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Create your own experiences using the game editor!

[h2]Merry christmas and a happy new year![/h2]
Today's patch (1.06) bring two new major features: a game editor and the Dungeon Master mode!

The editor enables creating custom experiences and can be started through a button in the game, or alternatively, by running the executable "NienixEditor.exe" (Windows) or "NienixEditor" (Linux/MacOS) from the game directory.

Creating custom campaigns with your own rules and mechanics! You can, for example, add different triggers and outcomes (e.g., "destroy an enemy X opens a door Y"), write your own quests, specify your own rewards, and add map modifiers similar to those in Continuum Events. What other features that I add depend mostly on what you want to be able to do - please give me your suggestions!

The editor is integrated with the Steam workshop, which should make it easy for you to share the experiences that you create with others. There is a guide to the editor available here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3110920722

I have also uploaded an example mod that provide basic information about different features here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3097417872

Modded games uses a separate character sheet that ensures that progress is separated between mods and the campaign. You can clone any character in the campaign for the purpose of playing modded games.

Last, but not least: You gain a Steam achievement when you contribute with your first public mod to the community!

[h2]Dungeon Master[/h2]
Apart from the game editor, I am also excited to announce that a new game mode called Dungeon Master (DM) has been added! In this game mode, the hosting player acts as a dungeon master, and can manipulate the world to create custom challenges.

Acting as a DM is probably an especially fun experience if you do it for a mod that you have created.

The DM has a few important things that should be mentioned:

  • The DM can summon most enemies that have been defeated during the campaign. A few kinds of enemies are currently not supported.
  • The DM inherits the base progress of the selected character.
  • The DM can teleport by double-clicking a location in the map.
  • The DM can not open loot containers or pick up items from world-space. The DM can, however, interact with the storage as well as drop items in world-space.
  • Chat messages sent by the DM are presented as quest dialogues for the participating players.
  • Progress made by client players in DM games is separated from the standard campaign.
  • Progress is only saved for regular players (i.e., not for the DM).

Have fun! Im looking forward to trying out all your creations! steamthissteamthissteamthis


[ 2023-12-16 23:16:07 CET ] [ Original post ]