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TermLiminal was made over 7 days for the 7dfps jam, Dec. 2021 and using the Godot 3.4 game engine.

Explore the Cyberspace environment looking for pieces to a passcode that will let your escape! Beware... the passcode isn't the only thing being withheld from you at the start!

NOTE: While the game should run with a controller, a core of the game requires a keyboard to be available.


I had a lot of issues trying to work out a flow for creating the Doom (199x) style sprites for the game. Lost a few days trying to get Blender to work with me. In the end, I had to do the main enemy sprite by hand... which is why it looks so bad.

Due to this lack of time, the main game loop was hobbled together using a tool I had been working. I think, ultimately, it all works well, given things weren't really coming together until midnight the night before submission.

Regardless, I thank everyone who tries out TermLiminal!! I greatly appreciate it!

For anyone interested in the source...
The TermLiminal's source is available on Github!


Music Attribution:

Song: Cyberpunk Moonlight Sonata v2
Author: Joth
Source: https://opengameart.org/content/cyberpunk-moonlight-sonata

Song: Lines of Code
Author: Trevor Lentz
Source: https://opengameart.org/content/lines-of-code

Song: Cyber Street Urchans
Author: Eric Matyas
Source: https://opengameart.org/content/cyber-street-urchins-looping

Song: Cyberpunk Arcade 3
Author: Eric Matyas
Source: https://opengameart.org/content/cyberpunk-arcade-3-looping

Sound Attribution:

File: terminal_chime.wav
Original Name: nameit5.wav
Original Author: bumpelsnake
License: CC3.0
Source: https://freesound.org/people/bumpelsnake/sounds/456581/

All other sound effects made by myself!

Graphics Attribution:

Particle effects made by Kenney
The hand sprites were slightly modified from a set I had found on the ZDoom forum. Unfortunately, I did not figure out the original authors name. If you are the author, please let me know and I will revise this entry... or modify the game if need be.