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FATELESS is a SFW Furry Visual Novel about an angel that defies his Creator, all for the sake of knowing more about himself and his strange existence...and in the process, becomes determined to break free from his shackles.  As he does so, he meets many more people, all of them with their own stories to tell and all of them wishing for the same thing...to have the freedom to be who they wish to be.

But as that happens, both divine and demonic beings threaten to sink the world into disorder, all while denying them the ability to find their own path.
All in the name of their Creator...

...or that's what I WANT it to be, to be more precise.

At the moment, FATELESS is a story i'm writing on my own and uploading on my Twitter account through Drive, but it becoming a proper VN some day is something I wish to do eventually. 

But before that, I would rather finish the story in text form proper.

So, what's this then? Well, It's a (quite rewritten) section of the story's Prologue to see how the story would go in a VN format. Just for fun, really! I did this in an afternoon though, so don't expect too much. Most of the backgrounds are from Ibis Paint's library and all the music is from existing games.

But if the story intrigues you, I would love for you to read what's out of the text-only version of FATELESS! And who knows, maybe I'll adapt the other half of the Prologue or the entirety of Act I eventually!