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New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


Welcome back, Princesses!

It's your second year in St. Goals and you've all done a remarkable job last year. In fact, some of you managed more than ten Villaintines, a grand feat! I hope you all have the same performance this year too!

Now, before we start this year and I let you go to your assigned Villaintines, let's all state the Princess Code:

I, state your name, would uphold the school's mission to clear the world of evil. By giving love to those scorned and turning those monsters into angels. I will be a representative of Peace, Love, and Tranquility...

The Princess knew the code by heart. She is one of the many in St. Goals who wants to help turn a Villain's life around by showing them that someone out there can try to understand them. That there's someone who just wants to be their friend and show them love.

Also, she failed last year's assignment so this year might just be her chance to achieve something... in apparently, just five days. In which she finds out that everything is just based on stereotypes and her beliefs are not exactly as good as she thinks it is. 

  • Stereotypes: the Villains and Princesses' edition
  • One Ending but with two variations 
  • Choices that don't heavily influence the story, they are there for a variety of responses. it only matters if you want to be possible lovers in the future.
  • Story-oriented
  • Extras section!
  • Playable in Windows, Mac, and Linux
  • Cute Character Sprites (?)
  • Sob stories (?)
  • Monochrome Backgrounds
  • A protagonist who tells bad jokes and pick-up lines
  • A tsundere side character
  • A dog who hates your very presence
  • A fanboy who asks for signatures in lanterns
  • And many more...

The Princess (alias-able: instead of a name, you give her an alias!)

'Don't worry, I'll make your life colorful if you let me.'

A cheerful girl who thinks a lot. After failing last year, and being nagged by her Father day in day out, she wanted to do her best this year.


  • can sometimes call herself 'The Princess of Bad Timings'
  • tells bad jokes and pick-up lines
  • cheerful but might lowkey self-depreciate

The Villain (his name can appear early in the game or at the end)

'It seems unable to take a hint.'

The Princess' assigned Villaintine for the year. He might seem villainy in the overall atmosphere of his home, the Princess is still uncertain what exactly makes him a villain.


  • passive
  • refers to everything as 'It'
  • stuck in the emo phase
  • you can probably steal from his house


For credits, the full list is in the game's folder.


  • This is a submission for FFS Jam 2018, wherein I finally achieved something :D
  • Please don't use the rollback feature too much at the moment. I'm referring to being able to go back by scrolling up with your mouse because something magical will happen (jk, just the quick menu disappearing). It's not something I can fix (I'll see what I can do next time) so just please don't use it too much or even at all. As an alternative, you can just click on the 'Back' or save at a menu choice.
  • If you find any other bug aside from the quick menu issue, please email me at niannn08@gmail.com with a screenshot of said bug.
  • Enjoy! 
  • Here's Mr. Couture's article about the game: http://www.siliconera.com/2018/01/25/princess-shows-bad-guy-love-villaintine/
  • I also post some TV-art in my twitter so you can go visit me there. (Recent art post : The Villain's face reveal xD)
  • Kinda deactivated the ask.fm account in favor of the curiouscat.me, so you can ask me there instead (if you're planning to that is).


  • 24/02/2018 - Official Walkthrough uploaded ~ (and some minimal grammatical edits - @bumblebeary's gameplay helped in me discovering some stuff but yeah, I'm really sorry about that and thank you for understanding.)
  • 22/02/2018  - I noticed something the third day that I just really need to change. It's just one word, nothing crucial. So yeah, minimal update.
  • 28/01/2018 - I finished proofreading and transferring it to rpy files so the VN should be okay now, grammar-wise :D (I managed to fit it through the schedule, lol. Anyways, if you still notice some stuff that might have slipped my attention then feel free to tell me.)