tuxDB - linux gaming aggregate





New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


A factory employee has lost their keys! Find them and get inside the building before your shift ends!

This is a video game! It's set in the Flora universe. You play as a goat and jump around.

Hm, well, there might be a little more to it than that.

Glip and I somehow made this in a week nine days for my GDQ game jam, GAMES MADE QUICK???. It's a little explorey platformer with a bit of gentle puzzling. Playing it straight through takes us a bit over half an hour.

Gamepads and non-qwerty keyboards are supported. No configurable keybindings, though — not enough time, sorry! Played with arrow keys, spacebar, and E, D, S (or whatever's under your left hand on your keyboard). Gamepads use A, B, X, and L.

The game itself is free and should be playable on anything resembling a computer, but if you chip in two bucks, you can also get the OST and some concept art.

Source code and changelog are on GitHub. The game runs on LÖVE, so it's all Lua. Other than that, a few utility libraries, and the excellent m5x7 font, it's all original work and freely-licensed — code as MIT/ISC, other assets as CC-SA 4.0. Please feel free to have a poke around! Preferably after playing the game, of course.

Current release is v1.2, Jan 31, 2017, 5pm Pacific.