It's been a while since I've posted an update, because creating this intro cinematic took longer than I expected. "Just throw some moving images around and add some sounds. How long could that take?" The answer, as with most things game development related, is "way too long."
Several people were curious about the backstory of the goop. This new intro cinematic should answer all those questions, and definitely not raise any new ones.
In addition to the intro cinematic, there have been some other changes since the lasts news update:
- Menu loads before being thrown into the game.
- Goop blobs are less likely to be disconnected when stretching away from the loop.
- Added some more triggers to change the face of the goop when appropriate.
- Goop farts now have particles (aka farticles).
- Threw in some more secret console commands for fun.
- Possible fix for achievement sounds playing when the achievement is already unlocked.
You're a piece of goop stuck in a loop. All you can do is jump and stick to make the loop roll using physics. You can aim your jump and have some air control, so it's a matter of being patient and clever in order to build up enough momentum to get over hills and other obstacles.
Roll the loop up hills, over gaps, and other obstacles.
Be encouraged/entertained/enraged by my narration as you attempt to reach the top.
Fall back down and lose a bunch of progress, probably.