tuxDB - linux gaming aggregate





New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


Tile Game is an abstract strategy/pen-and-paper game I invented in 2011. This project is mainly uploaded to serve as a reference.

  • Players have a pool that they can draw from.
  • Players take turns putting numbers onto the grid.
  • If you place a number adjacent to an opponent's number, and your number is larger, it will flip your opponent's number.
  • When a number flips, its value decreases by 1 and ownership is transferred.
  • If a number reaches 0, it can no longer be flipped.

The winner is the player with the most cells owned at the end of the game. 


  • Left-Click to select a tile
  • Right-Click/Middle-Click to pan the view
  • Space to jump to the last play
  • R to reset the camera

The original version of Tile Game was meant to be a more advanced version of Tic-Tac-Toe, with the specific goals of adding depth and removing the first turn advantage. Games only take about a minute to play, so it's quick to play a few rounds and learn a strategy through trial-and-error.

The original was played on a 3x3 board with a pool of 15. Some analysis shows that a starting pool of 2 <= POOL < 10 always results in a player 2 winning strategy, a starting pool of POOL > 10 always results in a player 1 winning strategy, and a starting pool of POOL = 10 results in a draw.

Analysis on boards of greater dimension hasn't been done. but my conjectured best pool value is 2*ceil(rows * cols / 2). That is, 2 points for every turn Player 1 gets.