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New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


You are a boat (not a person on the boat... you're the boat itself) and you need to do... mmmm something.... anyway, don't stay for long in the dark, the more lights around you, the more energy you have to move, activate orbs, or just stay alive... yes, being alive is exhausting.

This prototype is an entry to Ludum Dare 39 under the theme "Running out of Power".

The  Ludum Dare Edition has no water lake sound in the background, plus the bloom effect was stronger, and the cursor was not locked and hidden during gameplay. 

Version 1.2

Checkpoints have been added. The checkpoints are invisible and are located at the borders between different areas.

Version 1.1

Based on the feedback recieved on the Ludum Dare page, the following Bug Fixes and Tweaks have been included in version 1.1:

  • Lowered default mouse sensitivity from 10 to 5.
  • Added control over mouse sensitivity using "+" and "-" keys (+Numpad).
  • Lowered boat turning torque from 5 to 3.
  • Lowered the emissive power of everything.
  • Added missing colliders on a few objects.
  • Less boat rocking while moving.

Problems not solved yet:

  • Increasing boat speed since it will require tuning other game-play parameters.
  • Some light leaks due to low lightmap resolution.

Tools used:

External Resource:

Note: The Mac version is currently untested.