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New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


After several years of rightful rule, Queen Elizabeeth is dead. So far, only her trusted assistant, Beeat, knows the truth. The hive has not enough royal jelly left, so it can’t produce a new queen. Beeat cannot allow her sisters to know the truth, as this would cause the hive to collapse in chaos. She has a plan: she will guide the hive herself, as if she was the queen herself, and will lead the bees to make the needed royal jelly for her. The plan is simple: using B-pop to convince the other beehives in the New World Central Park to do their bidding. She will not only make the hive prosper again. She will be the Queen of the New World.

How to play:

  • use arrows keys do move the bee. Collect polen from flowers and rest in your hive to produce honey
  • Use honey to influence other hives. With the right number of influence and bees, you can challege it to a battle 
  • Become the queen!

patch 12 10th 2021:

  • you can use WASD to move and  dance. You can use it with the directional keys too
  • almost all game can be played with keyboard. You can navigate menus using arrow keys and click the buttons with spacebar/enter. There are still some issues but not gamebraking.


ivfreire: programing

Jaspior: Art, polishing and programing

joaoppar: music

JulioCastaway:  Story

KeichTS: Programing , music and art