Hello space travellers!
This patch contains some updates and fixes:
- added player-based action log
- added AI stats on profile
- added available green federations counter
- added message for losing excess resources
- added grouped warnings so no warning gets lost
- added link to faction info panel from faction board
- added turn order in history
- improved overall performance
- improved game loading times
- improved AI overall
- improved AI in last round
- fixed federation forming logic
- fixed Taklons, Baltaks and Nevlas alternative payments
- fixed gaia project alternative payments
- fixed game stuck when going to next game
- fixed undo while faction bidding
- fixed timeout in fast ranked games while watching animations
- fixed chat notifications in main menu
- fixed structure overlay offset on map
- fixed 3D lost planet flickering
- fixed history tutorial pointer positions
In Gaia Project, each player controls one of 14 factions striving to peacefully colonize the Terra Mystica galaxy. Each faction has different environmental needs to survive on a planet. These needs have led the factions to master terraforming, enabling them to make different planet types habitable for themselves. During the game, you will colonize new planets, upgrade mines into better structures, and unite planets to form federations. The choice is yours: will you expand near other factions, which might give you power and trade partners, or will you look for solitude, where you can expand more freely? In addition, you will need to research and discover new technologies to improve your skills. In the end, only the best developed faction will win.