- Added an automatic run command "rr". Automatic run stays in effect until "rr" is said again, or the player changes zones.
- Changed automatic fight command to "ff" from "aa".
- Players can now easily stop in a diagonal orientation. Previously, it was quite difficult, and players would mostly end up facing directly north/south or east/west, even if they were moving diagonally before stopping.
- Players who founded guilds that are now disbanded may restart them for 20000 gold by saying 'guild' to Tavelor. Founders of disbanded guilds may also now unengrave items engraved to their old disbanded guild at Tavelor's. Guilds with no one left in them are now immediately disbanded.
- Item recall now works in vaults, but there is a warning before using the scroll in your own vault. The warning is to prevent potential chaos from an accidental click. In all vaults, all items engraved to the user are recalled. For personal vaults, guild items are only recalled if the player is in their own vault, or the vault of someone who is not in their guild. In guild vaults, only the guild leader may recall guild engraved items. Guildmate's items are never recalled in any vault. These special rules only apply to items on the ground of vaults (items carried by other players work as if you were not in a vault. Clear as mud, but hopefully it will seem that the recall scroll "does the right thing".
- Players may now recall specific engraved items by saying the name of the item first, then using a scroll of item recall. For example, if you say 'dagger' and then use the scroll, then only your daggers will be recalled to you.
- Reflection is now displayed as a resistance. The percentage displayed is the chance to reflect.
- Fixed a problem for some Steam players who had trouble customizing their character using customization credits.
- Increased the delay between satyr butts by about 30%. DPB remains unchanged.
Aberoth is a fantasy massively multiplayer online role playing game with charming retro graphics and tons of freedom.
You start your adventure in an orcish prison with no possessions or skills. Once you escape, your journey of exploration begins. To survive, you must acquire items, learn skills, and join forces with other players to combat the hordes of enemies who inhabit the world.
What makes Aberoth unique?
No dungeon instancing.
Enemies pick up and use equipment, potions, scrolls, and magical items they find.
Dropped items never disappear.
You can build permanent structures with items.
Unrestricted trading. There are no soulbound or no-drop items.
Full PvP. Player killing is allowed almost everywhere (but the game contains many anti-griefing mechanisms).
Tame monsters and make them your pets.
Polymorph yourself and play as a monster.
Over 190 unique items to discover. Item graphics are never reused for different items.