Game Update - v1.3.1
Weve reworked the early to mid-game XP rates for Into the Abyss, allowing progression in the early stages to be a lot faster for Non-Combat Skills. This will allow you to get straight into ItA content without the long early-game waits. Summary: All the new XP values are higher than before the update.
Weve updated all Abyssal Monster defence bonuses (except Xon) to be more in line with their Attack Type and to follow the reversed Combat Triangle a bit more closely. Abyssal Plant
[ 2024-10-30 04:40:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
99% of the below relates to the Into the Abyss Expansion. Notes that affect the whole game will be marked as [All].
- Implemented a new Realm Select. This appears in the sidebar instead of within Skills themselves.
- Added an Enter/Leave Abyssal Realm option in the Sidebar, allowing you to easily enter/exit the Abyssal Realm. It will show as locked if not available.
- Added Select Realm sidebar menu item that will appear if more than 2 visible Realms are available, allowing you to change Realms from here.
- Skills with category selection (Like Artisan Skills) will now only display categories from the Realm you are currently in.
- Combat will now only show Categories that contain at least 1 area from the Realm you are currently in.
- Skills in the sidebar will now have a slightly transparent look if they contain no content for the Realm you are currently in.
- The Abyssal Realm now applies a special theme to the Sidebar when inside.
- Added a new Setting to re-enable the Legacy Realm selection for those who prefer that over the new one.
- Added a Pet hint text to Area Info for Strongholds mentioning that it only drops from Superior Tier.
- [All] Added Bank Filters via a new icon next to the Bank Tab summary. This allows you to show/hide items based on some predefined filters. Those with Into the Abyss will see more filters than those who dont own it.
- [All] Added combination runes setting to the My Runes page in Combat.
- [All] Add colour coding of requirements to Upgrade Item popup.
New Settings:
- Use Legacy Realm Selection - Disabled by default - Hides the new Sidebar Realm Selection options and enables the old Realm Selection in all Skills.
- Always show Legacy Realm Selection in Agility - Enabled by default - Will enable the legacy Realm Selection in Agility only, allowing you to quickly switch back and forth between Realms within the Skill without affecting the other Skills.
- Set Skill in Sidebar to slightly transparent if there is no content for the current Realm (New Realm select only). - Enabled by default - Skills will show as transparent in the Sidebar if they have no content for the current Realm. Only works if using the new Realm Selection.
General Changes & Balance
- Abyssal Combat Areas are now called Abyssal Battlegrounds. Modifier descriptions have also been updated for the new name.
- Abyssal Slayer Areas are now called Abyssal Slayer Regions. Modifier descriptions have also been updated for the new name.
- Changing Realms will now change the Realm for ALL Skills (unless using the Legacy Realm selection setting).
- Added Witherlyme Seed drop to WIthering Ruins Thieving area as a unique area drop
- Added Whispertallow Seed drop to Silent Crypt Thieving area as a unique area drop
- Added Echosnap Seed drop to Void Vaults Thieving area as a unique area drop
- Increased Void Essence drop quantity in Void Vaults Thieving area to 2, up from 1.
- Shadow Tormentor now drops up to 10 Gloomite Throwing Knives, down from 30
- Abyssal Bat now drops up to 10 Abyssium Throwing Knives, down from 15.
- Abyssal Smithing now creates a base quantity of 2 Throwing Knives, down from 4.
- [All] Runecrafting now displays a separate section for Rune cost reduction in its source tooltip.
Recipe Costs
- Heavily reduced the costs to create Arrows, Javelins, Bolts and Crossbows in Fletching.
- Removed one Item from the recipe cost of most Rings & Amulets in Crafting
- Reduced the quantity required of Rings & Amulets required for upgraded version (II).
- Removed the Ring/Amulet item requirement for Obzurian Rings & Amulets in Crafting.
- Removed the Brumite Bar cost for Gloomite Gear in Smithing.
- Removed the Gloomite Bar cost for Witherite Gear in Smithing.
- Halved the Witherite Bar cost quantity for Netherite Gear in Smithing.
Weapon Balance
- Reduced all Abyssal Throwing Knife special attack chances down to 25%, from 50%.
- Reduced all Abyssal Throwing Knife Ranged Strength Bonuses by 25%
- Increased Ranged Strength Bonus of all Abyssal Crossbows by 10%
- Increased Ranged Strength Bonus for all Abyssal Arrows by 5%
- Increased Melee Strength Bonus of all Abyssal 2H Swords by 10%
- Increased Special Attack chance of all Abyssal Smithable Swords (not 2H) by 15%
- Increased Magic Damage Bonus of all Abyssal Wands by +3%
- Increased Magic Damage Bonus of all Abyssal Staves by +4%
XP Balancing
Weve reworked the early to mid-game XP rates for Into the Abyss, allowing progression in the early stages to be a lot faster for Non-Combat Skills. This will allow you to get straight into ItA content without the long early-game waits. Summary: All the new XP values are higher than before the update.
- Abyssia Tree: 602 -> 1204
- Twisted Tree: 1016 -> 2032
- Brumia Tree: 1239 -> 2168
- Plagueroot Tree: 2127 -> 3190
- Gloomia Tree: 3083 -> 4624
- Shadebark Tree: 4242 -> 5514
- Withia Tree: 6186 -> 7423
- Crumbletain Tree: 7542 -> 9050
- Nethia Tree: 11264 -> 12390
- Whisperwillow Tree: 16494 -> 17318
- Raw Crimson Biter: 688 -> 1376
- Raw Crimson Bream: 1434 -> 2868
- Raw Veilhunter: 1377 -> 2409
- Raw Mistjaw: 2125 -> 3718
- Raw Steamswimmer: 5123 -> 7684
- Raw Toxic Pufferfish: 2427 -> 3640
- Raw Toxic Crab: 3700 -> 4810
- Raw Stoneskin Pike: 7009 -> 9111
- Raw Toxic Octopus: 13978 -> 18171
- Raw Stoneskin Garfish: 11421 -> 13705
- Raw Whisperfish: 2526 -> 3031
- Raw Murmurclaw: 8602 -> 9462
- Raw Depthlurker: 15019 -> 16520
- Raw Hushscale: 20402 -> 21422
- Raw Deep Squid: 44864 -> 47107
- Abyssia Logs: 2835 -> 5670
- Twisted Logs: 4295 -> 8590
- Brumia Logs: 5549 -> 9710
- Plagueroot Logs: 9233 -> 13849
- Gloomia Logs: 11529 -> 17293
- Shadebark Logs: 16529 -> 21487
- Withia Logs: 23267 -> 27920
- Crumbletain Logs: 32342 -> 38810
- Nethia Logs: 36143 -> 39757
- Whisperwillow Logs: 59689 -> 62673
- Crimson Biter: 1855 -> 3710
- Baked Biter Pie: 1450 -> 2900
- Crimson Bream: 2577 -> 5154
- Crimson Bream Soup: 1950 -> 3412
- Veilhunter: 3515 -> 6151
- Abyssal Pumpkin Pie: 2542 -> 4448
- Steamswimmer: 5199 -> 7798
- Steamswimmer Soup: 3294 -> 4941
- Toxic Crab: 5698 -> 7407
- Toxic Crab Cream Soup: 3614 -> 4698
- Stoneskin Pike: 7438 -> 9669
- Stoneskin Pepper: 5394 -> 7012
- Toxic Octopus: 9719 -> 12634
- Toxic Octopus Stew: 6169 -> 7402
- Shadenut Cookie: 7729 -> 9274
- Whisperfish: 12895 -> 15474
- Whisperfish Pizza: 9426 -> 11311
- Murmurclaw: 14187 -> 15605
- Murmurclaw Cream Soup: 9076 -> 9983
- Depthlurker: 16879 -> 18566
- Withermelon Tart: 12264 -> 13490
- Hushscale: 19585 -> 20564
- Hushscale Pepper: 14325 -> 15041
- Deep Squid: 28215 -> 29625
- Abyssal Essence: 72 -> 144
- Abyssium Ore: 258 -> 516
- Nightopal: 537 -> 1074
- Abycite: 465 -> 813
- Azurian Outcrop: 490 -> 857
- Brumite Ore: 638 -> 957
- Shadowpearl: 1121 -> 1681
- Mysticite: 848 -> 1102
- Gloomite Ore: 1107 -> 1439
- Obsidian Outcrop: 1428 -> 1713
- Witherite Ore: 1810 -> 2172
- Moonstone: 3516 -> 3867
- Echocite: 3535 -> 3711
- Abyssium Bar: 151 -> 302
- Abyssium Dagger: 302 -> 604
- Abyssium Throwing Knife: 302 -> 604
- Abyssium Arrowtips: 302 -> 604
- Abyssium Sword: 302 -> 604
- Abyssium Helmet: 603 -> 1206
- Abyssium Boots: 603 -> 1206
- Abyssium Javelin Heads: 603 -> 1206
- Abyssium 2H Sword: 905 -> 1583
- Abyssium Crossbow Head: 905 -> 1583
- Abyssal Headless Bolts: 302 -> 528
- Abyssium Platelegs: 905 -> 1583
- Abyssium Platebody: 1509 -> 2640
- Brumite Bar: 343 -> 600
- Brumite Dagger: 687 -> 1202
- Brumite Throwing Knife: 687 -> 1202
- Brumite Arrowtips: 687 -> 1202
- Brumite Sword: 687 -> 1030
- Brumite Helmet: 1373 -> 2059
- Brumite Boots: 1373 -> 2059
- Brumite Javelin Heads: 1373 -> 2059
- Brumite 2H Sword: 2060 -> 3090
- Brumite Crossbow Head: 2060 -> 3090
- Brumite Platelegs: 2060 -> 2678
- Brumite Platebody: 3433 -> 4462
- Gloomite Bar: 991 -> 1288
- Gloomite Dagger: 1982 -> 2576
- Gloomite Throwing Knife: 1982 -> 2576
- Gloomite Arrowtips: 1982 -> 2576
- Gloomite Sword: 1982 -> 2576
- Gloomite Helmet: 3964 -> 4756
- Gloomite Boots: 3964 -> 4756
- Gloomite Javelin Heads: 3964 -> 4756
- Gloomite 2H Sword: 5946 -> 7135
- Gloomite Crossbow Head: 5946 -> 7135
- Gloomite Platelegs: 5946 -> 7135
- Gloomite Platebody: 9910 -> 10901
- Witherite Bar: 2292 -> 2521
- Witherite Dagger: 4584 -> 5042
- Witherite Throwing Knife: 4584 -> 5042
- Witherite Arrowtips: 4584 -> 5042
- Witherite Sword: 4584 -> 5042
- Witherite Helmet: 9167 -> 10083
- Witherite Boots: 9167 -> 9625
- Witherite Javelin Heads: 9167 -> 9625
- Witherite 2H Sword: 13751 -> 14438
- Witherite Crossbow Head: 13751 -> 14438
- Witherite Platelegs: 13751 -> 14438
- Witherite Platebody: 22918 -> 24063
- Netherite Bar: 5151 -> 5408
- Netherite Dagger: 10303 -> 10818
- Netherite Throwing Knife: 10303 -> 10818
- Azurian Bar: 467 -> 817
- Obsidian Bar: 1904 -> 2284
- Obzurian Bar: 6188 -> 6497
- Turned Man: 526 -> 1052
- Turned Woman: 674 -> 1348
- Blighted Dryad: 947 -> 1657
- Turned Farmer: 1295 -> 2266
- Dark Shade: 1473 -> 2209
- Blighted Treant: 1814 -> 2721
- Dark Wraithlurker: 2242 -> 2914
- Withering Gargoyle: 2512 -> 3265
- Dark Shadowmancer: 3061 -> 3673
- Withering Golem: 3366 -> 4039
- Silent Poltergeist: 3975 -> 4372
- Silent Wanderer: 4640 -> 5104
- Void Envoy: 5274 -> 5537
- Abyssium Arrows: 310 -> 620
- Twisted Shortbow: 382 -> 764
- Twisted Longbow: 495 -> 990
- Abyssium Javelin: 619 -> 1238
- Nightopal Bolts: 1001 -> 1751
- Abyssium Crossbow: 768 -> 1344
- Brumite Arrows: 751 -> 1314
- Plagueroot Shortbow: 943 -> 1650
- Plagueroot Longbow: 1228 -> 1842
- Brumite Javelin: 1546 -> 2319
- Shadowpearl Bolts: 1921 -> 2497
- Brumite Crossbow: 1660 -> 2158
- Gloomite Arrows: 1328 -> 1726
- Shadebark Shortbow: 1719 -> 2234
- Shadebark Longbow: 2247 -> 2696
- Gloomite Javelin: 2464 -> 2956
- Moonstone Bolts: 4158 -> 4989
- Gloomite Crossbow: 2970 -> 3564
- Witherite Arrows: 2612 -> 2873
- Crumbletain Shortbow: 3507 -> 3857
- Crumbletain Longbow: 3732 -> 4105
- Witherite Javelin: 5045 -> 5549
- Voidheart Bolts: 8776 -> 9214
- Witherite Crossbow: 5894 -> 6188
- Netherite Arrows: 3300 -> 3465
- Abyssal Leather Boots: 464 -> 928
- Azurian Nightopal Ring I: 595 -> 1190
- Abyssal Leather Legs: 497 -> 994
- Azurian Shadowpearl Ring I: 638 -> 1276
- Azurian Nightopal Amulet I: 638 -> 1276
- Abyssal Leather Body: 544 -> 1088
- Azurian Moonstone Ring I: 698 -> 1396
- Azurian Shadowpearl Amulet I: 698 -> 1396
- Azurian Voidheart Ring I: 763 -> 1526
- Azurian Moonstone Amulet I: 763 -> 1526
- Harvesting Consumable I: 265 -> 530
- Abyssia Coif: 644 -> 1288
- Azurian Voidheart Amulet I: 731 -> 1462
- Corrupted Light Consumable I: 287 -> 502
- Abyssia Legs: 768 -> 1344
- Abyssia Body: 912 -> 1596
- Azurian Nightopal Ring II: 1188 -> 2079
- Dark Summon Consumable I: 311 -> 544
- Azurian Shadowpearl Ring II: 1301 -> 2276
- Azurian Nightopal Amulet II: 1301 -> 2276
- Azurian Moonstone Ring II: 1412 -> 2471
- Azurian Shadowpearl Amulet II: 1412 -> 2471
- Azurian Voidheart Ring II: 1546 -> 2319
- Azurian Moonstone Amulet II: 1546 -> 2319
- Azurian Voidheart Amulet II: 1693 -> 2539
- Toxicity Consumable I: 345 -> 517
- Brumia Coif: 1412 -> 2118
- Abyssal Essence Consumable I: 390 -> 585
- Brumia Legs: 1424 -> 1851
- Brumia Body: 1697 -> 2206
- Obsidian Nightopal Ring I: 2288 -> 2974
- Shade Consumable I: 446 -> 579
- Obsidian Shadowpearl Ring I: 2508 -> 3260
- Obsidian Nightopal Amulet I: 2508 -> 3260
- Obsidian Moonstone Ring I: 2728 -> 3546
- Obsidian Shadowpearl Amulet I: 2728 -> 3546
- Obsidian Voidheart Ring I: 2989 -> 3885
- Obsidian Moonstone Amulet I: 2989 -> 3885
- Obsidian Voidheart Amulet I: 3276 -> 4258
- Fear Consumable I: 513 -> 666
- Gloomia Coif: 2644 -> 3172
- Abyssal Resist Consumable I: 590 -> 708
- Gloomia Legs: 2970 -> 3564
- Deep Wounds Consumable I: 590 -> 708
- Gloomia Body: 3547 -> 3901
- Obsidian Nightopal Ring II: 4966 -> 5462
- Withering Consumable I: 679 -> 746
- Obsidian Shadowpearl Ring II: 5447 -> 5991
- Obsidian Nightopal Amulet II: 5447 -> 5991
- Obsidian Moonstone Ring II: 5934 -> 6527
- Obsidian Shadowpearl Amulet II: 5934 -> 6527
- Obsidian Voidheart Ring II: 6508 -> 7158
- Obsidian Moonstone Amulet II: 6508 -> 7158
- Obsidian Voidheart Amulet II: 7139 -> 7852
- Silence Consumable I: 779 -> 856
- Withia Coif: 3732 -> 4105
- Soul Harvesting Consumable I: 889 -> 933
- Withia Legs: 5894 -> 6188
- Withia Body: 7054 -> 7406
- Obzurian Melee Breaker Ring: 10503 -> 11028
- Item Cost Consumable I: 1011 -> 1061
- Obzurian Ranged Impactor Ring: 11526 -> 12102
- Obzurian Critical Strike Amulet: 11526 -> 12102
- Abyss Rune: 332 -> 664
- Abyssal Staff: 670 -> 1340
- Ire Rune: 356 -> 712
- Abyssal Elite Wizard Hat: 785 -> 1570
- Abyssal Elite Wizard Boots: 930 -> 1860
- Abyssal Elite Wizard Legs: 1113 -> 2226
- Abyssal Elite Wizard Robes: 1321 -> 2311
- Abyssal Wand: 1568 -> 2744
- Brume Rune: 665 -> 1163
- Fury Rune: 940 -> 1410
- Brume Staff: 2233 -> 3349
- Abyssal Master Wizard Hat: 2233 -> 3349
- Brume Master Wizard Hat: 2445 -> 3667
- Abyssal Master Wizard Boots: 2656 -> 3984
- Brume Master Wizard Boots: 2909 -> 4363
- Abyssal Master Wizard Legs: 3186 -> 4779
- Umbral Rune: 1013 -> 1519
- Brume Master Wizard Legs: 3462 -> 5193
- Abyssal Master Wizard Robes: 3040 -> 4560
- Brume Master Wizard Robes: 3793 -> 4930
- Brume Wand: 4155 -> 5401
- Gloom Rune: 1588 -> 2064
- Wrath Rune: 1893 -> 2460
- Gloom Staff: 5678 -> 7381
- Abyssal Mystic Wizard Hat: 5678 -> 7381
- Brume Mystic Wizard Hat: 6223 -> 8089
- Abyssal Mystic Wizard Boots: 6772 -> 8126
- Gloom Mystic Wizard Hat: 6772 -> 8126
- Brume Mystic Wizard Boots: 7424 -> 8908
- Abyssal Mystic Wizard Legs: 8138 -> 9765
- Gloom Mystic Wizard Boots: 8138 -> 9765
- Shade Rune: 2396 -> 2875
- Brume Mystic Wizard Legs: 8860 -> 10632
- Abyssal Mystic Wizard Robes: 4996 -> 5995
- Gloom Mystic Wizard Legs: 9714 -> 11656
- Brume Mystic Wizard Robes: 9714 -> 11656
- Gloom Wand: 10651 -> 12781
- Gloom Mystic Wizard Robes: 11600 -> 13920
- Wither Rune: 2979 -> 3276
- Hollow Rune: 3560 -> 3916
- Abyssal Legendary Wizard Hat: 9401 -> 10341
- Wither Staff: 9401 -> 10341
- Brume Legendary Wizard Hat: 10312 -> 11343
- Abyssal Legendary Wizard Boots: 11238 -> 12361
- Gloom Legendary Wizard Hat: 11238 -> 12361
- Brume Legendary Wizard Boots: 12328 -> 13560
- Wither Legendary Wizard Hat: 12328 -> 13560
- Abyssal Legendary Wizard Legs: 13525 -> 14201
- Gloom Legendary Wizard Boots: 13525 -> 14201
- Dread Rune: 4236 -> 4447
- Brume Legendary Wizard Legs: 14745 -> 15482
- Wither Legendary Wizard Boots: 14745 -> 15482
- Abyssal Legendary Wizard Robes: 16178 -> 16986
- Gloom Legendary Wizard Legs: 16178 -> 16986
- Brume Legendary Wizard Robes: 17751 -> 18638
- Wither Legendary Wizard Legs: 17751 -> 18638
- Wither Wand: 8716 -> 9151
- Gloom Legendary Wizard Robes: 19358 -> 20325
- Wither Legendary Wizard Robes: 21243 -> 22305
- Nether Rune: 8828 -> 9269
- Harvester's Potion: 670 -> 1340
- Corrupted Fighter Potion: 859 -> 1718
- Pieces Finder Potion: 1113 -> 2226
- Laceration Potion: 1110 -> 1942
- Gloomgrowth Potion: 1443 -> 2525
- Blighted Touch Potion: 1877 -> 2815
- Abyssal Miner Potion: 2446 -> 3669
- Shadeveil Potion: 2058 -> 2675
- Abyssal Combination Potion: 2686 -> 3491
- Fear Potion: 3510 -> 4563
- Abyssal Consumable Potion: 3278 -> 3933
- Withering Potion: 4290 -> 5148
- Silent Thief Potion: 5618 -> 6179
- Echoing Lure Potion: 4946 -> 5193
- Silence Potion: 8514 -> 9365
- Soulsnap Potion: 11181 -> 11740
- Dark Ritual Potion: 11600 -> 12180
- Corrupted Dhorn: 619 -> 1238
- Corrupted Deedree: 860 -> 1720
- Corrupted Iridan: 991 -> 1734
- Corrupted Ameria: 1531 -> 2296
- Corrupted Terra: 2018 -> 3027
- Corrupted Vale: 2656 -> 3452
- Corrupted Syllia: 3426 -> 4111
- Corrupted Arachi: 4344 -> 5212
- Corrupted Ko: 5407 -> 5947
- Corrupted Tellus: 8483 -> 8907
- Abyssal Vein: 773 -> 1546
- Twisted Vein: 896 -> 1568
- Gloom Vein: 1695 -> 2203
- Shadow Vein: 3032 -> 3638
- Obsidian Vein: 6443 -> 6765
Monster Defence Bonus Balancing
Weve updated all Abyssal Monster defence bonuses (except Xon) to be more in line with their Attack Type and to follow the reversed Combat Triangle a bit more closely. Abyssal Plant
- Magic Defence Bonus: 31 -> 62
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 1 -> 21
- Magic Defence Bonus: 36 -> 69
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 6 -> 23
- Magic Defence Bonus: 37 -> 71
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 7 -> 24
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 38 -> 72
- Melee Defence Bonus: 8 -> 24
- Melee Defence Bonus: 12 -> 78
- Magic Defence Bonus: 42 -> 26
- Magic Defence Bonus: 43 -> 80
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 13 -> 27
- Melee Defence Bonus: 14 -> 81
- Magic Defence Bonus: 44 -> 27
- Magic Defence Bonus: 39 -> 74
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 9 -> 25
- Melee Defence Bonus: 10 -> 75
- Magic Defence Bonus: 40 -> 25
- Magic Defence Bonus: 41 -> 77
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 11 -> 26
- Magic Defence Bonus: 45 -> 83
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 15 -> 28
- Melee Defence Bonus: 16 -> 84
- Magic Defence Bonus: 46 -> 28
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 47 -> 86
- Melee Defence Bonus: 17 -> 29
- Melee Defence Bonus: 18 -> 87
- Magic Defence Bonus: 48 -> 29
- Magic Defence Bonus: 56 -> 99
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 26 -> 33
- Melee Defence Bonus: 27 -> 101
- Magic Defence Bonus: 57 -> 34
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 58 -> 102
- Melee Defence Bonus: 28 -> 34
- Magic Defence Bonus: 59 -> 104
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 29 -> 35
- Magic Defence Bonus: 60 -> 105
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 30 -> 35
- Melee Defence Bonus: 31 -> 107
- Magic Defence Bonus: 61 -> 36
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 62 -> 108
- Melee Defence Bonus: 32 -> 36
- Magic Defence Bonus: 63 -> 110
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 33 -> 37
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 64 -> 111
- Melee Defence Bonus: 34 -> 37
- Melee Defence Bonus: 35 -> 113
- Magic Defence Bonus: 65 -> 38
- Melee Defence Bonus: 36 -> 114
- Magic Defence Bonus: 66 -> 38
- Magic Defence Bonus: 67 -> 116
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 37 -> 39
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 68 -> 117
- Melee Defence Bonus: 38 -> 39
- Magic Defence Bonus: 70 -> 120
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 40 -> 40
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 78 -> 132
- Melee Defence Bonus: 48 -> 44
- Melee Defence Bonus: 49 -> 134
- Magic Defence Bonus: 79 -> 45
- Melee Defence Bonus: 50 -> 135
- Magic Defence Bonus: 80 -> 45
- Magic Defence Bonus: 81 -> 137
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 51 -> 46
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 82 -> 138
- Melee Defence Bonus: 52 -> 46
- Melee Defence Bonus: 53 -> 140
- Magic Defence Bonus: 83 -> 47
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 84 -> 141
- Melee Defence Bonus: 54 -> 47
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 85 -> 143
- Melee Defence Bonus: 55 -> 48
- Magic Defence Bonus: 86 -> 144
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 56 -> 48
- Melee Defence Bonus: 57 -> 146
- Magic Defence Bonus: 87 -> 49
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 88 -> 147
- Melee Defence Bonus: 58 -> 49
- Magic Defence Bonus: 90 -> 150
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 60 -> 50
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 97 -> 161
- Melee Defence Bonus: 67 -> 54
- Melee Defence Bonus: 68 -> 162
- Magic Defence Bonus: 98 -> 54
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 99 -> 164
- Melee Defence Bonus: 69 -> 55
- Magic Defence Bonus: 100 -> 165
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 70 -> 55
- Melee Defence Bonus: 71 -> 167
- Magic Defence Bonus: 101 -> 56
- Melee Defence Bonus: 72 -> 168
- Magic Defence Bonus: 102 -> 56
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 103 -> 170
- Melee Defence Bonus: 73 -> 57
- Magic Defence Bonus: 104 -> 171
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 74 -> 57
- Melee Defence Bonus: 75 -> 173
- Magic Defence Bonus: 105 -> 58
- Magic Defence Bonus: 106 -> 174
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 76 -> 58
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 107 -> 176
- Melee Defence Bonus: 77 -> 59
- Melee Defence Bonus: 78 -> 177
- Magic Defence Bonus: 108 -> 59
- Magic Defence Bonus: 110 -> 180
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 80 -> 60
- Melee Defence Bonus: 87 -> 191
- Magic Defence Bonus: 117 -> 64
- Magic Defence Bonus: 118 -> 192
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 88 -> 64
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 119 -> 194
- Melee Defence Bonus: 89 -> 65
- Magic Defence Bonus: 120 -> 195
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 90 -> 65
- Melee Defence Bonus: 91 -> 197
- Magic Defence Bonus: 121 -> 66
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 122 -> 198
- Melee Defence Bonus: 92 -> 66
- Magic Defence Bonus: 123 -> 200
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 93 -> 67
- Magic Defence Bonus: 124 -> 201
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 94 -> 67
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 125 -> 203
- Melee Defence Bonus: 95 -> 68
- Magic Defence Bonus: 126 -> 204
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 96 -> 68
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 127 -> 206
- Melee Defence Bonus: 97 -> 69
- Melee Defence Bonus: 98 -> 207
- Magic Defence Bonus: 128 -> 69
- Magic Defence Bonus: 156 -> 252
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 120 -> 84
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 158 -> 255
- Melee Defence Bonus: 122 -> 85
- Magic Defence Bonus: 159 -> 257
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 123 -> 86
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 160 -> 258
- Melee Defence Bonus: 124 -> 86
- Melee Defence Bonus: 125 -> 260
- Magic Defence Bonus: 161 -> 87
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 162 -> 261
- Melee Defence Bonus: 126 -> 87
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 164 -> 264
- Melee Defence Bonus: 128 -> 88
- Magic Defence Bonus: 165 -> 266
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 129 -> 89
- Melee Defence Bonus: 130 -> 267
- Magic Defence Bonus: 166 -> 89
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 167 -> 269
- Melee Defence Bonus: 131 -> 90
- Magic Defence Bonus: 221 -> 329
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 161 -> 110
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 206 -> 357
- Melee Defence Bonus: 162 -> 119
- Melee Defence Bonus: 177 -> 332
- Magic Defence Bonus: 207 -> 111
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 208 -> 362
- Melee Defence Bonus: 165 -> 121
- Melee Defence Bonus: 180 -> 336
- Magic Defence Bonus: 209 -> 112
- Magic Defence Bonus: 229 -> 339
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 168 -> 113
- Magic Defence Bonus: 231 -> 341
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 170 -> 114
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 214 -> 371
- Melee Defence Bonus: 171 -> 124
- Melee Defence Bonus: 186 -> 345
- Magic Defence Bonus: 215 -> 115
- Magic Defence Bonus: 104 -> 186
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 44 -> 62
- Melee Defence Bonus: 144 -> 252
- Magic Defence Bonus: 72 -> 84
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 168 -> 288
- Melee Defence Bonus: 192 -> 324
- Magic Defence Bonus: 120 -> 108
- Magic Defence Bonus: 216 -> 360
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 144 -> 120
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 229 -> 380
- Melee Defence Bonus: 157 -> 127
- Melee Defence Bonus: 241 -> 398
- Magic Defence Bonus: 169 -> 133
Bug Fixes
- [All] Updated various issues with translations
- [All] Fixed issue where some separate sources of damage were calculated into one damage value, causing you to take a combined amount of damage. This is now done separately and will allow you to auto-eat in between these sources if required (Mostly relates to reflect damage).
- [All] Fix incorrect calculation for currency modifiers based on Regen HP.
- [All] Fix damage type checks defaulting to Abyssal XP if failing (to fix mods that implement custom Damage Types).
- [All] Fix double progression when browser throttles with reduced CPU setting disabled.
- [All] Fix Corruption menu showing after Golbin Raid without ItA
- [AoD] Fix Cursed Potion applying random curse to player instead of enemy
- [AoD] Fix incorrect numbering for Cooking relics (visual only)
- [AoD] Fix artefact chances not updating with modifier changes
- Fix combat area based equipment restrictions applying to non-active equipment sets
- Fix Void Shambler cape applying its stacks when hitting an enemy instead of when hit by enemy
- Fix Cleansed Effect not preventing Fear debuff
- Fix Nulled Effect not preventing Pestilent Embrace Regen
- Fix Level 99 Mastery Harvesting bonus affecting all veins
- Fix Abyssal XP showing when selecting refinements in Cartography
- Fix incorrect item upgrade recipes:
- --Toxic Fumes Wand upgrade from Brume wand instead of Gloom wand
- --Toxic blast crossbow upgrade from Brumite Crossbow instead of Gloomite
- --Blight warder body upgrade from Brumia body instead of Gloomia
[ 2024-10-30 04:40:57 CET ] [ Original post ]
Melvor Idle
Game News Posts:
🎹🖱️Keyboard + Mouse
Very Positive
(12607 reviews)
Public Linux Depots:
- Melvor Idle Depot Linux x64 [304.12 M]
Melvor Idle is a feature-rich, idle / incremental game with a familiar feel. With over 20+ unique skills to tackle, you will always have something new to tackle.
Features include offline progression, cloud save compatibility, many unique shop upgrades, inbuilt bank / inventory system and more!
Every skill in this game has its purpose, and interacts with other skills in unique and interesting ways. The training of one skill will benefit others, forcing you to make decisions about the best cause of action to take.
Combat has over 110+ unique monsters for you to face, utilizing Melee, Ranged or Magic attack types to gain advantages over your foe. You can level up Prayer, Slayer, and Hitpoints alongside your standard Combat
Combat comes sorted with many fierce and tough Dungeons for you to conquer. Each Dungeon contains a unique, tough boss at the end which in turn will provide massive rewards for completion!
Skills are your break away from the madness that is Combat. You can relax by training many different skills to aid in your journey. Currently, there is 12 separate Skills to progress away from Combat.
Do you have what it takes to conquer Melvor?
Features include offline progression, cloud save compatibility, many unique shop upgrades, inbuilt bank / inventory system and more!
Every skill in this game has its purpose, and interacts with other skills in unique and interesting ways. The training of one skill will benefit others, forcing you to make decisions about the best cause of action to take.
Combat has over 110+ unique monsters for you to face, utilizing Melee, Ranged or Magic attack types to gain advantages over your foe. You can level up Prayer, Slayer, and Hitpoints alongside your standard Combat
Combat comes sorted with many fierce and tough Dungeons for you to conquer. Each Dungeon contains a unique, tough boss at the end which in turn will provide massive rewards for completion!
Skills are your break away from the madness that is Combat. You can relax by training many different skills to aid in your journey. Currently, there is 12 separate Skills to progress away from Combat.
Do you have what it takes to conquer Melvor?
[ 6076 ]
[ 1223 ]
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