Alpha 220724 - Exclusive to supporters
- Reset player position button on pause menu
- Website "register.whs" for register and manage domains and ip address lease
- Website "controlhost.whs" for company management
- ContextBrain for fill fields with available informations
- Contract generator for generate automatic orders every 15~60 seconds as long you have an active package in ControlHost
- Slot for Networking Switch configuration on the last table in the NOC room (SwitchCP for configure switch available on next update)
- Command "rac setup usbX" for install OS image and other modules
- Texture for Networking Switch 1U
- Texture for tables on NOC room
- Floor texture on server room
- Flashlight intensity reduced
- Two HDD installed by default on Server 1U
- Spawn buttons for mobile ladder, computer crash cart and HDD
- Hard drives installed on equipment could break the complete loading of a save
- Possibility of connecting a cable directly to the connector even when the casual mechanics mode was active
In Web Host Simulator, a simulator with survival, you have to take care of you and at the same time create the a world's largest websites hosting company in his small apartment. Build your own headquarters, your own data center and deal with different situations and adverse choices.
Main features
For a good job, you need to take care of your needs;
Random events: lack of power and internet, damaged equipment, hacker attack, storm, among others;
Three game modes: Campaign, unlimited and training;
Everything around you will influence your productivity and happiness: Living in a good place, buying better equipment and objects, can help you;
Choose the products that your company will sell: Reseller, VPS, Cloud, Dedicated server or own data center;
Other features will be announced in the course of development.