Patch Notes - 1.0-2
[ 2023-11-09 10:35:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
This is Part2 of 1.0 Patch Notes visible below
- Wolfs are more transparency on Ikki summons to improve readability. [hr][/hr]
- The daggers of Ayla are now yellow on all animations. [hr][/hr]
- Some Zodiacs intro videos had white fade out. [hr][/hr]
- All Zodiacs intro videos quality has been improved. [hr][/hr]
- All basic attack icons have been reworked. [hr][/hr]
- Ayla shadow mark on enemies is now more visible. [hr][/hr]
- Added many prisons in worlds background to understand better how it works. [hr][/hr]
- The "dodge" effect is more bigger and more visible. [hr][/hr]
- Spirit Sword are more transparent to improve readability. [hr][/hr]
- Removed Shockwaves effect on Ice idols for better readability. [hr][/hr]
- Improved visual of shield on Capricorn summon. [hr][/hr]
- Fishes are more transparenct on Pisces summons to improve readability. [hr][/hr]
- Text multiplicator is now in the middle for clearer visibility in Path of Destiny selection. [hr][/hr]
- Improved visuals of Red Lasers in world 4 and in Andromeda's Challenges. [hr][/hr]
- Increased size and improved visuals of Crystal Jump elements. [hr][/hr]
- Improved/Added Red feedback for enemies attacks: W1 - Wild grass both attack Black seed attack Fungal being explosion + bigger hitbox Logbear both attacks W2 - Lava Scorpio attack Infernal wings melee attack Wrath Spirit one attack Fire Naga both attacks Fire Golem fall attacl W3 - Giant snake red feedback more visible W4 - Electric seed vertical flare when attacking Thunder cycles 3 attacks red feedbacks Blade Storm red feedback on dash attack [hr][/hr]
- Lupus and Draco ultimates could not be their first attack when their ultimate bar is full. [hr][/hr]
- Improved visual feedback for Lupus and Draco. [hr][/hr]
- Better Feedback on Invincibile Star Guardian Attacks. [hr][/hr]
- Changed position of effects, Ayla mark and Octave target on Star Guardians and Zodiacs. [hr][/hr]
- Taurus Fight: - swords in air attack - Many improvement on feedback - dash attack - bigger smoke FX when dashing + more visible ghost effect and changed color to blue - dash attack - reduced time when hitting side wall - waves attack - vertical flare when swords hit ground + rocks particles - waves attack - slashes with glow - waves attack - ghost effect more visible and additive - waves attack - added red feedback - slashes attack - added red feedback - slashes attack - flare on sword - slashes attack - very small duration ghost duration - melee attack - smoke every slash wrong side and change anim + go slightly further - ultimate - flare vertical when preparing attack - ultimate - make heatwave more visible [hr][/hr]
- Virgo Fight: - reduced brightness on most attacks - electric spheres - random color on projectiles - electric spheres - smoke fx on each side of Virgo when creating spheres - electric spheres - trail of projectiles should depend of projectiels sizes - light swords attack - red feedback appear faster, stay longer (until projectiles start) + random color on projectiles + red feedback round around each sword about to explode + removed invincibility - double dash attack - brightness + red feedback more visible + behind everything + flare vertical - double dash attack - crawling energy + progressively spawning swords when reaching the ground - ultimate - removed ghost effect when Virgo moves up - ultimate - circles + smoke on ground + shakescreen + shockwave when Virgo transforms - ultimate - random color on explosions - ultimate - bigger smoke explosion - ultimate - patterns were not centered with the middle of the arena - explosion attacl - progressive color change + hit box hit for several frames instead of 1 frame [hr][/hr]
- Capricorn Fight: - Added feedback on projectiles - Destiny level 6 attack - red feedback more visible [hr][/hr]
- Leo Fight: - Giant rocks attack - more visible feedback - less brightness on Leo - rocks and vertical flare when starting anim - ghost on giants rocks path - Jump melee attack - higher red feedback - Throw Axe attack - reduced brightness + improved opacity red feedback - Throw Axe attack - ghost effect when he teleports - Throw Axe attack - glow on axe + ghost effect more visible on it [hr][/hr]
- Sagittarius Fight: - base attack - red circle feedback - fire explosions attack - trail polish visuals and projectiles visual polish - fire explosions attack - random color on projectiles/explosions - fire tentacles attack - smoke behind her when she shoots, and get the shuriken back at the end, ghost effect when she teleports is on wrong side, ghost effect more visible but for less time - fire tentacles attack - heatwave behind+darker background - fire tentacles attack - bigger smoke fx on ground when she prepares - fire tentacles attack - red feathers when she prepares at the beggining! - fire tentacles attack - less brightness on Sagittarius + jump visual effect + progressive color changes on the projectiles - ultimate - improved trails of arrow shoots +more transparent + random colors + reduced brightness for more lisibility - ultimate - we could see the top of main explosion [hr][/hr]
- Pisces Fight: - Ice clones attack - Camera does not follow Pisces in this attack so camera does not move all around. - most feedback more visibles [hr][/hr]
- Scorpio Fight: - Surf attack - Reduced brightness on red feedbacks - spears diagonal attack - added a vertical flare in diagonal when launching first spear + ghost effect when spear fall vertical - spears on ground attack - red feedback of spear on ground + better visual feedback - ultimate - particles converging at start, horizontal flare of weapon angle, reduced brightnes, red feedback following player at each attack, Scorpio jumped off his spear too early after the final dash to ground attack [hr][/hr]
- Most flashes during fight should now be behind players/enemies instead of in front for better lisibility. [hr][/hr]
- Visual feedback addition on Zodiacs, Star Guardians & enemies invincibility, replaced old ethereal effects on first world Zodiacs. [hr][/hr]
- Papa Yalee: - Added portrait in background - Portraits and names are hidden if you didn't meet the character yet - Increased font size of text - Improved visuals overall - Global rewriting of texts - Player 2 opening UI has a better position to read texts [hr][/hr]
- Zim-Zim: - If player 2 opens UI, descriptions now displays on the left - UI global polish [hr][/hr]
- Global improvement of readability of characters with background by making all background a bit less satured and a bit less luminous [hr][/hr]
- Improved max level color when level 12 [hr][/hr]
- Polish intro of Octave And Calie [hr][/hr]
- Changed font for the all numbers [hr][/hr]
- Many elements in exploration/fight levels were misplaced. [hr][/hr]
- Merchant has the good colors now on spell rarity, same for spells loot [hr][/hr]
- Added "dodge feedback" visual on Kiran Counter. [hr][/hr]
- The aura upgrader icon was not properly aligned and added bilinear on it. [hr][/hr]
- The Cetus Category titles was not properly aligned. [hr][/hr]
- Removed some outlines in different places, mainly for elements visible enough where outlines was not improving lisibility. [hr][/hr]
- Made Save icon more visible. [hr][/hr]
- Moved most shockwaves effect behind characters to improve lisibility. [hr][/hr]
- The "shadow mark" of Ayla is better placed on enemies overall. [hr][/hr]
- Improvement of elite Aspects with better feedback. [hr][/hr]
- Camera improvement when the player sits on benches. [hr][/hr]
- Added visual of Ordan giving us first sun pieces batch when unlocking Zim-Zim. [hr][/hr]
- Changed Starfield effect when DL6+ in Path of Destiny selection. [hr][/hr]
- Arrow feedbacking when bar is open in Andromeda's bar. [hr][/hr]
- Added more visual godrays in Cetus' Cavern. [hr][/hr]
- Added vertical rays of color to show categories in Cetus' Cavern. [hr][/hr]
- Added vertical rays of color to show categories in Sun Room. [hr][/hr]
- Cetus was too often active when not above a category loot. [hr][/hr]
- Pavo's Ruins had birds while it was not supposed to. [hr][/hr]
- Yalee kingdom placement of yalee on rocks is more natural now. [hr][/hr]
- Bar door was not centered. [hr][/hr]
- Plushies added back in bar. [hr][/hr]
- Sova Echo visual had no glow, reimported with glow. [hr][/hr]
- Better visibility of incoming danger from world 2 sand Shark. [hr][/hr]
- Radial Blur effects has been visually improved. [hr][/hr]
- Outline effect has been visually improved to work with objects having glow. [hr][/hr]
- Some flickering could be seen on portraits / trees due to compression.
Narrative Design
- Improvement on Echoes descriptions and inventory loots. [hr][/hr]
- NPCs dialogues now prioritize Zodiacs related dialogue if they have other less important dialogues to display. [hr][/hr]
- Major review of all texts in all languages, in particular for Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese & Traditional Chinese [hr][/hr]
- Bar "Talk to" -> "Invite to join" is clearer to invite Zodiacs to join. [hr][/hr]
- Signature spells were still referred as "Utility Spell" in the options. [hr][/hr]
- Many elements were too long in french so we reduced some texts length. [hr][/hr]
- Fixed many places where the texts was not displaying what the Voice dialogues were saying. [hr][/hr]
- Prevented Contextual dialogues to be displayed too small if text was too large. Now window adapts to the text not the opposite. [hr][/hr]
- Added Context Dialogues: - Fighting Shadow Clones of your hero - Fighting Shadow Clones of other heroes - Defeating Shadow Clones of your hero - Defeating Shadow Clones of other heroes - Seeing Elites - Defeating Elites - Entering Echo Isles - Entering Eclipse Room - Defeating Eclise Room - Added context dialogue on void catalyst and Telescope - Enter The Forge - Activate Void Catalyst abilities - Entering Event Horizon - Selecting Telescope element - Extended found Gambits - Found Mythic gambits - Found Astral gambits - Different sentences depending of spells quantities - Extended out of Mana texts - Contexts for each type of stones (life / strength / attack speed / max mana / armor / critic chances) and global random ones - Equipping Auras more variations - Find Feathers more variations - Pick Feathers more variations - Reset Merchant choices - Buy from Merchant more variations - More variations when making a very high quantity of damage - Low life more variations - Finishing Fight Rooms more variations - Starting Fight Rooms more variations - Entering The Void more variations - A lot more variations when entering first room of world 1 / 2 / 3 /4 - Cetus' Cavern more variations - Pavo's Ruins more variations - Sacrificing HP at Pavo's Ruins more variations - Win Lottery more variations - Buying drinks at Andromeda's more variations - New context when special drinks of Andromeda's - More variations when no healing crystals available - Perfect Fight Rooms more variations - More variations when healing - A lot more variations when entering Zodiacs rooms - More variations when defeating Star Guardians - More variations when reaching end of Explo/Fight Rooms - More variations randomly when entering Explo rooms - More variations when taking Yalee Tickets - More variations when taking Memory Fragments - A lot more variations when sitting on benches - More variations when seeing Chamaeleon - More variations when picking an Echo - More variations when entering Sun/Moon Rooms - More variations when summoning Echoes for some cases - Zim-Zim more variations when buying elements - Sova dialogues when starting an escape - Merchant more variations when unlocking elements - Oloon more variations when unlocking elements - Andromeda greeting players entering the room, more variations - Andromeda saying good bye more variations - Andromeda commenting our drinks more variations - All Zodiacs now sometimes taunt heroes during fight - All Zodiacs now have a special sentence if they defeat you [hr][/hr]
- Calie and Ayla dialogues have been fully re-recorded (by same voice actors) for a small change of personality [hr][/hr]
- All NPCs voice lines have been fully re-recorded for consistency of records and Sova + Merchants voice slightly changed [hr][/hr]
- Fully re-voiced Taurus for voice consistency and fully re-voiced Aquarius to make sentences faster [hr][/hr]
- Added Narration Elements: - Dialogues with Zodiacs are often 4 dialogues instead of 3 - Dialogues with Zodiacs are often 4 dialogues instead of 3 - New dialogues progression when sitting on Benches for each hero - Oloon new progression of dialogues about gossips of other NPCs - Ordan now talks about Zodiacs instead of Ikki - Bapy now has progression dialogues about heroes feelings - Progression dialogues with Andromeda for each hero - Global progression dialogues with Andromeda - Heroes can now talk between each others depending of progression [hr][/hr]
- Many reworked elements of dialogues / context for consistency and update of the lore
- Changing languages is only possible in Main Menu now [hr][/hr]
- Modified/improved default keyboard inputs [hr][/hr]
- Removed Banner for updates on Main Menu [hr][/hr]
- Credits have been updated [hr][/hr]
- Removed Banner for updates on Main Menu [hr][/hr]
- Removed Yamat character icons on Merchant and Memory library (will be re-added later when DLC is released) [hr][/hr]
- Removed "Dev Message" when the game launches. [hr][/hr]
- Added a pop-up to warn Early Access players that it is adviced to start a new save. [hr][/hr]
- Updated musics for Jukebox
Bug Fixes
- The auras with condtion ""X created"" the cooldown is updated when the effects are created, not at the same time (which prevented the same effect from being activated several times in a row) for following Auras: - Frozen Overpower - Saplings Wrath - Missiles Overload - Thick Yalee [hr][/hr]
- Aura "Catnip II and Catnip III" the descriptions of the rare and mythic version were not in the correct order. [hr][/hr]
- Aura Electrifying Touch III- Now works correctly. [hr][/hr]
- Sova's benediction did not increase the level of the feather in "Pavo's room". [hr][/hr]
- Bapy summon stars only gave stars 1 time per world. [hr][/hr]
- Forbidden Knowledge perk of Ayla was not working. [hr][/hr]
- The perk "double mox" of Calie didn't work. [hr][/hr]
- Coop - Octaves "Pluvia" shoots out of the coop partner instead of the player using it. [hr][/hr]
- The fireshield effect was not DT proof. [hr][/hr]
- Nimbus shoot SFX were missing. [hr][/hr]
- Frostbyte FX on enemies would go in front of players. [hr][/hr]
- Summons Zodiacs: - Fixed bug when on some summons that made players go behind bosses and enemies after being summoned - Fixed bug on Leo summon that created Embers instead of ignition - Fixed bug on Sagittarius summon which was not targeting enemies - Fixed bug on many zodiacs summon not targeting enemies correctly - Zodiac summon in air would not always reach targets on ground [hr][/hr]
- The Quartz reward of Chamaeleon Lottery no longer gives the maximum amount of quartz each time. [hr][/hr]
- Fixed issue on Chamaeleon altar when taking a 5 keys chests. [hr][/hr]
- Shadow Clones didn't have collisions with players. [hr][/hr]
- community inspired Ikki echo from Void Catalyst would give a Zim-Zim echo. [hr][/hr]
- Fixed World 3 puddles that could appear outside of the ground (ceiling, walls etc). [hr][/hr]
- Fixed World 4 rain drops that could appear outside of the ground (ceiling, walls etc). [hr][/hr]
- Fixed Astral Spirits that could appear outside of the ground (ceiling, walls etc). [hr][/hr]
- Fixed Elite Aspect Thunder that could appear outside of the ground (ceiling, walls etc). [hr][/hr]
- World 3 Medusa element spawned Slimes on hits. [hr][/hr]
- Using Ayla's signature spell on Taurus during his ultimate would make Ayla go below ground. [hr][/hr]
- Aquarius Fight: - DL6+ attack loop sound design would remain all the time if Aquarius was defeated during the attack. [hr][/hr]
- Visual effects could remain on bosses when teleporting (example freeze FX). [hr][/hr]
- community inspired Leo and Pisces could become endlessly invincible if they reached their ultimate before launching their first attacks. [hr][/hr]
- Camera was not following correctly players and bosses during Zodiac fights (not unzooming if Zodiac was far). [hr][/hr]
- Camera was moving a bit higher when Zodiacs were not on screen. [hr][/hr]
- Everytime you relaunch merchants choices the loot FX would cumulate. [hr][/hr]
- We could access inventory during Zodiac summons. [hr][/hr]
- Some Texts could be cut in Bapy's achievement UI. [hr][/hr]
- Input to get all loots in Bapy's and Papa Yalee's could be changed by changing inputs leading to inputs issues unwanted [hr][/hr]
- Dialogue contexts could happen twice in a row. [hr][/hr]
- The timer during challenges was not paused when opening menu or summoning Zodiacs. [hr][/hr]
- "Embers" hint was not displayed in English language. [hr][/hr]
- In Sun Room ans Cetus room, the "toxic gas" effect Hint was not displayed. [hr][/hr]
- Optimization/fixed issue for elements happening "every X second". [hr][/hr]
- "Best client" achievement of Bapy was not working. [hr][/hr]
- Spread ice auras was not working in Coop mode. [hr][/hr]
- community inspired In fight room in Coop mode, the P2 could be stuck in a wall at the start of a room [hr][/hr]
- community inspired Possible hardlock in coop at the perks statue fixed. [hr][/hr]
- The Echoes icons on UI would flash when being hit. [hr][/hr]
- Pavo could break the perk "Warrior's pride" and achievements "perfect" on bapy (like "kill X enemies without getting hit etc...) [hr][/hr]
- community inspired The calculation of damage/crits/full life damage has been fixed. [hr][/hr]
- Fixed many code apparition in dialogues. [hr][/hr]
- Fixed bug on Kiran counter perk that could create too many effect in one time. [hr][/hr]
- community inspired Fixed music in Elite fight room that was too loud if coming from the Forge room. [hr][/hr]
- In the Merchant, price icon brightness could remain very high if spell changed while brightness is high. [hr][/hr]
- community inspired Visual feedback could remain after defeating Capricorn. [hr][/hr]
- Words were cut in Prowess Tree UI. [hr][/hr]
- Auto attack icon was not grayed out when the inventory is opened. [hr][/hr]
- Signature spell icon was gray when you pass over it in inventory. [hr][/hr]
- Visual warning could remain visible after defeating Calie's Shadow Clone. [hr][/hr]
- Some sentences from Ordan were missing. [hr][/hr]
- community inspired In co-op, if both players would enter a boss fight at the same frame, the interface would no longer reappears. [hr][/hr]
- When starting Fight Rooms, the background clouds would teleport instantly everytime. [hr][/hr]
- Leaving a room was making uncollected keys/quartz to disappear. [hr][/hr]
- Some enemies could follow players in Andromeda's Challenges if they had teleport skills. [hr][/hr]
- Fixed bug on texts that were cut in Japanese and Chinese language [hr][/hr]
- Fixed a lot of places where behaviors would be different depending of current FPS. [hr][/hr]
- The Piercing Shark enemy attack in DL6+ could hit 3 times if overlapping enemy during the attack. [hr][/hr]
- World 3 Toad Enemy could not be blocked by Kiran's counter. [hr][/hr]
- At 165+ fps, the character would fall faster when keep attacking in air. [hr][/hr]
- Prevented Characters from moving when swapping characters in hub. [hr][/hr]
- Leveling up could make your HP bar go beyond maximum. [hr][/hr]
- Some Enemies elite width was too small when launching specific attacks. [hr][/hr]
- Jukebox inputs applied to game inputs (LB to skip song also changed spell order) [hr][/hr]
- Jukebox title would remain if you dashed out of the jukebox while changing music. [hr][/hr]
- Some elements were not accepting increased damage per world like Kiran summon and Thunder Dash. [hr][/hr]
- Merchant, if swapping hero while "not enough money feedback" background would remain red. [hr][/hr]
- Cetus, gold coins were jumping at the wrong place when walking on ground gold coins. [hr][/hr]
- Fungal being smoke fx was not displayed since some patchs. [hr][/hr]
- Wild Grass (Spinning world 1 enemy) teleport hitbox was not horizontally centered. [hr][/hr]
- Navigation bar would appear and blink everytime we change menu in Bapy/Papa Yalee menus [hr][/hr]
- Player could Over-heal when using life restoring gambits (more than their max HP). [hr][/hr]
- "Practice makes perfect" Bapy achievement did not work. [hr][/hr]
- Background clouds in Capricorn Challenge were cut out. [hr][/hr]
- The sky in world 1 had some horizontal lines visible. [hr][/hr]
- community inspired Fixed Performance issue in Yalee kingdom and Cetus. [hr][/hr]
- Some Auras Descriptions in Barbecue were displaying way too small in certain languages due to a bug. [hr][/hr]
- Zim Zim's laugh did not trigger under certain conditions [hr][/hr]
- Eclipse room had noticeable fps and sound stutter [hr][/hr]
- Coop - When P2 interacted with Zim-Zim, only P1 could navigate through the menu [hr][/hr]
- In Coop, players catching the Astral Spirit could show the wrong name. [hr][/hr]
- Pink Dandelions would continue their reset animation when game is paused and they could become giant. [hr][/hr]
- Feathers could be equiped or salvaged while being in the menu. [hr][/hr]
- Trails had a different behavior depending of game fps. [hr][/hr]
- Weather effects appeared in Echo Isles while it was not supposed to. [hr][/hr]
- Some effects during Aquarius ultimate would still move while game is paused. [hr][/hr]
- Explorer's curse was not working properly [hr][/hr]
- Dialogues portraits could overlap each other if big enough. [hr][/hr]
- Pausing the game during cinematic was not pausing the videos. [hr][/hr]
- Spell preview videos were not leoping at Merchant. [hr][/hr]
- Missiles trails were not connected to the missiles. [hr][/hr]
- Blue disappearing platforms collisions are not there anymore when they are invisible. [hr][/hr]
- Papa Yalee pointer in hub was sometimes bugging. [hr][/hr]
- Chamaeleon in The Forge would appear in a strange way, changed his position. [hr][/hr]
- Taurus Zodiac Affinity had a missing dialogue. [hr][/hr]
- Virgo could remain invisible after being defeated during 2 specific attacks. [hr][/hr]
- Sometimes wrong spells could be bought in Andromeda's bar (standing on a specific altar and buying another altar). [hr][/hr]
- Ayla's Flash Step spell would move camera even during bosses. [hr][/hr]
- Many objects could keep spawning during pauses like Leo's ground pound axe attack. If you paused the game during this attack, elements would keep spawning forever leading to losing FPS. [hr][/hr]
- Libra's Light spell did not track invincible enemies which felt weird. [hr][/hr]
- Yalees in Yalee kingdom could be in front of Auras descriptions. [hr][/hr]
- community inspired Decimals in Sun Pieces multiplayers could go wrong like x1,7000000000 instead of 1,7 [hr][/hr]
- community inspired Sova Summon giving Pavo's Feather +2 was not working for player 2 in coop. [hr][/hr]
- Aquarius ultimate was taking too much performances leading to FPS drops. [hr][/hr]
- Entering a new layout and pausing (for example in the Pantheon) would feel like game is frozen because it pauses the transition. [hr][/hr]
- community inspired You could get locked inside Andromeda's bar if pressing exit button too fast. [hr][/hr]
- Failing Andromeda's Challenges while auto climbing a wall would teleport player back inside the challenge and leave them stuck there. [hr][/hr]
- Zodiacs could be half visible if defeated during their teleports.
[ 2023-11-09 10:35:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Astral Ascent
Hibernian Workshop
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Astral Ascent is a 2D platformer rogue-lite set in a modern fantasy world. As one of 4 Heroes with very different personalities, you must escape from the Garden, an astral prison guarded by 12 powerful and vicious bosses, the Zodiacs.
Unlock dozens of unique spells for your 4 distinct characters. Optimize your own build or try out a new one to take down 12 powerful bosses. Get stronger with time to match up with your foes. Each run will test your skills and your reactivity.DON'T GO ALONE
The weight of destiny is too heavy to carry by yourself? Don’t worry and bring a friend to play in our two player co-op mode. Fight and crush your enemies together in local co-op or online using the Steam's Remote Play Together feature.AN ASTRAL THREAT
The Zodiacs are 12 experienced guardians dispatched over 4 gorgeous worlds. They’ll bring to the battlefield unique attacks, abilities, and patterns, backstories to uncover, and reasons to be fighting you. Get yourself warned!NARRATION THROUGH REPLAYABILITY
Astral Ascent is a rogue-lite infused with narration. Replayability is part of our story which will be unravelled piece of piece. As you get stronger, you will discover more about the characters, their motivations, and the secrets of the world they’re trapped in.A BEAUTIFUL MODERN FANTASY WORLD
Dash across gigantic landscapes. Explore original and hand-crafted areas. Discover the world created by our artists, with a gorgeous art and frame-by-frame animation.4 PLAYABLE CHARACTERS
Unique characters. Unique weapons. Unique ways to play.- Ayla: The sole survivor of her guild of assassins, she uses her twin daggers to eliminate her enemies before they can react. Her speed and profenciency are unmatched.
- Kiran: This orphan learned life the hard way. He uses his strength to deliver attacks powerful enough to create shockwaves. Brutal.
- Calie: This talented sculptor wants her freedom back. She will use her magical gemstones to pierce enemy defenses and shred them to bits. She is unforgiving.
- Octave: Trained by a powerful witch, this young fighter summons ethereal guns to attack his foes. When needed, he can conjure bigger weapons as well. Lethal in all cases.
You can count on faithful allies to help you find your way out- The Merchant: This mysterious figure has the power to unveil your true potential through rememoring forgotten skills. Careful… it won’t be free.
- Zim-Zim: Her greenhouse hides magical plants which can increase your abilities. If you can bear her whimiscal and frankly immature behavior.
- Oloon: The best stylist in the known universe is right here and available. Want to change the color of your clothes? Dye your hair? She has everything you need!
- Papa Yalee: This old cat—he is almost 20!—will always have a good story about the foes you’ll encounter and your runs. The good news is that… most of them are true.
- Sova: Once a powerful sorceress, Sova was cursed and must now serve the Garden. Her past is a burden of shame she carries in silence.
- Ordan: De facto leader of the Garden, this fierce warrior helps the Heroes in their quest. Her might is legendary.
- Ikki: Ordan’s ex-husband and a powerful warrior on his own, he is in charge of training Heroes. His knowledge of the art of war is endless.
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