Hello Creators,
Today we have some very exciting news for you! The time has come for the Nuggets to move further into space. The first step is to set your Nuggets foot on the moon!
Watch The Universim - Moon Gameplay Trailer
Yes, we are happy to announce that this patch will finally bring plenty of new and exciting features to the game - but this is only the first step on your Nuggets path. In the future, you will have the opportunity to colonize and explore many other planets, each having its own negative and positive aspects. For now, let's concentrate on the things we can find in this patch.
First of All, MOON!
As mentioned before, the Moon is just the first planet that your Nuggets will be able to colonize. It is relatively safe and has a low difficulty curve in its colonization. This type of planet, as you all might have guessed, is considered to be a Barren Planet. The planet does have plenty of rocks and some underground resources, but it lacks oxygen. This celestial body also lacks water as well as any life on the planet; these issues are something that you will have to tackle in order to fully colonize the planet. Think carefully about what you want to bring to the Moon in terms of resources and what buildings you would like to construct there first. The first step is crucial to the survival of your civilization. If your first colonization wont be successful, you will have to utilize your interplanetary transportation system in order to deliver goods to the planet.
This is one of the first buildings that will set you on the path to colonization. The building was completely reworked from the ground up. You will be able to use the cosmodrome to build your colonization rockets. Only one rocket can be built per planet. Consider this rocket to be your epicenter; where your civilization will start anew on a planet. In this building, you can load your rocket with Nuggets and Robox (later on with drones) and resources. Loading the resources is done in two different ways: you can either load any amount of resources or you can select a tab that will display all kinds of buildings. From this tab, instead of calculating how many resources you need, you can simply select any buildings that you would like to be built on your newly colonized planet and Nuggets will deliver resources needed for those buildings.
Rockets have a limited amount of space on them. In the future, you will need to think carefully about what you would like to take with you on a planet based on the learned information about the planet and its condition.
This is the center of your transportation of goods. Each spaceport that is built provides you with 4 trading cargo ships on which you will be able to load different resources and help your Nuggets stay sustained. This building will allow you to set up any trading routes you would like to implement. Select both the resources you wish to deliver and the number of times you would like those resources to be delivered. You can select 1-10 or infinity. Later on, you will be allowed to constantly stream the specified amount of resources on the recipient planet.
This is one of the main buildings that will allow you to start terraforming the planet. The building constantly consumes resources and, in exchange, will restore flora within the radius this building can operate. Slowly and by utilizing resources, this building will be able to make any planet green as life is established.
Oxygen Generator
Since there is no oxygen on the Moon, this is one of the buildings that you will certainly need. Similar to the terraformer, this building will consume resources in order to provide oxygen to the planet, but there is one major thing to note about this building: if electricity is lost, then the generator will drop your oxygen to the previous level (the oxygen level present before the building was constructed). In other words, this building provides the planet with oxygen, as long as you have it working. In order to truly restore the oxygen on a planet, you will need to implement forests and lakes upon the planet. But, as a short term solution, oxygen generators will surely provide enough O2 for your Nuggets to prevent suffocationunless you forget to pay your electricity bill.
Hydro Collider
From the name of the building, you could probably guess the purpose of this structure. This building will create water on your planet. Place it similar to water pumps on a shoreline and let it run. Shortly thereafter, you will notice how the level of water increases, but be careful not to overwork it! The Hydro Collider does consume resources in order to craft water for your planet.
Cloud Generator
This is another solution to the water problem on a planet. Cloud generators will allow you to restore water on the planet by creating clouds! This building will produce clouds in exchange for resources, but the amount of resources is significantly less than the resources needed for the Hydro Collider. Even though this solution can be ideal for certain planets, there is one thing to note: cloud generators take time to create water. If you need to restore something quickly, consider using the Hydro Collider, otherwise a Cloud Generator will do a great job!
In unlocking space travel, your Nuggets also took some time to think about the best way to move their constructions to other planets or even across the same planet. This is how Robox was born! This little box with legs consists of highly transformable material and can inherit the functionality and shape of any building - but it does come with costs. In order to create a Robox, you can either order it for your colonization rocket or you can convert one of your buildings into this creation. Pressing the convert button on a building panel will pack the building into this little weird metallic creature that can be loaded onto the rocket and sent to another planet. You obviously can also use it to move your buildings around
Oxygen & Space Suits
Your Nuggets cant survive without oxygen. Upon landing, your Nuggets will have to constantly return to your colonization ship in order to restore the oxygen in their space suits. Once the oxygen on the planet is restored or you have enough to the point where your Nuggets wont need their suits anymore, they will perform faster and better. At the end of the day, they dont need to constantly replenish their oxygen from the rocket.
A low amount of oxygen on the planet also has a negative effect on the planet's condition and disasters. Without the oxygen restored, you wont have an atmosphere that can protect your planet from meteor strikes, therefore, frequent meteor showers are expected on a planet without oxygen. You will also be missing clouds that do provide essential water to the planet (your cloud generators do not care about oxygen due to chemicals being used to create those clouds).
The Space Age also will introduce a new type of road your Nuggets will utilize. Upon the initial landing on the Moon, your Nuggets will utilize rope roads. They will be moving along the ropes, holding it with their little hands in order to stay on track. Later on, as your civilization progresses forward, rope roads will be changed to advanced Space Age roads. Even though, at this point, roads wont be utilized as much due to flying cars, it still will provide a necessary movement boost to your Nuggets.
Flying Cars
Nuggets advanced quite far during this time. Since they learned how to fly, they also learned how to utilize all of their received knowledge in order to create flying cars! Those cars are highly effective and do not create any traffic, but they do come with upkeep costs.
Due to limited oxygen on the planets, your Nuggets will initially build houses with domes that will be a safe space for them to get oxygen. Slowly but surely, your Nuggets will build larger domes that contain more families inside of them, but this is not the best and long-term sustainable living your Nuggets will want. Once the oxygen is restored, your Nuggets will move towards rebuilding their houses and constructing new, highly advanced homes.
Space Age Houses
Space Age houses will take the place of domes and be built instead of the domes once the oxygen levels are restored. They can contain many families inside them at night thoughthis is something spectacular. We are really proud of our Nuggets and how advanced they have become :)
Background Planet Simulation System
A highly advanced simulation system was built for the Space Age. Since many planets will eventually be introduced, we wanted to allow players to explore those planets without worrying too much about other planets, as well as allowing interplanetary trading. The system that we built will do its best to simulate the current state of your planet based on how much time has passed. In order words, it will use all the reproduction rates that your planet has and create new Nuggets, age existing Nuggets, calculate produced resources, consumed resources by your civilization, etc. Creating a self-sustainable planet and leaving that planet will allow our simulation system to keep up with everything and continue simulating life on that planet. Who knows what you will find once you come back
Unfortunately, if you left your planet in distress, our simulation system will continue to simulate what would happen to it based on the time passed.
Bloom Effect
One of the exciting improvements weve made was changing our visuals, especially during night time. At night, youll see something called the bloom effect. This effect will make your city play with colorful colors during night time when all the lights are on, creating a magnificent effect across your planet.
Space Age and Modern Music
It is time to introduce some new tracks to the game! We worked with our composers in order to produce 10 new awesome tracks for this era, keeping you pumped and excited to play the game in the Modern Age and Space Era.
Space Age Construction Sites
Through the ages, Nuggets have advanced their technology and techniques. Thousands of construction sites were created and used to build gorgeous constructs, and the Space Age is no exception. We worked on new visual effects for the construction sites for the Space Age buildings.
Modern Age and Space Era Building Upgrades
Besides introducing tons of new content, we did not forget about the building upgrades to make your cities in space look stunning. As usual, each building upgrade will provide certain benefits, so make sure to build them all!
Space Age Cemetery
Welp, it's time to send your Nuggets to space. Literally. Instead of burning your Nuggets, Space Age cemetery workers will put your Nuggets in capsules and send them deeper into space.
Space Age Expedition Camp
Space Age Garage
Upgrade your garage to receive flying cars! Create your own futuristic cities and resolve all the issues of traffic. Your Nuggets will convert to flying cars in order to reach their destinations. The roads beneath them will still produce a boost to their movement speed, but make sure to have enough fuel for your cars to remain up in the air.
Space Age Bridge
Modern bridges got their upgrade to Space Age bridges. Even though the functionality of the bridges did not change, they definitely received an awesome new look!
Space Age Water Pump
Issue with the water? Dont worry, the Space Age water pumps will pump the water in no time. The increased amount of water that is being pumped will definitely resolve problems when expanding your city.
Space Age Reservoir
Increase the drinkable water generation speed and capacity by upgrading your reservoirs to the Space Age!
Modern Age Battery
Batteries didnt progress too much throughout this time, but they did indeed see an upgrade. Upgrade your medieval batteries into new and shiny modern batteries and increase their capacity along with it.
Space Age Eatery
Advanced technology allowed us to place plenty of machinery in the kitchen, which in return yielded faster cooking speeds.
Modern Age Warehouse
Wooden shacks were no longer suitable for Nuggets and their needs. Due to an increased output in resources, a bigger storage space was needed. Modern Age warehouses surely can help with the double output and provide enough storage space for any resources.
Space Age Farm
Farming is easy now! Experience completely automated factories with maximum production by upgrading your farms. This will drastically increase the output of food for your civilization.
Space Age Hospital
Even though the amount of beds did not increase, the efficiency with which Nuggets learned how to manipulate robotic arms allowed Nuggets to increase the speed of treating their patients.
Improvements and Balance Changes
- Minor performance enhancements
- Increased speed to fly to evolution tower when H button is pressed
- Increased camera speed over the planet
- Reduced the amount of green when the atmosphere is polluted
- Minor changes and tweaks to atmospheric effects
- Research tree changes due to new perks and buildings being added to the game
- Now it will take half the time from what it was initially to upgrade Modern Age residential buildings to their final form
- Fixed: Minister of Power was placing multiple Evolution Tower buildings
- Fixed: Fish quantity was not displayed correctly
- Fixed: An issue where Nugget from the Lost Child quest would fall under the ground
- Fixed: Issue where small lakes would constantly turn toxic and be polluted
- Fixed: Bug that caused news alerts to be very small
- Fixed: Issue with Nuggets not being able to upgrade their weapons when Barracks are upgraded
- Fixed: UI bug that was appearing when any mining building was placed
- Fixed: Issue with bloom effect on factories
- Fixed: Exiles could trigger a trade before their cities were completed
- Fixed: Cupidon light could have been struck on a screen if a Nugget became an exile
- Fixed: Issue when the research button would get locked out with an X symbol
- Fixed: Bug that caused firestorms/blizzards from never triggering
- Fixed: Defense tower Nuggets not facing their target
- Fixed: Bug that caused clouds to fill very small lakes more slowly than intended
- Fixed: Bug that caused the scroll to be too slow and sometimes not work on the save/load menu
- Fixed: Bug where exiles with no finished buildings can trigger events
- Fixed: Bug where picking up a Nugget while eating/drinking/resting would cause the stat to never fall
- Fixed: Bug where Nuggets in residentials, when collapsed, would be invisible
- Fixed: Some visual bugs with the Pyramid construction
- Fixed: Issue with road previews not rendering properly
- Fixed: Issue with buildings in the filter view not lighting up when their category is selected
[ 2022-02-16 18:03:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
🕹️ Partial Controller Support
- The Universim Linux [1.35 G]
- The Universim Collector's Pack Vol 1
Meet the Universim
The Universim aims to revive the glory days of the god-game genre, and bring it into the new generation with fresh ideas and ambitious gameplay. With the powers of a god, you are unleashed upon the universe to begin forging your galactic empire in the stars. From dust to the cosmos beyond, your civilization will rise through the ages under your guidance. Yet, this is not the same static world you may be accustomed to, this is a dynamic, living world that is just as unpredictable as it is beautiful. Everything in The Universim revolves around dynamic gameplay. No two planets will ever be the same, natural disasters and other events can be triggered at any time, and the AI will react to the world in an organic and believable way. Although, it wouldn’t be any fun if things don’t get a little silly every now and then.
Your citizens (Nuggets) will make their own decisions and always seek to better the civilization in some way, but, at times, things may not always go to plan. Fortunately, you are there to keep them on the straight and narrow. Or, rather, to keep them from getting themselves killed, at least. One such situation that may arise from bad decision-making is that two or more AI cities declare war on one another. You then have an important choice to make: intervene and attempt to bring an end to the chaos, or simply watch as they destroy one another. Some people just want to watch the world burn, and we’re okay with that.
Research plays a pivotal role in The Universim, and is therefore an area that will require your utmost attention. Without certain discoveries or technology, your civilization may not even be able to progress beyond the Stone Age. For instance, fire is a crucial invention to ensure the warmth and safety of your early civilization, amongst other useful applications. New research options become available as your civilization progresses through the ages.
Learn More About Nuggets
Due to the dynamism of the game, natural disasters, alien visitors, disease, war, famine, riots, and so much more can be thrown at your civilization at any time. All of these factors will leave their mark on the civilization, but can be dealt with in numerous ways. When something like the plague strikes, it is up to you to quickly strategize on how you will help your civilization overcome this disaster. The way in which you fight certain disasters varies from era to era, depending on the current research level and available technology.
When it comes to disasters, the world itself is not the only bringer of doom. You, too, can trigger disasters if you are displeased with your civilization’s decisions. Your influence over the world is dependent on two basic elements, Power and Wrath. Power comes from having a loyal civilization under your control. Successful completion of tasks and other activities will generate the Power you need to alter the very world itself, such as changing the weather or triggering events. It can also be used to initiate a major civilization action. Conversely, if your civilization begins to lose loyalty due to failed events, every action they perform that displeases you will generate Wrath. This, in turn, allows you to unleash destruction upon them at any time.
The more loyal a civilization is, the better they will follow your orders. Sometimes, you just need to remind them who is boss. What better way to do that than to send a meteor down with a friendly note strapped to the side? There are also less destructive ways of maintaining loyalty, though. You kind of need a civilization to exist in the first place if you plan to rule over one. Although, it’s sometimes just fun to blow things up, isn’t it? You monster.
Disasters will also have many simulated secondary effects. Something like a meteor crashing into the planet will not only leave a sizeable crater, but it could also set trees and buildings on fire. Fires spread dynamically, making it rather dangerous for any structures or citizens within range. However, YOU can prevent forest fires! By wielding your Creator Abilities, you can drag a storm cloud over the impact zone and cool the situation down before things get out of hand. Creator abilities are your way of interacting directly with the world and assisting with various issues that may arise. These kinds of abilities drain Power, though, so use them wisely!
Buildings and society will evolve as you progress from era to era. Every era will bring with it entirely new types of buildings that will impact your civilization in some way. All buildings will be constructed around what we call The Epicenter, the central heart of every city in the game. You can place an Epicenter in any feasible region on the planet that supports cities, and buildings will begin developing around it as your population grows. Normal housing structures can be built automatically, but you will need to explicitly choose where special buildings go up. Special buildings include things like farms and nuclear power plants. Civilization development and expansion is based on the conditions around your Epicenters. In certain environments, your population and buildings will grow faster. However, in cold environments, deserts, and other rather inhospitable areas, resources like food may be scarce and will thus hinder development.
In a vibrant, living world driven by dynamic events, realistic natural processes, and ever-changing environments, you need an in-game simulation engine that is capable of going above and beyond expectations. This is what the Prometheus In-Game Engine™ aims to be. Developed from the ground up in Unity3D, it will form the foundation upon which every element in the game is built.
Thanks to Prometheus, every planet you encounter in the game will be as unique and vibrant as the last. Doesn’t random generation rock? You will come across planets with varying temperatures and environmental conditions, as well as a wide range of characteristics that make them special. Planets will also undergo the changing of seasons, which affects the many environmental biomes on the planet. It has the potential to cause rapid changes in temperature and conditions, leading to a significant change in the rate of resource gathering and civilization development.
Seasons will change according to the in-game timeline. Summer offers the best food yield and growth period due to its favourable weather, while winter can have a negative impact on the wellbeing of your civilization. Some winters may go by quickly, while others will drag on. There is even a chance for the most brutal winter of all to ravage your civilization for months on Mother Planet. Fortunately, our in-game News System will inform you about upcoming winters, giving you enough time to react and begin preparing for the long winter months ahead by storing food and researching the appropriate technologies. Fire, clothing, storage of food, and building shelters are all excellent examples of proper preparation.
The space era will be the culmination of all your hard work. All of the decisions you have made thus far will truly begin to bear fruit or reveal their consequences, if any exist. This is when you will begin to discover all of the beauty and mercilessness of alien planets.
Colonization plays a huge role in the Space Era, as it allows you to spread your civilization across the stars. New research opportunities, technologies, resources, and more can be discovered by exploring and colonizing planets! However, colonizing a planet requires a little preparation beforehand. Simply hitting the GO button when initiating a mission will likely result in unhappy endings. If adequate research about the planet is not done, it may lead to the untimely demise of your colonization team. After all, it can be rather difficult to traverse molten lava while fending off giant space mosquitoes with nothing but a tube of sunblock! Even more so, if they happen to be wearing the previous mission's sub-zero equipment.
Every planet in the game can be colonized. They may just require a dash of scientific magic to make them habitable. Certain planets could even possess extremely valuable resources, but there is always a catch. Such planets may also have a ticking timer attached to them, indicating that the planet is going to explode or the sun is minutes away from going supernova. Are you brave enough to risk it all and attempt to harvest those resources before time runs out? There is always the option to leave the planet to die in peace, of course. You may already have a cargo hold full of valuable resources and new discoveries. It would be a shame to see all of that go to waste! Oh, and your poor colonization team, too. Imagine all the paperwork…
Naturally, the hardships may not always end at having to harvest all of the resources before the timer hits zero. The planet could still have unsuitable conditions for your team to get the job done. You will most likely need to place atmosphere generators to generate air and thermal regulators to keep the temperatures on the planet at suitable levels. It’s not going to be an easy process, but the rewards may just be worth it.
Most alien planets will also likely have a few strange creatures roaming around. Some may be friendly, and could even become good friends with your crewmembers. Others have sharp teeth and a general dislike for everything that moves. Better pack a few weapons as a precaution! You will encounter many unique and interesting creatures, vegetation, and environments in your travels. Be sure to send any interesting combinations you find to us! Prometheus might get a little ‘creative’ sometimes.
A lot of extra detail is planned to go into numerous planets in The Universim. You can expect to find many easter-eggs and secrets scattered across the universe. There are even plans to possibly include mod support somewhere down the line. After all, no modern game would be complete without inappropriately-shaped rocket ships!
By utilizing an intuitive GUI, you can keep track of the various planets in the universe and manage your intergalactic endeavours with ease. Every star in the sky is actually a different planet that you can discover and explore. This is another area where research and technology can make or break your experience. One such technology is the Discovery Rover. This vehicle can be sent to distant planets to acquire information about the conditions, colonization requirements, hidden dangers, and available resources. However, as with everything else, you will need to prepare your Rover adequately for the mission. Additional technologies like Environmental Armour, Thermal Shielding, weaponry, resource probes, and more will need to be acquired in order to get the most out of your rover and protect it from the dangers of alien planets. There is even the ability to add an all-purpose camera to it, which allows you to take direct control and drive it on alien planets! Did someone say VR? We might have. Maybe.
What will you do with the power to control the universe? With the fate of galaxies resting in your hands, and the fragile lives of so many under your influence, there is no telling what you may accomplish. Through your every decision, you are writing the history of a species. This is your story now, so make it one to remember.
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