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v0.1.2 Update

We've finally finished testing / debugging for Full Controller Support. This update introduces the feature as well as a host of bug fixes and a few other miscellaneous improvements.

Here are the patch notes:

[h3]October 20th, 2020 - Patch Notes[/h3]

-Softened the Spirit Slash sfx.
-Fixed a bug where Settings, See Deck, See Discard Pile, Hero Info, and Pass Turn could be selected while a memory was following mouse cursor.
-Fixed a bug where Upgraded memories with 0 mana cost couldn't be played if you had 0 mana left.
-Fixed a bug where defeating multiple enemies with DoT (Burning) on last wave of a floor caused Victory to appear twice.
-Fixed a bug where enemies defeated by DoT (Burning) didn't count toward Victory energy gains.
-Fixed a bug where memories would be drawn after the match ended if last enemy was defeated by DoT (Burning).
-Fixed a bug with a Medal associated with high combo meter not being rewarded when the battle ended before combo was reset.
-Fixed a bug where the Event UI would persist after completing an Event.
-Fixed a bug where 'Discount' status effect would persist across waves (should only last one wave).
-'Wave' UI text has been moved to the top-center of the UI.
-DeckEditor now has a green highlight to show the memory currently hovered, for better keyboard/controller readability.
-Added new Settings: Disable Control Guides & Control Guide Type
-Added Full Controller Support
-Added automatic controller detection (facilitates swap between Keyboard and Controller on-screen help guides).
-Mouse cursor now automatically hides off-screen when a controller button is pressed in most contexts.
-DeckEditor now has on-screen controls help guide.
-Gameplay now has on-screen controls help guide.
-Various other screens now have on-screen controls help guide.
-Scrollbars in the view screens no longer appear if there is no Deck or Discard Pile to display.
-'Remembrance' memory cost is now 0 (from 1).
The memory was essentially useless. Now, it will help draw faster and synergize with other memories.
Note that the upgrade for this memory no longer does anything (we will revisit upgrading in a future update).
-Map options now have better readability when hovered.
-Some tutorial screens have been updated to reflect controller support.
-Added a consolidated Status Effects screen for keyboard/controller gameplay.

Note: You'll need to start a New Game for this update, as it changes many of the game's core mechanics.

This is a large update so if you find any bugs or issues, please post in Discussions > Bug Reports or send the info to sypherzent@gmail.com.

[h3]Early Access Roadmap Update[/h3]

We mentioned that we were going to change the roadmap slightly to reflect some new systems that are coming. Well, the new roadmap is now available and you can see it on the Store Page! 'Chaos Memories' has been moved to the backburner, and we've listed the Upgrade System overhaul as well as the Crafting System. We've also moved the timing around to reflect our work focus for the next few updates.

[h3]Crafting System[/h3]

The next update revolves around introducing a new system to the game: Crafting! You'll be able to collect loot from the monsters and between your runs (from Main Menu) you'll have access to the crafting menu.

The system will allow you to attempt recipes randomly, but it'll also save failed attempts so you don't have to try them over-and-over. You could find all recipes by process of elimination, or you could simply continue to defeat bosses through normal gameplay. Bosses will have a chance to drop unknown recipes, allowing you to just save your loot until you know what to craft.

This crafting system will be expanded as new characters and elements get introduced to the game. For initial launch, there will be four functional recipes introducing four new memories to the game: 2 new Knight memories and 2 new Fire memories. Once all four characters and all four elements are implemented, we're aiming to have 16 recipes per act for a total of 64 possible crafted memories.

That's all for this update! We'll have more information on the Upgrade Overhaul and Act 2 once the Crafting System is complete. Stay tuned!

[ 2020-10-30 18:05:21 CET ] [ Original post ]