Valand.... wait. No, no, no! WAIT A SECOND! HAH! Eldrea is calling once again. Eldrea needs you. One. More. Time. Two years ago a journey ended with the release of Chained Echoes. And it was just the start of another journey. Since the last patch for Chained Echoes was released, Mathias has been working on.... Ashes of Elrant, the official story DLC for Chained Echoes. The DLC takes place before the Crimson Wings set out for the final battle and will lead to new areas outside of Valandis! We would love to tell you more about the story, but everything would feel like a big spoiler! [previewyoutube=fZqH3IwghyA;full][/previewyoutube] https://store.steampowered.com/app/3350260/Chained_Echoes_Ashes_of_Elrant/
[ 2024-12-09 14:48:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Travelers of Valandis, As you know we are currently preparing the console versions for the Retail Editions for our Kickstarter Backers. After that? Well, we can't talk about what's next yet. We confirmed before we'll stay a little longer in Valandis. We'll talk about our plans once we are ready. But for now, we'd like to recommend some amazing games (cause we teamed up with them as we love them and we created a cool Steam Bundle)! Meticulously curated and brought together into a Steam bundle for their charming pixel artistry and immersive storytelling, these 3 games promise an unforgettable adventure for any RPG enthusiast. Unravel tales and embark on captivating quests set in worlds brimming with intrigue, heroism, and wonder.
Wandering Sword

Embark on an odyssey in this Chinese martial arts RPG. A tale of a young swordsman, shaped by feud and destiny, navigating the intricate world of pugilism, seeking the highest form of wuxia prowess. Wandering Sword is an excellent debut game and has all the hallmarks of a classic RPG. Do not overlook this superb indie gem! 9/10 RPGFan

Step into a world teetering on the edge. From quaint towns to curious creatures, arm yourself with a frying pan and mystic abilities as you dive into an unforgettable adventure. Eastward: This Engrossing Indie Action-RPG is a Knockout 10/10 Screen Rant
Chained Echoes

Journey across the expansive continent of Valandis. Wield a blade, channel arcane powers, or hop into a Mech. Bring harmony to warring kingdoms in this gripping 16-bit styled epic. Chained Echoes is simply the best RPG Ive played in a very very long time. 10/10 God is a Geek So, are you ready to leap into new worlds and take on challenges unknown? Buy the bundle. Buy the games. Experience the zenith of indie pixel art RPGs in this all in one ultimate collection! https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/35656/Grand_Pixel_Adventures/
[ 2023-10-26 15:41:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone, I hope you are doing great. We have a small little update fixing some issues.
- Fixed: Changing Sky Armor mode manually during certain frames in the Game Over menu
- Fixed: a bug that might have locked progress at the Farnsport tutorial crystal under certain circumstances
- Fixed: Overtime now working with agility buff
- Fixed: Incobyn-Berries removed from inventory when starting NG+ with the keep inventory function
- Fixed: Money subtracted for first weapon upgrade
- Fixed: The game locking when leaving the Aurora with Glenn in a SA under certain conditions
- Fixed: Translation errors
- Fixed: Other minor errors
- Changed: Ailment Traps poison damage output
[ 2023-09-21 07:26:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings members of the Crimson Wings! We've got some pretty cool news for you today. Chained Echoes just received Trading Cards on Steam. That also means some backgrounds are available and some emjois you can from now on use on Steam as well. Well. That's basically the news. But we'd like to give some background information on that as well! The Trading Cards were created by the amazing Mosqi, a member from the community and a well known artist who works with watercolors in first place. He created a super cool fanart for Chained Echoes and posted it on Twitter. We got in touch and asked him if he'd be interested in designing the Trading Cards for the game. And that's how things started.
[ 2023-07-07 07:16:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings everyone, We hope you still enjoy exploring Valandis. We also hope you like NG+ and experiment a bit around with it. While we can't confirm yet what's next for Chained Echoes, we'd like to confirm again that we will stay a little longer in Valandis. Those of you who participated in the Reddit AMA already knew that. However, let us be clear here: It will take a while till we can share further details. In other news, we just have applied a new update which comes with a few fixes. And one major change for a certain market: Thanks to our regional partner in China, WhisperGames, Chained Echoes is now available with Simplified Chinese!
- Added: Chinese language support
- Fixed: Quickstep not working properly
- Fixed: Kylians double Atk passive skill (finally)
- Fixed: Tiger skills ignoring physical barriers
- Fixed: invading a certain camp and causing area layering problems
- Fixed: a rare saving issue caused by last patch
- Fixed: Extender RAM
- Fixed: Changing resolution while in battle causing the CTB bar to change position
- Fixed: Translation errors
- Fixed: Other minor errors

[ 2023-06-22 13:03:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! Update v1.2 is here including the New Game + feature and small changes to the crystal crafting system. This update is live on Steam and will arrive on other platforms due to new content within the next 1-2 weeks. The New Game + feature unlocks after beating the game and having a cleared save file. You can choose this feature from the start menu. Details regarding crystal system changes can be read below. v. 1.2
- Added: New Game + option in the start menu when cleared save file is present
- Added: New way of obtaining crystals *
- Added: Crystal gather chains **
- Added: Option to lower running speed
- Added: More Stat Boosts and Passive Skills for Kylian for NG+
- Changed: Removing crystals from equipment yields the proper former crystal ***
- Changed: Selling equipment auto-removes the crystal
- Changed: Lowered chance of getting big crystals
- Changed: Crystals with a purity of 0 cant drop
- Changed: Smoother crafting menu navigation
- Changed: A few enemy stats
- Changed: Lowered bonus from agility passive and class emblem bonus
- Changed: Double Steps & Drunken Master dont stack.
- Fixed: bug regarding the Shaved Head boss
- Fixed: other minor bugs and collision errors
[ 2023-05-28 14:04:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello everyone! I hope you are doing fine. Today I finished a first small content update for the game that finally adds the Japanese language support as well as the option to read tutorials in the menu. Sorry for the delay. Please note that the update is live on Steam first. Other platforms usually follow a day later (except for the Nintendo Switch which might take a few more days). v. 1.1
- Added: Japanese language support
- Added: Option to re-read tutorials in the menu
- Fixed a bug where Mage Warriors Fire and Water attack wouldnt trigger oil and dry properly
- Fixed other minor bugs and collision errors
- Adjusted Phoenix Rise, Dragonfang, Elemental Pact
- Adjusted some Sky Armor stats
[ 2023-02-07 17:40:13 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi everyone! Here's a new patch with a few bug fixes. Currently, Im working on content patch v. 1.1 which will include new features such as the Japanese language support, re-reading tutorials in the menu and other minor stuff. In the content patch after that New Game + will be added. v. 1.06
- Fixed reload bug in Frydolins home
- Fixed a bug making it possible to skip the Assassin Girl battle
- Removed marker from north east Rohlan Fields map
- Fixed a bug that could cause the player to be locked on an island in a certain persons mind
- Fixed table colliders in an inn
- Fixed Randomage not getting added to the bestiary in rare cases
- Fixed a few collider issues in south west Perpetua
- Fixed a bug that locked the game when the player killed a certain end game boss while he was using Counter Stance
- Fixed a bug that led to a black screen when corrupted save files were present in the save directory
- Fixed a bug regarding the Shaved Head
- Fixed respawn of a certain boss in the final area
- Fixed error in price calculations with Zellors ability
- Fixed crystal size display bug in inventory
- Fixed some missing translations
- Fixed a bug that could occur when selling equipped skill RAM
- Fixed a bug where the Fire Attack passive would always trigger
- Fixed a bug that allowed taking actions during certain loading screens in cutscenes
- Fixed other minor bugs and collision errors
[ 2023-01-25 10:05:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hi, everyone. I wish you all a Happy New Year! A new patch is available for Steam. Other platforms will follow soon. v. 1.05
- Fixed a bug regarding saving between boss fights in Phyon Oasis
- Fixed amount of crystals displayed in the craft menu
- Fixed a bug that prevented some crystals from dropping
- Fixed Terror Terrier Amok skill
- Fixed an AI bug on the Titan Elemental
- Fixed a bug allowing to teleport out of Raphaels cave
- Fixed two Raphaels appearing in a certain cutscene
- Fixed certain ultra move buff effects to appear in wrong color
- Fixed Recruit Tehlla not appearing on Hermits Isle
- Fixed being able to open Reward Board during credits
- Fixed a progression bug after gathering info about Daimbert
- Fixed a bug regarding the Tadeye in the middle of Ograne Grottos
- Fixed other minor bugs
- Changed: Crit Up crystals now have the same chance to drop as other stat crystals
[ 2023-01-02 11:10:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings everyone, First of all, once again, thank you. Chained Echoes has crushed all our expectations already. With great success comes also a great amount of feedback. Here on Steam. On the Discord. On Twitter. On Facebook. Reddit. Even TikTok. We are overwhelmed. Thank you so much. That also means we just can't answer every thread, every question, every tweet. We wish we could but that's just impossible right now. That's why we're writing this post, to let you know what we are currently working on.
Patches & Updates
While we had an extensive beta phase with the Kickstarter Backers, some issues we didn't find. In most cases the savegame and crash issues result from edgecases. We're reading all the steam threads and the messages on other platforms and we're currently fixing one issue after the other. Keep in mind that due to certification processes on consoles, console patches require some time to be released.
Additional Languages
We'll unlock Japanese probably next week on PC. Further languages are not planned at this moment. We know that there are quite a few of you requesting it in Chinese and Spanish. And while we would love to have these languages in the game, we need to make decisions based on numbers. Yes, both languages are the two most spoken languages on the planet, yet sales wise the territories are, especially for indie games, not doing too well. If Chained Echoes had less words, that'd be not a big deal but with more than 200.000 words, the situation is a different one.
Future Content Plans
Matthias is currently working on NG+ and some smaller Quality of Life improvements. Anything else, may it be a DLC or a Sequel... honestly, we haven't really thought about that just yet. Once we're finished with patching the critical issues you've found, we'll sit together and discuss possible options. Once again. Thank you.
[ 2022-12-21 09:53:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, patch v. 1.04 is live on Steam. Other platforms will follow soon.
- Fixed a bug that prevented Glenn from learning a certain skill leaving him with 1 GS at the end of the game
- Fixed getting the item reward for avoiding optional battles in Phyon Oasis
- Fixed a bug where enemies were unable to take a turn once a character reached a certain speed
- Fixed a bug in the boss battle in Raminas Tower
- Fixed a display bug in the crystal inventory when throwing away crystals
- Fixed inventory not showing all crystals
- Fixed Mikahs Ultra Move killing an enemy over and over
- Fixed a bug regarding HP on level up (characters now have a bit more HP)
- Fixed some strings missing a translation
- Fixed a save load position issue in the quest Into The Maelstrom
- Fixed Crit Damage Up
- Fixed other minor issues
- Changed: Agility stat raised by equipment and passive now clamps at 50 (raising agi in battle can get past this limit. This change needs more testing but this should fix a few problems for the moment)
- Changed: Agi Up stats
- Changed: Agi Up crystals have the same chance to drop like other stat up crystals
- Changed: Glenn now learns TP Cost Down instead of Chemistry
[ 2022-12-20 16:43:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello, patch 1.03 is here. It will arrive on other platforms shortly. Notes:
- Fixed an enemy freezing the game upon its death in late game
- Fixed Sienna breaking sequence in Farnsport
- Fixed a few save reload issues
- Fixed an issue with a cutscene in the Phyon Oasis where A. joins
- Added a method to reset the pillar puzzle in the last area of the ruins
- Fixed discarding crystals before finishing the tutorial
- Fixed Petal Storm + and Pressure Point
- Fixed zoning errors
- Fixed Class Skills having too much of an effect on the overdrive under certain conditions
- Fixed a late game boss respawning
- Removed an unnecessary Unity Analysis library
- Removed the ability to teleport while in the Into the Maelstrom quest (If you are outside, walk to the back of Magnolias room ro re-enter)
- Removed ability to sell Sky Armor color palettes
- Fixed other small issues
[ 2022-12-14 13:23:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Can you imagine? Seven years. Seven years of blood, sweat, tears and more. The journey isn't over, it has just begun. But today, right now, this moment while we are writing these words, this moment is an important milestone for the game. Chained Echoes is out now. Developer Matthias and I, Michael from Deck13, Publisher of the game, want to say thanks. Thank you all for your support. Thank you for believing in the project. Thank you for making this dream come true. Thank you. And now: Enjoy the game. [previewyoutube=sttWaY-2Leo;full][/previewyoutube] P.S.: If you encounter any bugs, feel free to join the official Discord Server linked on the Steampage. And regarding the Japanese translation: It didn't make it in time for the release. We are currently checking it and will unlock it via a beta branch soon in case you want to help us checking for errors. We'll update the game asap.
[ 2022-12-08 13:03:02 CET ] [ Original post ]
Yes, the game is coming along fine. Kickstarter Backers will get an invite very soon for the Beta. But today, we'd like to invite everyone (besides Alpha Backers. You've got access anyways) to give the Gamescom Demo a try. You have Chained Echoes on your wishlist but don't know if you might enjoy the game? Play the demo to get an idea of how the systems work. You don't have it on your wishlist just yet? Oh my, check the demo and put it on your wishlist! We'll keep the demo available till mid September so that you have enough time to give it a try. And it contains quite some content already. You'll be able to experience the first two hours of the game. And we'd also love to hear your feedback!
[ 2022-08-23 10:00:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
[previewyoutube=CnPRhTvpOl8;full][/previewyoutube] That's it. That's the post.
[ 2022-04-22 12:00:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
We haven't posted here for a while now. We've been busy with finishing the Alpha version of Chained Echoes. And guess what? We're done. The alpha has been sent out to Kickstarter Backers this morning. What does the Alpha include?
- It contains the whole main story. This equals roughly 30 - 40 hours of content (But we'd like to hear how long it did take you, maybe we have to adjust the numbers)
- Sidequests and optional areas are not included
- Lack of polish in all areas (Lots and lots of missing assets, you will notice what isn't finished just yet)
- Everything pertaining to airships is not in the alpha
- Cutscenes are all done, but lack polish (i.e., some animations and lots of sound effects and lots of assets)
- Most battle animations are missing (makes the battles quicker though!)
- Game difficulty / balancing is all over the place (we'd like to hear feedback from you!)
- There will be bugs (of course!), but hopefully nothing game breaking!
[ 2022-03-02 09:12:10 CET ] [ Original post ]
We got the first questions already, why the demo was taken down. The reason is rather simple: We took part in the digital Gamescom event this year and prepared the Demo for this only. We decided to keep it online for a few more days, so that people could still check it out. However, the time has come: We've deactivated the build for now. We have read lots and lots of feedback. Here on Steam. And on social media. We even grinded through Reddit. And yep, also via Discord. Thank you all for participating, it has been a cool experience so far - and we now know even more that we're on the right track. But will the Demo return? Eventually. Kickstarter Backers for the Alpha Tier can still play the build. However, as explained before, this Demo was a very early version. To be absolutely transparent here: It was even a first playable. While certain features and functions are already way farer in development than what we did showcase, most of the features and contents are still far away from being finished. So we hacked together a small vertical slice to show you what we are working on. And to test some things (e.g. the Overdrive system for Combat. Which, in the final game, will be a bit more complex - but we needed to test if people like it). The question if the demo will return is not an easy one to answer. There might be additional digital shows in the future. And we might participate. And we might use the demo (and update it slightly, maybe even the achievements only?) for these situations. But we don't know yet. What's next? Don't expect to see too much new stuff all of a sudden. Chained Echoes is still quite far away. Q4 2021 is still more than a year from now. And the next weeks we'll reuse a lot from the Demo for Social Media as well. That saves us some time to focus on making some actual progress in terms of development in return.
[ 2020-09-09 12:00:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
Nothing has changed. Chained Echoes is still not releasing anytime soon. We are currently working with the aim to release the game in late 2021. In early to mid 2021 we plan to hand out the playable Alpha version to the Kickstarter Backers. Followed by the official Beta later that year. A lot of work has to be done, many features are still heavily work in progress, others have yet to be touched. But we're making good progress. And as of today, we'd like to make clear: From now on you'll hear more and more about the game as Gamescom is our kickoff for talking more about it. That also means that for the very first time, you, yes you, get the chance to play Chained Echoes for a limited time. In a world before 2020, we would now be at our Booth at Gamescom, showing off a first playable Demo to visitors and press. But due to the global situation, this is currently not possible. However, Gamescom was not canceled. It went online. And we're part of it, as we joined forces with the Indie Arena. And thanks to these amazing people, Chained Echoes now has a playable demo for everyone to try out. It is a pre-alpha demo and on a trade show we'd be standing right next to you, explaining you the features which are in, which are yet to be implemented or which were cut for the sake of having a demo available. A few of you already spotted the demo and gave us tons of feedback via Discord, Twitter, Reddit and Steam. And we're reading all of it. Every single written line. And we're thankful for it. Let us explain a few things upfront however:
- There is no progression system in the demo. The skills are not upgradeable. The weapons aren't either. The system is, more or less, in place already but for the demo we had to cut it out and change the balancing.
- The Combat System is not yet fully finished. You will still have fun (at least we hope so) but especially the Overdrive system will be way more complex in the final game, offering multiple stages of Overdrive and Overheat.
- The dialogues were written exclusively for the Demo. There are no story spoilers in the Demo. And there aren't that many dialogues just yet. And not many options. The GUI for these, also when exploring the world, is just placeholder stuff.
- There are no real options in the Demo. And the Dualshock layout has not yet been implemented.
- The Menus are not finished
- Everything you see may change. We tease quite a few features but do not really show them off. Again: Keep in mind this is very much pre-alpha.
[ 2020-08-27 17:05:59 CET ] [ Original post ]
On Saturday we'll be live with a dev stream. Swing by to watch us play our own demo. We'll be hosting a Q&A, so feel free to ask your questions about Chained Echoes in the chat.
[ 2020-08-27 15:15:52 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
- [786.31 M]
Chained Echoes is a story-driven game where a group of heroes travel around the vast continent of Valandis to bring an end to the war between its three kingdoms. In the course of their journey, they will travel through a wide array of diverse landscapes spanning from wind-tanned plateaus and exotic archipelagos to sunken cities and forgotten dungeons.
Key Features:
- 20-25 hours of play time
- Fast paced turn-based battles
- No random encounters; enemies can be seen running around
- Tons of items to be looted, stolen or crafted
- Complex skill and equipment system
- Customize your own airship
- Travel and fight by foot or in your Mech
- 16-bit SNES style graphics
- Music inspired by PSX RPGs
[ 6040 ]
[ 1538 ]
[ 1732 ]