- fix physics (end of collision not detected in some cases)
- rework trigger system (less useless method calls)
- edit doors colliders (easier to interact with mouse)
- fix market place wrong positions of stands
- fix event triggers weren't based on the correct year
- fix misspelles in 3 conversations
- change font size in some cases (easier to read)
- rework mouse cursor images to bigger images (easier to see)
- fix some items can't be sold
- fix naked villagers bug, with less useless calls on pre-rendering method of villagers
- fix market NPC rendering (must be behind stands)
- fix dxdiag log file not saved correctly
- fix fatal crash on some computers with dxdiag
- fix crash linked to loading of intro
- fix collision interpolation can glitch a lot
- replace tool animation synchronization bug fix with cleaner fix
- rework furniture with data pre-rendering
- fix various rendering glitches
- add ability to destroy paths with hammer
- add collision pre-calculation for rendering
- rework sprite rendering (cleaner code, more stable)
Your mother has disappeared and you are looking for her, taking her place as deputy mayor. You have to choose how the Island and its city will evolve, while searching for clues to find her and discovering technologies..
Features • Search for clues to find where your mom is and discover secret places
• Learn new crafts and unlock different technologies
• Cook or go to the Gronks restaurant, and get bonuses when you eat varied
• Explore and mine ores & stones to build constructions, furnitures and better tools
• Cut down and plant trees, flowers and plants that can be used to craft
• Create a friendship with villagers, or even more. Each villager has its own personality, that can evolve depending on what you do / say
• Help villagers to get trust, allowing you to add new constructions on the island
• Donate to the museum, go shopping and contribute to the city