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New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


Dog the shepherd dog is a dog, clearly, being crushed under the boots of capitalism. Each day it’s expected to deliver a certain number of sheeps to its owner’s barn. The requests lately have lost all touch with reality though, the number of sheeps expected are greater than the ones available to our hero. Fortunately a nearby nuclear fallout will make these demands attainable once more. Careful though, there might be wolves in sheep’s clothing amidst Dog’s ranks.

Every 10 seconds a rain of nuclear fallout will force the sheeps to make a hard choice: duplicate and make our hero’s life easier or turn into a wolf and feast on its previous brothers and sisters. Dog’s objective is to take it’s starting flock and allow it to proliferate and reach the desired amount of sheeps before bringing them to the barn to end the day of work while simultaneously keeping the wolves at bay. The only tool available to accomplish all of this is Dog’s mighty bark. Barking at a sheep will kindly invite it to go towards the direction that Dog is pointing towards. This power can also be used also to save a sheep that is about to get eaten by a wolf and push it away from the predator.


  • WASD to move Dog around the field
  • Left-click or B to bark
  • Mouse pointer to focus the bark in the direction of the sheep

Changelog (updates after submission):

  • fixed wrong flipping of bark range
  • provided continous music across levels
  • fixed rain infection: now applying during the entire 10 seconds period
  • fixed barn now accepting sheeps still mutating
  • fixed infection continuing on level reload or progression
  • adjusted bouncing and bark strength