Hello everyone!
I know this release took a lot longer than expected but its finally here. Thank you everyone for the patience as I got this release together. This will be the final some-what large release before the final release in December. I will still release bug fixes here and there before the final 1.0 release.
This originally was not going to be a beta release, but lots of small issues have cropped up and delayed this release by quite a bit. I like to test each release for at least a few days without any major bugs, but unfortunately this release kept experiencing some pretty strange major issues. I seem to have all of the bugs ironed out, so this release should be stable but just in case I have opted to just make it a beta release for now.
For those of you who want to checkout this beta release, you can follow these instructions to install the beta branch: https://boppygames.gg/?page_id=658
Warning: You may want to backup your save file before you checkout the beta branch if you want to be able to revert. Once a file is upgraded to the beta, it cannot be reverted back to 0.4.8. This release is backwards compatible with all 0.4.X releases so you should be able to automatically upgrade any recent file.
I'm proud to announce the long awaited launch of the Armadillo, a vehicle that can be used to traverse Ondor and Catador more quickly. The Armadillo also comes with additional storage for the player to use to store items while building outposts and structures.

The Armadillo cannot be used to kill enemies, for now you kind of just bounce off of them. The Armadillo is also a lot of fun to drive and I think its a great addition to the game.
Fusion Reactor
One of the most unbalanced parts of the game up to this point has been the power. There has only been a single way to produce power through the steam engine and that has remained the only power source into Technology Tier 2. With the launch of the Fusion Reactor, this changes the mid game and late game power source for players. Now you can combine Deuterium and Catacalysmite to produce power through the Fusion Reactor.

The Fusion Reactor can be unlocked after the Portal to Catador is unlocked. This release is also backwards compatible with older saves so you should be able to unlock and build it now.
Balance Changes
- Centrifuge power requirement 2.5kW => 20.15kW
- Lava Pump power requirement 0.25kW => 24.25kW
- Powered Miner power requirement 0.55kW => 1.55kW
- Powered Furnace power requirement 8.25kW => 1.825kW
- Item Transport Hub power requirement 3kW => 8.1kW
- Oil Derrick power requirement 1.75kW => 2.25kW
- Fusion Reactor produces 31.5kW
There were more balance changes planned for this release, but I don't want to introduce a bunch of changes in such a small release. I am going to aggregate the more major changes to the 1.0 release.
Known Issues
- There seems to be a common crash on integrated graphics, I am still looking into this. Likely an upgrade to the unity engine version will fix this.
Thank you everyone who has submitted bug reports and hangs out in the stream. Again, the next major release will be the 1.0 release coming in December. If you want to see me work on it live on stream, checkout the link to the twitch stream below.
Thanks again everyone,
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCwEkbpmzIaxdEfdVTQEINw
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/yY9wHNn
Twitch: boppygames
Website: https://boppygames.gg
[ 2021-11-08 22:54:53 CET ] [ Original post ]