Jump = Bottom Face Button

To my understanding, Steam has some sort of customization of its own, so if you wish to change any of these, that's where you should go.

[ 2021-03-19 00:18:58 CET ] [ Original post ]


As 'Jack Harlequin' requested, the input customization menu is now implemented. You should now be able to change all the buttons.

[ 2021-03-18 23:57:44 CET ] [ Original post ]



[ 2021-03-18 20:00:56 CET ] [ Original post ]

Removed four achievements; UI fixes;

Removed four achievements; UI fixes;

[ 2021-03-17 13:58:30 CET ] [ Original post ]

Added buttons to the main menu

As Bobogoobo pointed out, there were two buttons missing in the main menu: the reset progress button and the tutorial button. They're now there!

[ 2021-03-17 13:49:04 CET ] [ Original post ]

Main Menu overhaul + the 2 new tracks implemented

Hey, Steam Community!

Developing Beat Rush was a fun and educational journey. I learned many things from certain aspects of programming to making better music. I really enjoyed it, even though there were stressful moments during which nothing was working, and I wanted to give up, but I didn't. Seeing that many people played and enjoyed the game motivated me to continue and get rid of those pesky bugs.

This project started as a testing game project and was supposed to be purely for educational purposes. It grew into more than that later on, and that led it to Steam. However, it was never meant to be a big game, just a little casual game you could play to kill some time.

A little more than a year has passed since I first introduced Beat Rush to this platform. But I think it's time to let go and move on. It's time to make something new. In fact, I'm already cooking something fresh.

Today I published a major update to Beat Rush, which includes:

  • a completely revamped main menu
  • the two new songs which I recently released
  • major bugfixes
  • stability improvements
  • the full release

If there aren't any game-breaking problems within a few days, the game will go into full release, and development will be stopped. Once in a while, I may add something, though.

Thanks for your support, everyone!
- the dev

[ 2021-03-16 17:09:48 CET ] [ Original post ]

Going free ... !

Heya, all!

Moments ago, I posted about the Deluxe soundtrack being finally released.
Many musicians use this scheme to add tracks to an already existing album, so I thought to myself that I could do it as well.

But, unlike many famous artists, I'm not gonna ask for money twice, so I decided to make the 'regular' soundtrack free! Starting tomorrow, you'll be able to get it.

Thank you for being here!
- the guy behind Beat Rush

[ 2021-03-14 20:48:18 CET ] [ Original post ]

The Deluxe soundtrack is now out!

Heeeeey guys!

I'm happy to announce that the full Beat Rush soundtrack is now released!
In the upcoming days, it'll appear on streaming services and music stores.

I hope you'll like the latest song, which concluded the soundtrack and other pieces from the soundtrack as well. They were fun to compose, and I'm glad that many of you actually liked them.

You can listen to it here:


Thank you, stay safe, and have a great day!
- the dev

[ 2021-03-14 20:38:36 CET ] [ Original post ]

0.857 - minor UI fix in the main menu

.857; minor UI fix;

[ 2021-03-03 21:11:55 CET ] [ Original post ]

0.856 - Infinite Mode disabled

.856; temporarily disabled the Infinite Mode due to track timing issues;

[ 2021-03-01 14:22:34 CET ] [ Original post ]

Support Ongakken

Hey guys,

In the recent update, I fixed many UI and in-game collision issues.
I also added a Patreon button, so if you wish to support Ongakken, you can subscribe and join the underground movement.

Thank you, stay tuned and stay safe!
- the developer

[ 2021-03-01 13:49:59 CET ] [ Original post ]

0.854 - main menu UI changes and additions;

.854 - added a Patreon button; bugfixes;

More details in the announcement ...

[ 2021-03-01 13:44:38 CET ] [ Original post ]

0.851 - slight color manipulation of each level based on a pseudorandom factor

.851; experimental randomness factor introduced into all levels except lvl12;

[ 2021-02-28 15:59:45 CET ] [ Original post ]

0.850 - added a ship

.850; bugfixes; added a ship, but to find it, one has to look deep ...;

[ 2021-02-28 15:33:19 CET ] [ Original post ]

0.848 - obstacle collision issue

.848; well, I found a glitch, so here's one more patch;

[ 2021-02-27 18:11:38 CET ] [ Original post ]

0.847 - bugfixes in response to player reports

.847; multiple bugfixes; the game should run a bit better now;

Enough updates for today.

[ 2021-02-27 17:57:36 CET ] [ Original post ]

0.846 - bugfixes

.846; bugfixes;

As pointed out by 'Sirius B', it was possible to collide with a single instance of an obstacle multiple times -- not anymore! It's fixed.

But there is one possible issue - if you notice that you can't progress from one level to the next one (the music ends and you just continue floating), please report it either here to the discussion section or to
All help is appreciated.

Thank you

[ 2021-02-27 17:26:35 CET ] [ Original post ]

0.845 - 'Almost Ready' is now implemented

.845; added 'Almost Ready'; minor bugfixes;

[ 2021-02-27 16:42:53 CET ] [ Original post ]

Updates to come


Beat Rush will receive multiple bugfixes, feature additions, and level additions in the upcoming months. I've been thinking about what could I add to make the game great, and I came up with this list, along with a time frame:

  • Collision improvements (within a week)
  • Addition of the new track, 'Almost Ready' (within a week)
  • Visual uniqueness of each level (within a week)
  • A brand new ship feature (within a month)
  • A new ship (within a month)
  • Addition of another track (within a month)
  • The Deluxe soundtrack (within a month)


Some features cannot be implemented at this time due to their complex technical nature. These are mainly:

  • Spawning of the points to the beat of a track (the game is simply not designed to work like this)
  • Weapons on ships (like cannons)
  • Multiplayer

However, this doesn't mean that Beat Rush will never include some of these. It probably will.

Thank you for being here,
- the guy who made this game

[ 2021-02-27 12:20:11 CET ] [ Original post ]

0.842 - the third obstacle is not rotating, but this could fix it

.842; goddamnit, why don't you work??! - the third obstacle is not rotating ...

[ 2021-02-26 23:27:06 CET ] [ Original post ]

0.841 - minor improvements

.841; the third obstacle should now rotate around its Y axis;

[ 2021-02-26 21:35:52 CET ] [ Original post ]

'Almost Ready' is out!

Hey all!

A new song is now out and is soon coming to Beat Rush, which means that there will be a new level. This track is one of the last Beat Rush tracks.

Have a listen :-)

Thanks and stay safe,
- the developer

[ 2021-02-26 18:30:09 CET ] [ Original post ]

v0.840 - level 12 song duration fix

.840; fixed the level 12 song duration;

[ 2021-02-12 17:42:57 CET ] [ Original post ]

Beat Rush Windows support is back and more!

Hey everyone!

Recently I have successfully resolved the issue with Windows building, which means that Windows support is once again back!

Not only that, but there's also VR support coming soon!!
At first, a build for the Oculus Quest will come out and later even SteamVR support.

Expect more updates in the upcoming month (March).

Thank you for being here, have a nice day, and as always, stay safe.

- the dev

[ 2021-02-12 10:53:54 CET ] [ Original post ]

I'm sorry ...


Yesterday I told you that I have to stop Windows support for Beat Rush because I made a mistake.

Well, the more I think about it, the more I realize that it's not fair to you.
Most Beat Rush players are Windows users and wouldn't install Linux just because of one game (and definitely not because of this one). I thought hard about it and came to the conclusion that I have to make the game free. Otherwise, it isn't right.

That means that as of today, Beat Rush will permanently switch to free throughout the Steam Store, globally. If it doesn't change for you, give it 24 hours, then try again.

However, I'm still actively looking for a way to build the game for Windows from within Linux. If I find a way, it will not change the game to paid again. This decision is final and permanent, so the game will never be paid ever again.

Once again, I'm sorry.
- the developer

If you still wish to support me after all of this, you have an option to do so by getting either the soundtracks or the wallpaper DLC. It would be much appreciated :-).

[ 2021-01-28 10:21:29 CET ] [ Original post ]

Windows no more ...

Hello everyone!

I have some really bad news.

I recently implemented Linux native support to Beat Rush with a goal to support the open-source initiative and free the game from the restraints of Microsoft. Till yesterday, I was using an unlicensed version of Windows 10 to do all my work, but then I paused and got to thinking about completely switching to Linux. Windows was too constricting and didn't allow almost any customization since it wasn't licensed.
Long story short, I switched but then realized that Linux wouldn't be able to compile and build for Windows. It worked the other way around, and should theoretically work, but it doesn't. I did some research, and people say that it's either too complicated or that it wouldn't run well.

Either way, as I only have one development machine, I have to stop Windows support whatsoever. You will still be able to play old versions, but new versions will only come to Linux.

There is currently no fix and going back to Windows is not an option.

I'm sorry ;-(
- the developer

[ 2021-01-27 15:13:57 CET ] [ Original post ]

Linux support is here!

Hey everyone,

Today I'm very excited to bring excellent news to Linux users!

I know that more and more people use Linux and say that they'd like more games to support it. Many games are being ported to Linux, but there's just not enough that doesn't require tinkering and complicated setup.

That's why I decided to add Beat Rush to the ever-growing list of games that fully and natively support Linux. This means that Beat Rush is now officially supported on Linux and was tested under Debian so far. It should run well under all the other distros.

Linux support also brings SteamOS support (as you surely know).

macOS support is planned and should be implemented within a month (if all goes well, because ... you know Apple).

If you notice any glitches in the Linux build, please don't hesitate to contact me, as I take this very seriously and want it to run as well as it possibly can.

I hope today's announcement excites you as much as it excites me, and I can't wait to tell you about the next thing that's coming!

Stay well, safe and happy,
the developer

[ 2021-01-17 14:01:05 CET ] [ Original post ]

A brand new level

Hey everyone!

After a few weeks of silence due to my corona suspicions, I'm here to announce a brand new level that's now in Beat Rush. It'll be accompanied by my cover of "It's Time" by Imagine Dragons.

This one is special. This level is something else. It was used during a special occasion, and I think it's worthy of becoming a permanent part of the game. See for yourselves and leave some feedback as to what you think.

Stay safe and enjoy the level ;-),

- the SMD guy Uhm ... the developer ...

[ 2021-01-05 19:20:17 CET ] [ Original post ]


Hello everyone,

Today, we're bringing a difficult, but significant change to SMD Technologies.

This company was started out of a classroom by 3 hyped, curious students who had a spark, a drive to create new things. Time has passed and unfortunately, how it sometimes goes, they lost it. They lost interest and no longer wanted to build something from nothing, from a complete scratch. Only one of them had the perseverance to see it through and survive even the failures that occurred along the way.

Back then, SMD meant something. It had nothing to do with surface mount devices, it was a short the three students came up with, each letter being the first letter of their names.

This no longer applies, so the company has to move on. Goals have changed, visions have transformed and ideas have shifted.

A new chapter of the company's journey is here and it's called 'Ongakken'. Our projects have been focused, in a large part, on music. We are producing it also making games based on it. It's an inseparable part of this company's identity. Ongakken stands for 'musical experience' and is based on two Japanese words -- 'ongaku' and 'taiken', meaning 'music' and 'experience', respectively. This clever and unique portmanteau effectively describes our whole brand.

The change is coming into effect immediately. Our new website is now https://ongakken.com/, but the old one will still work till it expires.

All of the services offered previously remain unchanged. Our games remain as they were as well and Beat Rush will continue to be developed. Our music is a different story. We will issue an update to all streaming services and music stores changing our artist name from the old one to the new one, but this change will probably cause that many streaming services will create a new artist page for us, resetting follower count. There is nothing that can be done about that, it's just the way they were programmed.

We hope you will stay with us even after this impactful change.

As always, stay safe and stay tuned!

[ 2020-12-27 18:30:33 CET ] [ Original post ]

COVID-19 testing

Hello players,

Today I've received confirmation that an individual I was recently in contact with is infected and was positively tested with COVID-19.

I myself am not feeling exactly well, and that's why I am taking a break from software development for the time being. Updates are therefore paused and will hopefully return soon.

Sorry, guys

- the SMD guy

[ 2020-12-21 17:49:27 CET ] [ Original post ]

Basic human decency

Hey people,

It has been a difficult time coping with the current situation and trying to stay above the ground.

I'll get straight to the point. Why the fuck are people buying early access games when they refund them right away and they don't even have the decency to write a reason in the box available with each refund request?? I have no problem with people refunding, it's their right, but saying nothing that'd help the dev improve his game seems unfair. Purchasing an early access game means that you become a part of the dev process, your opinion matters and you have the power to change the outcome of the game by providing feedback. I've fixed many, many issues pointed out by decent and honest reviews, DMs and emails from players around here.

That's all.

[ 2020-12-05 21:29:53 CET ] [ Original post ]

Beat Rush - Operation 'Lovestruck'

Hello players,

A very special event is coming to Beat Rush on Saturday!

There will be a giveaway of 25 keys for the first 25 to write to beatrush@smdtech.sk and asking for a copy. The copy will be yours to keep, no time limitations.

More info soon ...

[ 2020-12-03 01:37:22 CET ] [ Original post ]

2 new tracks!

Hey there,

A long time has passed during which no new songs were added to Beat Rush.

Today, I'm proud to announce two new songs that are joining the original soundtrack.
The game now contains 11 playable levels.

I hope you'll enjoy the music!

Thank you and have a nice day,

- the SMD guy

P.S.: the portal now replenishes your health ;-)

(These tracks are already released on streaming services, so if you wish to have a listen without playing the game, that's also an option.)

[ 2020-11-27 17:47:20 CET ] [ Original post ]

Vote for Beat Rush

Hey everyone!

The Steam Game Awards are here once again.

You can vote for a game in each category (for new games) and in 'Labor of Love' for games that have been around for a while.

Now, I know that Beat Rush is definitely not your first choice when looking at each of the categories.
But ... I'd like to ask the people who liked the game to vote for it in whichever category they see fit. It would help tremendously. Some people have already suggested the soundtrack category, so that might be it ...

anyway ...

Today I've pushed some technical updates (bugfixes, minor improvements) for Beat Rush and more to come. The spawning algorithm is slowly getting better and it already should be less aggressive in those higher levels.

I recently released a new track that I've been quietly working on for a while and it'll join Beat Rush's OST soon.

More obstacles are coming as well (around January).

The menus redesign is coming around February, but that might change.

As always, thank you, every single one of you, for being here and supporting SMD.

Much appreciated!!

[ 2020-11-26 00:37:02 CET ] [ Original post ]

Beat Rush updates are back!


Great news!
Beat Rush will start receiving occasional updates again.
I added a level progress indicator when playing in the level-up mode a little while ago, as requested by some players. More coming ...

A video explaining everything is also coming shortly.

Thanks for being here!

- the dev

[ 2020-11-13 15:41:33 CET ] [ Original post ]

Going out of service ... for now

Hello players,

Today I have some unfortunate news ...

Due to financial issues, I'm forced to temporarily shut down services provided by SMD Technologies and all updates to Beat Rush.

Until things are resolved, no new content will be added, but Beat Rush will stay on Steam. So the only thing that's changing for Steam players is that the game won't be updated until the matter that's going on is resolved.

Our website, https://smdtech.sk/, will be inaccessible for the time being.

Thank you for understanding!

P.S.: if you like SMD and/or the stuff that I make, you can support me via this link. It won't be forgotten.

[ 2020-11-11 11:20:32 CET ] [ Original post ]

Steam Rich Presence now implemented


We're sure you're used to this feature in other games. We know that it's nothing new.
As of now, Beat Rush also supports the Steam Rich Presence feature, which will show your in-game status under the name of the game in the chat window.

Thank you for being here and as always during this crisis, stay safe!

- the SMD guy

[ 2020-10-29 09:50:37 CET ] [ Original post ]

A wormhole has appeared!

Hey guys,

There wasn't any update for a few weeks, but today, we're bringing a wormhole to you!

At the end of the platform, you'll now see a wormhole, which will teleport you to the front of the platform. This wormhole will acquire more meaning in the future.

Enjoy and stay safe, everyone.

- the SMD guy

[ 2020-10-14 14:48:35 CET ] [ Original post ]

Infinite mode is here!

Hey everyone,

The mode the players have been asking for is now available!

Infinite mode is accessible from the main menu. You can play any song from the official soundtrack.
The longer you stay alive, the more distance points you accumulate. These distance points are visible in the upper right corner of your screen. These get published to the infinite mode leaderboard accessible from the main menu or our website, smdtech.sk. As of now, all of the songs are combined into one leaderboard, but that will change in future updates.

A multiplayer mode based within the infinite mode is coming, so stay tuned for upcoming updates.

Thank you and stay safe,

- the SMD guy

[ 2020-09-27 16:08:07 CET ] [ Original post ]

Leaderboards are here!

Good evening everyone,

Beat Rush's main game mode (which we call the 'level-up' mode) is now equipped with a public global leaderboard! After you finish a level, your blue points will be used as a metric to compare you with others. The main mode leaderboard is now accessible either from the main menu or using this link.

If you encounter any problems, don't hesitate to get in touch, you'll help fixing a possible issue.

Thank you and have a great day,

- the SMD guy

[ 2020-09-22 21:24:30 CET ] [ Original post ]

New ship features

Hello everyone,

Instead of just flying, jumping and having shields, ships 4 and higher are now equipped with a couple of brand-new capabilities. After you lose your shield, you'll be able to use the new features with the same button you use to regenerate the shield.

The first function is flying through obstacles without taking any damage for 10 seconds. To activate, you need at least 250 orange points.

Another function is destroying all obstacles (points too) everywhere around you. This will drain ALL of your orange points and obstacles will start spawning immediately after they are all removed. So basically this feature will clear out the platform for you to make more room. This function costs 200 orange points and will take precedence before the first function. This means that if you have between 200 - 249 of orange points, this function will activate, but if you have at least 250 orange points, the first one will fire up.

I hope you'll enjoy these new features and stay tuned for more updates, because there's a lot more where that came from!

- the SMD guy

[ 2020-09-12 12:59:02 CET ] [ Original post ]

Beat Rush now supports Discord Rich Presence


We have integrated Discord RPC functions into our game and now it'll display gameplay status when you have Discord running and playing Beat Rush.

Have fun.

- the SMD guy

[ 2020-09-10 17:27:00 CET ] [ Original post ]

A secret ship!

Good evening,

We've just released an update adding a new ship to the game.
You can unlock this ship by meeting certain hidden conditions.
When you do, a button will appear in the Shop and it'll be possible to equip it at no extra in-game cost.

We're continuing to fix bugs in the game.
A large GUI re-design is coming soon.

Have fun and stay safe!

- the SMD guy

[ 2020-09-04 19:46:38 CET ] [ Original post ]

9 complete levels in Beat Rush!


Today, we have officially released a cover for a track by Imagine Dragons called Whatever It Takes.
It's an electronic re-imagination of the original.

This song closes the first big part of Beat Rush. There are now 9 complete levels that you can fully enjoy.

We're hitting a pause with song production and are going to develop more ships, re-design the game's graphical user interface and integrate some new features for the existing ships.

Stay tuned to see more!

- The SMD dev team

[ 2020-08-17 15:05:36 CET ] [ Original post ]

We've just released a new track

Hello gamers,

As of today, a new track is out and we think it came out great.
It's called 'Dragons' and it's now in Beat Rush, level 8!

Stay tuned for upcoming updates and have a great day.
- The SMD team

[ 2020-08-06 11:12:26 CET ] [ Original post ]

A new song available in Beat Rush!

Hey people,

A new song is available in Beat Rush. It's called 'Action Potential' and we think you'll like it, so go and check it out.

Have fun,
- The SMD Technologies team

[ 2020-07-27 09:10:31 CET ] [ Original post ]

A new ship is now available for purchase!

Hello everyone,

as a part of our weekly updates, we've just released a new ship for you to purchase!
More ships are in development and more levels are coming very soon, so stay tuned.

- The Beat Rush Development Team

[ 2020-07-19 20:12:04 CET ] [ Original post ]

Beat Rush - Improved lighting and created some visual effects

Hello everyone,

We've created some visual effects for Beat Rush and adjusted lighting, so the game should now look a little better, from the visual standpoint.

More content coming soon, starting with a brand new ship with brand new features ...

Stay tuned!

- The developers behind Beat Rush

[ 2020-07-18 16:28:15 CET ] [ Original post ]

More levels, songs and ships coming to Beat Rush every week!


Every week, we'll be adding new content to our game, Beat Rush.
Most of the time, we'll add new levels and songs and once in a while, even new ships.

Stay tuned!
The SMD Technologies Dev Team

[ 2020-07-08 20:01:14 CET ] [ Original post ]

Beat Rush Early Access Release


Beat Rush is now being prepared for its Early Access release, which will take place on July 14 2020.
Stay tuned!

- The SMD Technologies Team

[ 2020-06-30 16:38:48 CET ] [ Original post ]