tuxDB - linux gaming aggregate





New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


As the sole engineer on a space ship with a angsty captain, your hands are normally pretty full. But now aliens are attacking the ship and turning off vital systems. Can you survive the onslaught while also keeping your job!?!?

Helpful hints

If you are running into a lot of trouble, make sure that your difficulty is set to what you would prefer. The default is 6.5, but it can range from 1.0-10.0, so pick a difficulty that fits best. Also be sure to change it from the main menu, as it may not work changing in the middle of the game.


The game uses 3rd person in 3D and 2D-esque environments as you explore. 2.5D sprites was a challenge area for me. I decided I wanted to use them, so I hope I did well on that.

Tools Used

- Godot Engine (4.1.1-Mono)

- Squiggles Core 4X (aka SC4X) (A C# framework built on top of Godot)

- Krita

- Audacity

- Blender

Ludum Dare Opt-Out Category: Audio

For this game nearly everything is something I made myself. There are a few exceptions. Some of the GUI components and GUI SFX from SC4X come from Kenney's asset packs. Nearly all of the SFX and Music loops in the game are third party. I felt that the small ratio of graphics meant I could still get graded for that. But the audio is primarily from two sources: "FilmCow Royalty Free Sound Effects Library" and "Free Sci-Fi Game Music Pack". Both of which are effectively CC0, see pages for more details if you like ;)

Resource Links:

Music Loops: https://alkakrab.itch.io/free-sci-fi-game-music-pack

Film Cow SFX (Highly recommend for a variety of projects TBH): https://filmcow.itch.io/filmcow-sfx


There is some guidance and tutorialization in-game, but here is some reference to let you know if you can play it. All controls are remappable.

movement - WASD / Arrow keys / Gamepad Left Joystick

looking (3rd-person) - Mouse motion / Gamepad Right Joystick

interact/attack - E, Spacebar, Left Click, Right Click, Gamepad Right South Button (XBox A, PS4 X), Gamepad Right East Button (XBox B, PS4 Circle)

toggle inventory - I, Gamepad North Button (XBox Y, PS4 Triangle)

open/close pause menu - Escape, Gamepad Menu/Options button.

Possible Feature Addition?

Originally for the competition, I wanted to implement Discord Rich Presence. It would be surprisingly trivial to accomplish. So if that's a feature that people would be interested in, I could just make an archived version for the competition grading and add features to that new version. Let me know!