tuxDB - linux gaming aggregate





New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


Hi there!

I'm Billie, and I love setting up mazes for my cats to play in. But lately, I've been thinking of a new twist on my favorite game. Instead of just making a maze for my cats, I'm going to put them on Broombas!

I know Mom said not to play with it, but I promise I'll be careful. I'll turn it on low and make sure the cats are safe. And imagine how much fun it'll be to watch them zoom around the maze on their little robotic vehicle!

I'm going to need to scavenge the house for stuff and things to create a super cool maze that'll challenge my cats' Broomba-riding-puzzle-solving skills. I can't wait to see their faces when I show them what we're going to do. This is going to be the best game ever!

Will you stay and play with me?

What is it?

It's an MS-DOS puzzle game with EGA-inspired graphics, where you're tasked with placing objects on the playing field to route Broomba to collect all the stars. The Broomba might be a little faulty because it only makes a left turn when hitting something. In addition to static objects like books and boxes, there are flower pots, balls, and bottles, each with their own behavior and place in the puzzle. The levels gradually get harder, ensuring there's brain-racking to be had.

It takes inspiration from several old games but mainly from The Incredible Machine, I think.


  • 100 levels of Broomb-tastic challenges
  • Level editor to create your own puzzles
  • Some say (mainly me) it has great graphics
  • Music of the MIDI kind
  • Cats, gatos, chats, Katzen, 猫, γάτες & kediler

Shareware Demo

The demo version consists of the first 40 levels and includes the level editor, but without the ability to save your custom levels. The full version will contain more object types and backgrounds.

You are welcome, even encouraged, to take the shareware version and share it with others in any way you'd like.