Linux users can now enter the the decadent and depraved world of The Slaughter: Act One, travelling back to the grimy streets of Victorian London in search of a killer, and all from the comfort of your own computer box!
Trading cards and emoticons should now be unlocking correctly too!
Now I'm off to work on the Mac release. Please do let me know if you run into any trouble getting things running smoothly, and I'll do my best to help ːnutzː
Linux users can now enter the the decadent and depraved world of The Slaughter: Act One, travelling back to the grimy streets of Victorian London in search of a killer, and all from the comfort of your own computer box!
Trading cards and emoticons should now be unlocking correctly too!
Now I'm off to work on the Mac release. Please do let me know if you run into any trouble getting things running smoothly, and I'll do my best to help :nutz:
A serial killer is terrorizing the streets of Victorian London, and private investigator Sydney Emerson has hit a new low between finding lost dogs and receiving alleyway beatings. A turn of events sees Sydney forgoing his selfish nature and thrusting himself into perilous and increasingly surreal situations, treading a fine line between dreams and reality.
Explore the foggy streets of Victorian London in all its decadence and depravity, searching the slums, taverns, brothels and even Sydney’s abstract dreamscapes for clues, while meeting a host of interesting, insane and eccentrically British characters along the way.
•A noir adventure laced with adult themes and dark humour.
•A faithful recreation of Victorian London, from decadence to depravity.
•Classic point and click gameplay in the vein of the LucasArts games of yore.
•Explore Sydney’s surreal dream-world for clues.
•Follow the trail of a killer, or drink until you vomit at the pub.
•Original soundtrack blends film noir and traditional Victorian instruments.