- When the arcane realm of creation ends, the top 25 most skillful players will receive a new item.
- In case of high score ties for most skillful, the game now uses total experience as a tiebreaker. Prior to this fix, there was no tiebreaker.
- The arcane realm of creation will now end on December 29, 2018 at 12:59 PM PST. A brand new arcane realm of creation will open on December 30 (right after the reset) to allow new players to enter. However, players may not leave the castle until Jan 1, 2019.
- Potent acid cloud no longer causes wanted time if used in a duel.
- The ancient spellbook now holds 9 scrolls, up from 8.
- While blind, a player can no longer see someone who is protected by an amulet of preservation, or darkened by chaos.
- For private guilds, the guild motto is no longer visible on the high score board.
Aberoth is a fantasy massively multiplayer online role playing game with charming retro graphics and tons of freedom.
You start your adventure in an orcish prison with no possessions or skills. Once you escape, your journey of exploration begins. To survive, you must acquire items, learn skills, and join forces with other players to combat the hordes of enemies who inhabit the world.
What makes Aberoth unique?
No dungeon instancing.
Enemies pick up and use equipment, potions, scrolls, and magical items they find.
Dropped items never disappear.
You can build permanent structures with items.
Unrestricted trading. There are no soulbound or no-drop items.
Full PvP. Player killing is allowed almost everywhere (but the game contains many anti-griefing mechanisms).
Tame monsters and make them your pets.
Polymorph yourself and play as a monster.
Over 190 unique items to discover. Item graphics are never reused for different items.