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 Clam Man 2: Open Mic 






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PAX WEST 2023 and Open Mic update!

Heya folks!

Been a while since my last update - things have been pretty hectic lately!

The big thing coming up (for me, at least) is PAX West in Seattle, WA! I'll be there showing off a new and improved demo for Clam 2, so if you're going, come say hi and try it out! The booth number is 3026, so hope to see you there.

The second big thing is that once PAX is over, I'll be updating Open Mic with all the new features and polish that Headliner's been receiving! This means:

  • Three new stats!
    Assertion, Deadpan, and Luck have all been added to the game. The reasoning for this is twofold - firstly, four stats was great conceptually and helped me reduce scope for the prototype and initial release, but it's very limiting in both character building as well as leveling up. After a couple of in-game days and level-ups, most players will have above average stats in pretty much all four. The second reason is to vary in-game checks and dice rolls a little bit more - doing three consecutive checks in Detection is a lot less interesting than doing Detection, Deadpan, and Luck. More reactivity, more choices to be made.
  • Big UI update!
    I'm honestly astounded that the old UI made it into the demo now that I get to compare it to the new - it's way cleaner, nicer, and better in every way. Huge layer of polish.
  • Character creation rehauled!
    In the original demo, you picked your stats through a simple dialogue - this time there's both premade character selection and a much deeper character creation screen, including perks that give you bonuses and penalties to certain stats!
  • Entirely reworked intro!
    Probably the biggest point of feedback I got from the demo was that it felt too rigid and railroaded. Not anymore - now you'll be able to explore Snacky Bay Prime Mayonnaise and even do a couple quests, if you get the right or wrong roll results.
  • New voice acting!
    Along with the reworked intro comes a whole swath of freshly voiced characters. The voice actors did an amazing job and I'm excited to see reactions. Still not voicing the entirety of dialogues - only the introductions will be voiced!

    Keep an eye out for the update sometime after PAX - there's still a few changes I'll need to make to Open Mic, but in general it's ready for release!

    Have a good one,

  • [ 2023-08-29 00:14:00 CET ] [ Original post ]