tuxDB - linux gaming aggregate





New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


Mansion Bros

A fan game of a certain green fellow's exploits in trying to clean a mansion that is full of ghosts. Suck up ghosts, unlock doors, and find the trophy to conquer the mansion. Up to 8 players!

Disclaimer: The characters that appear in this game are fan works. I claim no ownership of any characters that may be owned by other entities.

How to play

Arrows to move, any action button (Z,X, C,M, or N on a keyboard) to use your vacuum. Suck up ghosts and find the trophy. Other players can join (Player 2: ESDF, left Shift) by pressing their action buttons. Game ends if all players run out of health. See if you can find every single diamond!


  • if you use your vacuum while holding a direction, you will suck in that direction. You can then strafe around by walking in any other direction.
  • want to play multiplayer but don't have a ton of controllers? If you have the pico8 desktop client, run the following command to have gamepad users start at player 3, and players 1 and 2 can use the keyboard (ESDF and SHIFT for p2):
    pico8 mansion_bros.p8 -joystick 2 
  • this game is fairly easy, but if you just want to ease up the difficulty even more, you can do so in the pause menu. The difficulty can be toggled to "kid mode" and back at any time.
  • Want to switch characters midgame? You can do so in the pause menu.
  • There is a continue function in this game, but no save feature. It's not a very long game, so this shouldn't be a big deal.