Patch Notes - 1.0
[ 2023-11-09 10:35:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
Changes inspired by our community!
Major Features
- Final Boss: Face the Master in an epic boss fight! [hr][/hr]
- Mid-run Saves: You can save and resume your runs at the start of any rooms. [hr][/hr]
- Traditional Cinematic Introduction: Fully traditional hand animated cinematic when launching the game! [hr][/hr]
- New tutorial: - New introduction cinematic explaining the world when launching a game. - New dynamic tutorial replacing the old one in the hub. - Reworked dialogues and storyline of the introdctuion. [hr][/hr]
- 17 Unique Endings: Ending for each hero and each Zodiac if you have them as summons for a total of 17 endings with narrated stories with pixel art animated screen for each of them. [hr][/hr]
- Complete Voice Acting: Extended and completed voice acting with over 7800+ lines of dialogues for 27 different characters. [hr][/hr]
- New Storytelling Elements: - Benches dialogues progression, heroes thoughts. - Dialogues between heroes. - Many extended dialogues types, each NPC from the Garden has things to say and a lot of dialogues are longer than before. - Extended and reworked Memory Library entries for final background story of all characters. (104 stories) [hr][/hr]
- Event Horizon: This room now has many things to do in it before the final confrontation. [hr][/hr]
- Beyond level 8: When you are level 9 or more (maximum 12) you can now replace perks you already have, one perk replacement per level. We think this is useful because first perks we take might not fit our end build so it is one more option to make the best possible build. [hr][/hr]
- Current Stats Window: You can now display your current stats (Strength/Critic/Mana/Life/Armor/Attack speed) by opening your inventory. It allows you to have a better understanding of your build and it can also be visible permanently by activating an option. [hr][/hr]
- Aries, Cancer & Gemini: - 3 new Zodiac fights with their animated pixel-art introduction. - 3 new Zodiac spells: Aries Fire Trails, Cancer's Tsunami & Gemini's Scythe. - 3 new Challenges and summons. [hr][/hr]
- 5 New Musics: Discover complete OST with many orchestral versions and featuring vocalist Emi Evans for the Master songs. [hr][/hr]
- New Star Guardians: Monoceros and Sculptor join Pegasus, Lupus, Draco & Hydra for a total of 6 minibosses and 13 main bosses.
Small Features
- Taurus Challenge: - Dummies now have more life and their life depends of current world instead of behind the same in each world. - Fixed bug where effects (wisps, spirit swords, nimbus etc.) could hit targets before the challenge started and prevent from finishing it. [hr][/hr]
- Virgo Challenge: - Dummies now have more life and their life depends of current world instead of behind the same in each world. - Instead of dealing same amount of damage, Virgo damages to dummies now depends of world and she also focus . [hr][/hr]
- Pisces Challenge: - Reduced time and number of notes to collect. - Added sound when you hit a red note. - Sentence clarification for the objective. [hr][/hr]
- Leo Challenge: - Balanced damage of Leo per world and dummy can accumulate more maximum damage so it's not a last minute rush anymore. [hr][/hr]
- Sagittarius Challenge: - Increased the number of arrow that Sagittarius can shoot. - Added sound when the players get hit by the the arrows. [hr][/hr]
- community inspired In Coop, P1 and P2 icons above head to differenciate each other. [hr][/hr]
- Scorpio Challenge: - Added red feedback on Scorpio spears. - Added more time for the challenge. - Reduced the time before the challenge starts. - Added sound when the players get hit by a spear. - Added visual assets to show in which direction you have to go to reach the end of the level as it could confusing sometimes. [hr][/hr]
- Libra Challenge: - Improved visuals and sound on player and Libra attacks. - The camera is more zoomed and centered to better see the action and inputs. - The player now uses now different animations. [hr][/hr]
- Zodiac spells affinity: Zodiac spells can also be of neutral elemental affinity now. [hr][/hr]
- 326 Aura: Ignition poison is now purple. [hr][/hr]
- 334 Aura: Plasma of fire are now red. [hr][/hr]
- Astral Auras rarity symbol is now on both sides of title everywhere. [hr][/hr]
- New Achievements for Sier Bapy: -Clumsy: Enemies defeated using Claw traps -Laserified: Enemies defeated by giant lasers -Practice Makes Perfect: Used Signature spell -Stones of Power: Equipped stones from Staone Altar -Optimal Affinity: Spells completed with Gambit affinity -Ultimate Assassin: Reach maximum level with Ayla -Strongestest Fist: Reach maximum level with Kiran -Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold: Reach maximum level with Octave -Perfect Gems: Reach maximum level with Calie -Wish Maker: Auras equipped -Aura Mythic Wish: Aura mythic equipped -Aura Astral Luck: Aura Astral equipped -Friends Forever: Echoes following you -Benched: Bench stories heard -Water Companion: Visit Cetus -Blood Pact: Life sacrified to Pavo -Guardian Angel: Met your Zodiac sign -Stars Vanquisher: Defeated Star Guardians in The void -Bapy achievement for memory fragments up to max (104 stories) [hr][/hr]
- All spells previews videos in the Merchant and Loots have been recaptured and improved. [hr][/hr]
- Improved Merchant in Andromeda's Bar: - Global visual improved - All prices rebalanced - Merchants can now sell Astral Gambits and spells equipped with random between 1 to 4 Gambits (including astral gambits) and random between 2 to 4 slot unlocked - Spell altars now indicate the spell element - Gambit altars now indicate the rarity - Gambit altars can now loot Astral gambits - Standing on altars of Itinerant Merchant makes UI appear faster [hr][/hr]
- community inspired The moon room now can appear at the side of exploration or fight rooms, not anymore with other special rooms. [hr][/hr]
- In Moon Room, you can now choose from 4 spells instead of 2. [hr][/hr]
- community inspired In Moon Room, if playing co-op, both players can take a reward now. [hr][/hr]
- Players can now move during certain spells for better fluidity: AYLA: - Metal Star - Toxic Bomb - Electric Scalpels - Paper Bomb KIRAN: - Lightspeed Fist - Energy Projectiles - Twin Dragon Uppercut - Tiger Roundabout - Windturner Up-Smash - Cutting Kick - Retentless Fury - Fiery Dragon Punch - Void Punch - Helping Hands (Got It?) - Flamin' Hot Strike CALIE: - Deadly Connection - Shimmering Ascent - Prismatic Beam - Azurite Falchions - Topaz Gladius - Ruby Spear - Legion - Ruby Spear - Swarm - Kunzite Scythe OCTAVE: - Laceratio [hr][/hr]
- The pause after the taurus summon is longer so that the player regains control better. [hr][/hr]
- Shadow Clones now have a small taunt animation when spawning to give you more reaction time. [hr][/hr]
- Added a delay before spawning second Shadow Clone when you have 2 Shadow Clones at once. [hr][/hr]
- Spirit Friends (from Void Catalyst), all summons are now in the random pool. [hr][/hr]
- Sixth Sense (from Void Catalyst), Reduced Critical hit damage by 20 to 10% per tier. [hr][/hr]
- Zodiacs spells can now have neutral affinity. [hr][/hr]
- Astral Spirits waves can now appear sometimes in fight rooms. [hr][/hr]
- Andromeda's Challenges are now unlocked after several discussions with Andromeda. [hr][/hr]
- Reactivation of the Astral Trees, now it is not linked to Zim-Zim upgrade but activated by default. [hr][/hr]
- The Star Guardians are now invincible during their ultimate attack. [hr][/hr]
- Several Zodiacs attacks are now making Zodiacs not blocking the players when moving on them. [hr][/hr]
- You can now skip Zodiacs intro videos by pressing an input. [hr][/hr]
- Papa Yalee: - The memories are now unlocked in correct order and only for characters you already encountered [hr][/hr]
- community inspired We can now view the equipped summon in the inventory. [hr][/hr]
- Improved Quartz loot performances. [hr][/hr]
- A lot of vibrations have been added to Zodiacs fights. [hr][/hr]
- Improvement and polish for respawn in the Hub. [hr][/hr]
- Taurus is the first boss to defeat just on time, not for each hero anymore. [hr][/hr]
- Zodiac bar no longer resets when you change in the bar. [hr][/hr]
- New introduction of Kiran character. [hr][/hr]
- Armor on enemies are visible from the beginning, instead of being visible only after first hit. [hr][/hr]
- Removed possibility to talk to Itinerant Peddlers (merchants in Andromeda's Bar). [hr][/hr]
- Added pointer to Telescope in the hub when you didn't select your bonus of the day yet. [hr][/hr]
- The Jukebox is now unlock once you defeat The Master. [hr][/hr]
- The Jukebox is now outside the bar so you can enjoy it longer. [hr][/hr]
- The affinity of Zodiacs cannot rise above 80% in the bar (except it's is your Zodiac affinity) [hr][/hr]
- All mana and life orb go on the player on zodiacs chest and elite fight room (no need to go to collect them, you can simply move forward). [hr][/hr]
- Slight performance increase by removing unused colliders on some enemies. [hr][/hr]
- Room Progression UI updates better, in particular when being in Zodiac rooms and it adapts when you are over a next room portal or not. [hr][/hr]
- No More Yalee Tickets if you have all colors unlocked, it will avoid having the "something new is available in the garden" at every end game run. [hr][/hr]
- Some spells could focus Elites clones (black shadow Aspect) [hr][/hr]
- Added descriptions for Zodiacs in the interior bar in order to know the behavior of their summons. [hr][/hr]
- Shadow Clones are now correctly displayed on Death Recap. [hr][/hr]
- Changing character is now much faster. [hr][/hr]
- Leaving the game right after the tutorial now saves progression.
- Auras Balancing - Astral: - Saplings Wrath: ""Casts Poisonous Vortex"" Cooldown reduced by 20 to 10 sapling created - Magnifying Snowflake: ""On Snowflake hit, casts 2 Frost Mines"" Cooldown reduced by 3 to 1 seconds - Sanitized Water: ""On Slime hit, casts Aqua Ball"" Cooldown reduced by 4 to 2 seconds - Radiactive Impact: ""On Meteor hit, cast Dark Burst"" Cooldown reduced by 3 to 2 meteor created - Spicy drugs: ""When life is restored, casts 2 Surrounding Spheres"" Cooldown reduced by 3 to 1 seconds - Toxic Chain: ""On hitting enemies with Poison, casts 2 Thorns Chains"" Cooldown reduced by 3 to 2 seconds - Chasing Sparkle: ""On Spark hit, casts Quicksilver"" Cooldown reduced by 4 to 2 seconds - Spinning Spirit: ""Casts Ravaging Spheres"" Cooldown reduced by 20 to 15 seconds - Think Yalee: ""Create 1 Thick Yalee falling on nearby enemies"" Cooldown reduced by 10 to 5 yalee created - Blade Storm: "" When dashing through enemies, casts Slashing Squall"" Cooldown reduced by 10 to 7 seconds - Missile overload: ""Casts Corrupted Typhoon"" Cooldown reduced by 20 to 15 missile created - Chain Reaction: ""On Toxic Gas hit, casts Demonic Explosion"" Cooldown reduced by 4 to 3 seconds - Thunderwalk: ""Casts Eye Of Jugement"" Cooldown reduced by 10 to 5 Thunder strike created - Raging Lightning: ""Casts Thunder Orb"" Cooldown reduced by 10 to 5 Lightning orb created - Frozen Overpower: ""Casts Cold-Steel-Sword"" Cooldown reduced by 10 to 5 Ice sword created - Piercing Surprise: ""On Ice Idole disappearance, casts 6 Freezing Needles"" Cooldown reduced by 4 to 2 seconds - Sudden Frostbyte: ""On enemy with Freeze death, casts Aqua Ball"" Cooldown reduced by 5 to 3 seconds - Bubling Projectiles: ""On Frostbite enemy, casts 5 Water Bubbles"" Cooldown reduced by 3 to 1 seconds - Blinding comets: ""On Combustion, casts 3 Magma Comets"" Cooldown reduced by 2 to 1 seconds - Incandescent Rain: ""On enemies with Burn, casts Fire Rain"" Cooldown reduced by 15 to 12 seconds - Living Rocks: ""On Meteor hit, summons 1 sapling"" Summons Sapling increased by 1 to 2 - Crown Of Goo: ""Creates 1 Giant Slime"" Cooldown reduced by 30 to 20 Slime created - Rustling Fall: ""On fall attack, creates 5 Ice Fragment"" Ice fragment reduced by 5 to 4 and Ice fragment damage reduced by 100% to 75% [hr][/hr]
- Auras Balancing - Common / Rare / Mythic: - Crystal Screen II: ""On Shield disappearance, creates an explosion dealing 40% of Max Life as damage"" Shield explosion increased by 40% to 60% - Crystal Screen III: ""On Shield disappearance, creates an explosion dealing 60% of Max Life as damage"" Shield explosion increased by 60% to 100% - Scale Armor II: ""When hero is hit, creates 1 Ice Sword"" Ice sword created increased by 1 to 2 - Scale Armor III: ""When hero is hit, creates 2 Ice Sword"" Ice sword created increased by 2 to 3 - Eye Of The Eagle II: ""On Critical hit, creates 2 Missiles"" Cooldown increased by 3 to 6 seconds - Eye Of The Eagle III: ""On Critical hit, creates 4 Missiles"" Cooldown increased by 3 to 6 seconds - Iceberg I: ""When hero is hit, creates 4 Ice Fragment"" Ice fragment reduced by 4 to 3 - Iceberg II: ""When hero is hit, creates 6 Ice Fragment"" Ice fragment reduced by 6 to 4 - Iceberg III: ""When hero is hit, creates 8 Ice Fragment"" Ice fragment reduced by 8 to 5 - Ice Blow III: ""On Frostbite enemy, creates 8 Ice fragment"" Ice fragment reduced by 8 to 5 - Iron Armor III: ""When hero is hit, creates 1 Pulse applying 1 Random Effect"" Increase stack of random effect by 1 to 3 - Piercing Light I: ""Summons 1 nimbus"" Cooldown reduced by 15 to 10 Mana spent - Piercing Light II: ""Summons 1 nimbus"" Cooldown reduced by 12 to 9 Mana spent - Piercing Light III: ""Summons 1 nimbus"" Cooldown reduced by 10 to 8 Mana spent and increased number of Nimbus by 1 to 2 - Magic Weapon II: ""Increases Strengh by 2% by Max Mana"" Strengh reduced by 2 to 1% - Magic Weapon III: ""Increases Strengh by 3% by Max Mana"" Strengh reduced by 3 to 2%" [hr][/hr]
- Calie balancing: -Basic attack speed has been increased -Basic attack damage has been increased [hr][/hr]
- Sier Bapy's Life Boon: "Sier Bapy appears and gifts you 3 Healing shards" Cooldown increased by 20 > 40 enemies death [hr][/hr]
- Casting speed of some heroes spells has been improved: AYLA: - Toxic Bomb KIRAN: - Cutting Kicks - Helping Hands (Got It?) CALIE: - Wall Of Arrows - Stone Of The Ancients - Azurite Falchions - Emerald Bow - Ruby Spear - Topaz Gladius - Ruby Spear - Swarm - Kunzite Scythe OCTAVE: - Laceratio - Gravitas [hr][/hr]
- The casting speed of common spells has been improved. [hr][/hr]
- Common Spells increased damage: -Sphere Aqua: Damage increased -Shooting stars: Damage increased -Shattering stars: Damage increased -Frost Mines: Damage increased -Magma Comets: Damage increased -Dark Burst: Damage increased -Ki Blast: Damage increased -Ice Thrower: Damage increased -Cold Steel Sword: Damage increased [hr][/hr]
- Zodiac Spells increased damage: - Taurus Double slash - Capricorn's Meteor strikes - Virgo Light Swords - Sagittarius Chakrams - Libra Light - Aqurius Flow - Scorpio's Trident - Pisces Clones - Leo's Axe Slash [hr][/hr]
- Moon Room Price changes: The price of the moon room has been adjusted depending on the world because their damage has been improved and they are more interesting - - World 1: 125 life - World 2: 150 life - World 3: 175 life - World 4: 200 life [hr][/hr]
- Balancing time of dodge for certain spells: - Astral Powder: The dodge effect begins when the attack leaves, not before - Lightning Speed: The dodge effect stops when Ayla hits the ground - Ground Pound: The dodge effect is removed when Kiran jumps but he is present while he falls - Way Of The Wind: Reduced time of dodge effect - Shimmering Ascent: Deleted dodge effect - Celeritas: Reduced time of dodge effect [hr][/hr]
- Balanced Perks: AYLA: - Eagle instinct: ""Increases signature Spell cooldown by 3 seconds"" Cooldown deleted KIRAN: - Perfect punch: ""Adds 100% Critical hit chance to Signature Spell"" Cooldown deleted - Double Whammy: ""Increases Signature Spell cooldown by 2 seconds"" Cooldown reduced by 5 to 2 s - Freezing fists: ""On King Counter hit, applies 10 Freeze"" Cooldown reduced by 6 to 1 s - Crazy Pumping Fist: ""Increases Signature Spells damage by 75%"" Increase damage by 75% to 100% - Power shift: ""Increases signature Spell cooldown by 3 seconds"" Cooldown reduced by 3 to 1 s OCTAVE: - Ballista MK1: ""Increases Signature Spell cooldown by 20 seconds"" Cooldown reduced 20 to 3 s - Perk n186 throw 5 ice grenade but explode the opposite of where the drone explodes, it never hits because of it CALIE: - Goldsmith: ""Increases Signature Spell cooldown by 4 seconds"" Cooldown reduced by 4 to 1 s - Crystal Maker: ""Increases Signature Spell cooldown by 6 seconds""Cd reduced 6 to 1 s" [hr][/hr]
- Spells balancing: Ayla: - Electric scalpels: now move up and down when on moving platforms Kiran: - Ground Pound: kiran now hits while falling and it has a better hitbox Octave: - Incendium: Damage increased and mana cost reduced by 2 to 1 - Ballista: Mana cost reduced by 2 to 1 - Hasta: Damage increased Common spells global balancing [hr][/hr]
- Telescope effects balancing: - The Ember Eye: ember spawn from 1 to 2 - The Electrical Eye: spark from 1 to 2 - The Slimey Eye: slime spawn from 1 to 2 - The Frigid Eye: ice fragment spawn from 1 to 2 [hr][/hr]
- Global effects balancing: - Meteor deal less damage - Ice sword deal more damage - Snowflakes deal more damage - Toxique gas deal less damage - Plasma deal more damage - Poison effect deal more damage - Ignition deal more damage - Nimbus attack speed improved - Nimbus deal more damage [hr][/hr]
- Chamaeleon Lottery: - Increased the number of Quartz that can be earned - Increased the number of Keys that can be earned - Increased the number of Stars that can be earned [hr][/hr]
- Rebalanced damage from Zodiac summons. [hr][/hr]
- Path of Destinies: - Thorny Foes: Improved visual feedback to better understand hitting area and see better the enemies sprite - Leaking Foes: Reduced loses mana from 2 to 1 per tier when the player is hit - Mark of doom: The Mark of Doom he no longer appears in boss rooms - Used Pockets: Reduced loses Quartz by 10 to 5 per tier when the player is hit - The life of the Zodiacs has been readjusted [hr][/hr]
- community inspired Enemies Adds during Boss Fights (from Path of Destinies) cannot have armor. [hr][/hr]
- community inspired Added a cooldown to Vampiric Foes (from Path of Destinies). [hr][/hr]
- Higher chances to get +2 and +5 Feathers in Pavo's Ruins. [hr][/hr]
- Increased damage of world 3 Medusa level design element. [hr][/hr]
- Zodiac chests now give Stars currency. [hr][/hr]
- Increased Zodiac Affinity chances to appear in rooms. [hr][/hr]
- Quartz spots in Exploration rooms now scale per world. [hr][/hr]
- Pegasus Thunder attack is faster. [hr][/hr]
- Hydra Fire Tornadoes attack is faster. [hr][/hr]
- Star Guardians damage global balancing. [hr][/hr]
- Taurus Fight: -Taurus Invincibility is longer at the start of his ultimate attack. [hr][/hr]
- Leo Fight: - Leo invincible until he reaches ground at the start of his ultimate attack. [hr][/hr]
- Sagittarius Fight: - fire explosions attack - now hit much higher, a single jump would make you safe during this attack. - fire tentacles attack - mixed patterns + reversed patters in destiny level6+ - ultimate - now follows player more smoothly before giant explosion, 2 explosions in destiny level 6+ [hr][/hr]
- Scorpio Fight: - dash in all directions attack - only 1 time and 2 times in DL6+ instead of 3 times everytime [hr][/hr]
- Many Sier bapy achievements and rewards balancing [hr][/hr]
- Zim-Zim: - More levels of Reroll Perks
Level Design
- Change of place/removal of Jump Bumpers in certain exploration rooms which could interfere during combat. [hr][/hr]
- A dozen new Fight rooms. [hr][/hr]
- Improved many Exploration Rooms level design. [hr][/hr]
- All Rooms starting direction is now to the right for better fluidity. [hr][/hr]
- Added new asset in background on fight/exploration room/hub. [hr][/hr]
- Added magical animals in Andromeda's Bar. [hr][/hr]
- Added 1 new exploration treasure room. [hr][/hr]
- Fixed and improved some climbing walls in Fight Rooms so they do not become an issue fights. [hr][/hr]
- Moved some clouds on top of rooms as they could hide Astral Chest texts. [hr][/hr]
- Fixed places where wrong collisions in the levels. [hr][/hr]
- One fighting room could be escaped by climbing the wall on side of it. [hr][/hr]
- Some Fight rooms fight could be completely avoided by chain dashing and attacking.
Music & SFX
- Added new sound on challenge Zodiacs chest. [hr][/hr]
- Added sound on Draco attacks (giant Shuriken attack). [hr][/hr]
- Many various audio mixing updates. [hr][/hr]
- Many sounds volumes readjusted. [hr][/hr]
- Music volumes readjusted. [hr][/hr]
- All background ambiant musics of worlds have been slightly modified. [hr][/hr]
- Virgo had no sound during her teleportation of dash attack (challenge / boss fight). [hr][/hr]
- Improved audio feedback of Taurus swords in air attack. [hr][/hr]
- Major issue causing a lot of sounds to not play the first time they happened in a room has been fixed. Happened when equipping first Feather, when looting spells and so on. [hr][/hr]
- Major issue causing a lot of simultaneously played sounds to not play has been fixed. It would happen for world 2 fire lasers for example. [hr][/hr]
- The Sound listener has been reworked, distance of sounds heard is now a bit further (in case of unzoomed screen some sounds would not played if positioned on sides of the screen) and cleaner than before. [hr][/hr]
- Changed hurt / spell cast voice sound of all heroes and added more variations. [hr][/hr]
- More variations have been added to many existing sounds. [hr][/hr]
- Modified sound when reappearing in the Garden. [hr][/hr]
- Increased volume of Bosses context dialogues so we can hear them better. [hr][/hr]
- Wall Grab and end of run animation SFX were missing on Ayla [hr][/hr]
- Reduced volume when picking up stones in stones altar as picking up several could be saturating.
- Move boss lifebar + changed position of elements there + visual modifications because of new windows stats addition. [hr][/hr]
- Added Element type in gambits titles to understand each type of gambits. [hr][/hr]
- Improved of "Conditions" descriptions for gambit/auras/prowess (example: On hit > On each hit). [hr][/hr]
- Next spell icon is now higher so it does not overlap too much with effects. [hr][/hr]
- Interface is now hidden during Andromeda's challenges to better see the challenges. [hr][/hr]
- The icon when all content has been unlocked with the experience bar has been removed. [hr][/hr]
- Bilinear added on most UI elements. [hr][/hr]
- Background of hints now fit correctly the texts (could lead to many hints out of screen before). [hr][/hr]
- NPC Pointers was laggy in hub, performances have been largely improved. [hr][/hr]
- Improved Life bar and animated portrait in game UI [hr][/hr]
- Added a lock icon next to icons not remappable in Options [hr][/hr]
- Added UI to elements related to UI in the Menu [hr][/hr]
- Improved display of cooldowns in Inventory [hr][/hr]
- Reroll perk icon are visible all the time in Prowess tree even if player have not unlocked the perk at Zim-zim [hr][/hr]
- Switch perk icon are visible all the time in Prowess tree. [hr][/hr]
- Armor is written 3% instead of 3 on the stones/drinks. [hr][/hr]
- Added English name of all languages next to their localized names. [hr][/hr]
- The hints of Stone Altar appear faster. [hr][/hr]
- Description of Merchants spells is bigger. [hr][/hr]
- Navigating in Merchant UI does not show the spells if you don't stop moving. [hr][/hr]
- Opening UIs of NPCs in the hub is much faster. [hr][/hr]
- Path of Destinies and Void Catalyst UI description was flickering when moving from to another. [hr][/hr]
- No More Progression bar in World 5 / Event Horizon [hr][/hr]
- The Void Catalyst: - Text window and text is bigger there - Increase slightly tier/preset text size [hr][/hr]
- Changed Star icon on quests/challenges UI [hr][/hr]
- Death Recap XP decount speed is faster and now has a time maximum limit. [hr][/hr]
- Slots save selection had red bars showcasing input. [hr][/hr]
- Glossary/Path of Destinies main menu UI are now smoother to navigate. [hr][/hr]
- Simplified UI and reworked some elements in Constellations menu (removed tween effects, wrong fonts, change dispositions) [hr][/hr]
- Constellations display position have been re-adjusted to be more centered and not overlap UI. [hr][/hr]
- Removed text "Skill unlocked" title appearing at the merchant in the hub when buying a new skill. [hr][/hr]
- All LDI titles are now uppercase and bold (healing shards, stone altar etc) [hr][/hr]
- Skip Credits is now on left for more consistency and changed input name for more consistency too [hr][/hr]
- Removed [ ] around the continue in Dialogues system [hr][/hr]
- In coop, Merchant's UI is now displayed on the left if player 2 opens it for better lisiblity. [hr][/hr]
- Bapy's UI had many titles regular and description bold while it was supposed to be the opposite. [hr][/hr]
- Sun Rooms titles were not centered. [hr][/hr]
- Wrong fonts were used on Death Recap screen. [hr][/hr]
- Xp points on death recap are smaller now to fit the size of the trails. [hr][/hr]
- Color of experience bar have changed. [hr][/hr]
- Reduced flash intensity in Death Recap. [hr][/hr]
- Wrong font displayed when Heroes captured Astral Spirits. [hr][/hr]
- Enemies displayed on Death Recap now take more width so we see them better. [hr][/hr]
- Re-activating all characters on main menu screen (it was always Calie since world 4 update) [hr][/hr]
- Modified displays of SL and SR buttons for Nintendo Switch inputs icons. [hr][/hr]
- We can now modify options by pressing button or moving directional keys. [hr][/hr]
- Destiny Fragments were not updating during the runs. [hr][/hr]
- Drinks description does not overlap anymore when 2 players check drinks.
Part2 of Patch Notes below
[ 2023-11-09 10:35:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
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Astral Ascent is a 2D platformer rogue-lite set in a modern fantasy world. As one of 4 Heroes with very different personalities, you must escape from the Garden, an astral prison guarded by 12 powerful and vicious bosses, the Zodiacs.
Unlock dozens of unique spells for your 4 distinct characters. Optimize your own build or try out a new one to take down 12 powerful bosses. Get stronger with time to match up with your foes. Each run will test your skills and your reactivity.DON'T GO ALONE
The weight of destiny is too heavy to carry by yourself? Don’t worry and bring a friend to play in our two player co-op mode. Fight and crush your enemies together in local co-op or online using the Steam's Remote Play Together feature.AN ASTRAL THREAT
The Zodiacs are 12 experienced guardians dispatched over 4 gorgeous worlds. They’ll bring to the battlefield unique attacks, abilities, and patterns, backstories to uncover, and reasons to be fighting you. Get yourself warned!NARRATION THROUGH REPLAYABILITY
Astral Ascent is a rogue-lite infused with narration. Replayability is part of our story which will be unravelled piece of piece. As you get stronger, you will discover more about the characters, their motivations, and the secrets of the world they’re trapped in.A BEAUTIFUL MODERN FANTASY WORLD
Dash across gigantic landscapes. Explore original and hand-crafted areas. Discover the world created by our artists, with a gorgeous art and frame-by-frame animation.4 PLAYABLE CHARACTERS
Unique characters. Unique weapons. Unique ways to play.- Ayla: The sole survivor of her guild of assassins, she uses her twin daggers to eliminate her enemies before they can react. Her speed and profenciency are unmatched.
- Kiran: This orphan learned life the hard way. He uses his strength to deliver attacks powerful enough to create shockwaves. Brutal.
- Calie: This talented sculptor wants her freedom back. She will use her magical gemstones to pierce enemy defenses and shred them to bits. She is unforgiving.
- Octave: Trained by a powerful witch, this young fighter summons ethereal guns to attack his foes. When needed, he can conjure bigger weapons as well. Lethal in all cases.
You can count on faithful allies to help you find your way out- The Merchant: This mysterious figure has the power to unveil your true potential through rememoring forgotten skills. Careful… it won’t be free.
- Zim-Zim: Her greenhouse hides magical plants which can increase your abilities. If you can bear her whimiscal and frankly immature behavior.
- Oloon: The best stylist in the known universe is right here and available. Want to change the color of your clothes? Dye your hair? She has everything you need!
- Papa Yalee: This old cat—he is almost 20!—will always have a good story about the foes you’ll encounter and your runs. The good news is that… most of them are true.
- Sova: Once a powerful sorceress, Sova was cursed and must now serve the Garden. Her past is a burden of shame she carries in silence.
- Ordan: De facto leader of the Garden, this fierce warrior helps the Heroes in their quest. Her might is legendary.
- Ikki: Ordan’s ex-husband and a powerful warrior on his own, he is in charge of training Heroes. His knowledge of the art of war is endless.
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