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New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )



This is a completely free and unofficial fan-game. 

The models and concepts that are being used in the game are all either inspired or directly taken from Warframe.

All of the digital rights belong to Digital Extremes Ltd.


-- Gameplay --

It is time for our Tenno to take matters into their hands and teach these warframes some lessons. Challenge them on a one-to-one combat under the glorious violet moon. 

Punch, kick, throw and be the last one standing on this glade.

Prove them who the True Master is!

( All input can be re-mapped to your liking in game )

-- Credits --

I developed the game solo; but besides scripting I took a lot of help from others and ready made art assets. I would like to give a couple credits back to the community: 

  • Amazing soundtrack is from Joey Zero. You can also click the bottom toaster in-game which will take you to his channel.
  • Focus icons are from the fan-kit assets that are being shared in the Discord. Here is the link of the dropbox.
  • Excalibur Knight was modelled from a super cool concept art post on the reddit. The artist's name is Cowheap and post is here.
  • The grass shader is from BruteForceGames. In case any other game-developer is interested in :)
  • Some of the effects and the island was made with UModeler.

If I missed anyone or if someone from the community would like to contribute to this fan-game, feel free to contact me.

-- Further Legal Notice --

I am not affiliated with Digital Extremes, the creators of Warframe. 

Warframe and the Warframe logo are registered trademarks of Digital Extremes Ltd. 

As per Warframe's Terms of Service/EULA, I(the developer of this fan-game) will not profit from this product and will remove it completely upon request. 



-- Game Analytics --

LAST UPDATED : 26/03/2022 - 23:05 GMT +3

Amount of Fights Started : 1733

Amount of Fights Won: 139

87 Novice Wins - 26 Seasoned Wins - 26 Expert Win

Achievement Distribution Out of 21 

-- Final Notes --

The game didn't go under a lot of testing, so every feedback is welcome. 

Positive or negative, feel free to reach out if you have anything to say.

If you are stuck with the fights, I recommend watching the fight snippets below or having practice runs to analyze their moves. 

My favourite aspect of Warframe is the fluidity of the movement. I tried to copy that feeling as much as possible. So don't stay still, keep moving and don't lose the momentum.

Even if it is only for 30 minutes, I hope you have fun with it :)