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Second month recap!

It's now been two months since Early Access started!

This second month has brought a plethora of new features, polish and balancing. As for the previous recaps, most of these features are based on community suggestions. Please provide suggestions on the Steam forum or Discord if there is something you would like to see in Nienix!

[h2]Quick-swapping engine and auxiliary items[/h2]
Quick-swapping ship now also swaps the engine and all auxiliary items. This should make it easier to play with two different builds (e.g., a fighter in one configuration and a cruiser in the other).

[h2]New items[/h2]
Targeting System: An auxiliary weapon that when fired makes all active summons target a given position. In addition, it creates a huge speed boost area of effect.
Hangars: Eight Fighter Hangars and four Frigate Hangars have been added. These have a requirement regarding ship size, and cannot be used with smaller ships. If you play with a large ship in end-game, you can summon a fleet with hundreds of fighters.
Experimental Sensor: Provides lower sensor range than the standard sensor, but in return provides random bonuses.
Frigates: Three new Frigate-class ships have been added (LTM Frigate P1-P3). These have a diameter between 100 and 150 meters.
Cloner T-2 Generator: Summons a Cloner T-2 drone that is larger and stronger that the Cloner T-1 variant.

[h2]New Continuum Entities[/h2]
Three new Continuum Entities have been added:
Sp-4 Fragment: Provides a specific modification to a given engine.
Mp-4 Fragment: Provides a random modification to a given engine.
Dye Fragment: Allows repainting a ship in a given color. Custom colors can be made by mixing dyes.

[h2]Engine mods[/h2]
Seven engine modifiers have been added. The mod extraction recipe works for these mods as well.
Glass Cannon: Increased attack speed at the cost of reduced resist all.
Heavy Shots: Increased damage at the cost of reduced attack speed.
Sturdy Hull: Increased hull at the cost of reduced damage.
Crit Mastery: Increased chance and damage of critical hits at the cost of reduced resistances.
Recovery Mode: Increased hull regeneration at the cost of reduced resistances.
Slow and Deadly: Increased damage at the cost of reduced boost velocity.
Tough Cookie: Increased resistances at the cost of reduced attack speed.

[h2]New features for the Storage[/h2]
Filters that make it possible to bulk-move different items to different storage tabs have been added.
The available space in the storage has been significantly increased (by a factor of 6x).
It is now possible to bulk-move items between the storage and the inventory.

[h2]Misc other new features[/h2]
The number of recipes that remain to be discovered is now presented in the UI.
All main quest dungeons have been enlarged to make the experience when playing with larger ships more enjoyable. Several new dungeons and caves have also been added.
It is now possible to set how hull bars, cooldown bars and item names should scale along with camera zoom. These options are presented in the general options section in the main menu. The default setting is 40%.
Passive drones (e.g., Cloner T-1 drones) can now drop in variants that make them fixed at the side, front or back of the ship.
The Xinthu skill "Turbo Drones" [2:3] has been added. This skill increases the speed of all drones with up to 300%.

[h2]Various bug fixes, polish (UI and sound effects) and balancing[/h2]
Apart from new features, there's been loads of balancing and some polish made. For example:
Many sound effects have been revised and five new sound effects have been added.
Many particle effects have been polished.
Enemy damage has been increased on overall.
The shared hull when swapping ships is now set base on percent from max hull (rather than as an absolute value). For example, if switching from a full-health fighter to a cruiser, the cruiser will also have full health.

Now, back to working on Act 4!


[ 2022-04-06 10:40:53 CET ] [ Original post ]