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 SiNKR 3 



 Robert Wahler 



 Wahler Digital 











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SiNKR 3 native Linux Steam Deck compatible build

SiNKR 3 is fully compatible with the Steam Deck and uses a native Linux build. SiNKR 2 is currently Steam Deck Verified so I expect all three SiNKR games to eventually be verified as well since they all share the same input DNA.

[ 2023-08-06 18:40:09 CET ] [ Original post ]

UI and Undo Tuning Update

[h3]Update Notes 1.1.1[/h3]

Hey everyone,

This update should really help if you've been missing undo checkpoints in the final levels. I'm pretty happy with the game state now. Let me know what you think. Thanks everyone, sorry it took a week to sort out these issues.


  • Undo checkpoints register even when a puck is stuck on a portal (e.g. levels 83, 84, 85, and 86) or stuck on a ratcheter (e.g. level 75) or stuck on a kicker (e.g. level 39)
  • Keyboard hotkey defaults for reset changed to 'R' and undo changed to 'Z' to better align with PC conventions. These can be remapped in the options screen.
  • Greatly reduced the lightning FX frequency. Lightning only plays to highlight a puck that goes off screen, when the game is at idle (> 3 mins), when toggling on the background FX in the options screen to better indicate the toggle functionality, and in the credits screen.
  • Added a lightning glyph to the background FX toggle on the options screen for clarity.

[ 2022-09-01 23:19:50 CET ] [ Original post ]

Late Game Level Updates Out Now!

[h3]Update Notes 1.1.0[/h3]

This update contains layout tweaks to nine different levels, most of them have numbers in the 70s and the 80s. I've removed a large portion of the starting motion from the game to better align with the experience of the previous games in the series. There is still some starting motion for certain teaching levels and when I thought it appropriately interesting. A detailed list is below. The levels can still be completed using the original sequence of moves with minor exceptions and the starting conditions may have changed providing new alternate solutions on some. Most importantly, I hope this makes the late game more relaxing and enjoyable.

Since the level solution sequences have not substantially changed, this update will will most benefit players that have unfinished levels numbered 76 and higher. Level saves, level numbers, and achievement progress will be maintained. I've pushed the last version before these level changes to a public branch called "Version 1.0.4". There is no password. This branch is only for the curious, there will be no further updates to the "Version 1.0.4" branch.

I'm still working on UI tweaks for background FX and a minor bug fix that is preventing undo checkpoints from registering when a stationary puck is sitting on a portal. This should only happen on levels 83, 84, 85, and 86. Undo still functions on these levels but checkpoints are discarded in error when a stationary puck is on the middle portal. The workaround is to flip or move the puck off the portal to get additional checkpoints to register.

[h3]Changes in this version[/h3]

  • Level 14, the first square puck/round hole teaching level no longer requires hook flipping. It still starts in motion to reinforce that square pucks don't go in round holes.
  • Level 15, the round pucks can go in square holes teaching level doubles down on round pucks for clarity on the right hook. The solution is the same.
  • Level 76, add a hook, the solution is the same but is more relaxed as you can setup the level before the puck goes into motion.
  • Level 79, add two hooks with one reel, the same solutions are available as well as new alternate, more relaxed solutions.
  • Level 80, add two hooks with one reel, the same solutions are available and the level start is more relaxed.
  • Level 81, add two hooks with one reel, the same solutions are available as well as new alternate starting conditions.
  • Level 82, add two hooks with one reel, the same solutions are available as well as new alternate starting conditions.
  • Level 83, remove the non-essential right hand portal, solution is the same and is more relaxed.
  • Level 87, add 2 additional kickers to reduce timing sensitivity and add alternate solutions.

[ 2022-08-31 02:28:53 CET ] [ Original post ]

Undo after level failure update out now!

[h2]Patch Notes 1.0.4[/h2]

Changes in this version

  • Undo is now available after level failure

I wanted to deliver this update before working on other issues as this patch potentially effects all the levels and should be especially helpful in levels that have pucks in motion. Level updates and additional toggles in the UI for separate control of lightning FX are coming this week. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

[ 2022-08-29 02:29:31 CET ] [ Original post ]

SiNKR 3 Late Game Level Design Updates Incoming

Thanks to feedback received in the community forums, it has been brought to my attention that the levels that start in motion are not in keeping with expectations set by the first two games. There are several levels above 75 that I'm planning on revising and/or shuffling to a bonus group following the main game ending. I'll keep a branch in Steam with the game as it stands now (Version 1.0.3) but the main branch game will be updated significantly.

Achievement progress with be maintained and this will take me several days to implement and test. I don't anticipate any updates to levels before level 55 (55 is a total boss and may change). If you care to set the game aside until after the update to play the last ones, you will have a more even, and hopefully, enjoyable experience.

I wish I discovered these issues before release and I do want to make this SiNKR the best of the bunch. Thanks for the support!

[ 2022-08-27 20:23:05 CET ] [ Original post ]

Patch Notes [August 26, 2022]

.0.3 - 08/26/2022

- The level selection tile zoom level stays where you put it for each play session
- Level selection tiles can be scrolled with a mouse wheel
- Added additional guards to prevent flipped hooks from ending up at odd angles when rapidly clicking the hooks with a mouse

[ 2022-08-26 23:16:11 CET ] [ Original post ]