tuxDB - linux gaming aggregate





New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )



InvenStory is a story-driven inventory management game where you need to pack as many items as possible into the adventurer's limited bag space! You will help the adventurers Zofra, Tiberius, and Goldie accomplish their difficult tasks by listening to their stories and trying to pack their bags with the best items for them.

NOTE: There is a known issue with Godot 4 exports for MacOS browsers. If you have issues playing the game in the browser on itch, use the attached MacOS download.


  • Left Mouse: Drag and drop items
  • R Key: Rotate items while dragging

The dialog window can be advanced by clicking green words to get more information. Words highlighted in orange are very specific hints to the type of items the adventurer is looking to have packed in their bags. While there may be a minimum item count, adventurers are expecting you to do your best! But don't worry if you fail to pack their bags correctly, they will give you more information so you can try again to pack it better next time.

Items exist in the bottom right in the guild inventory. You can drag the item's icon from the guild inventory using the left mouse button. Drag the item from the guild inventory over to the adventurer's bag space and release left mouse to drop the item in place. If you need to rotate the item, press the "R" key while dragging the item.


  • Profour: Coding and Quest/Story design
  • TheObliterated: Coding and Quest/Story design
  • HaywireJo: UI/Item artwork and animation
  • Yam: Character/Background artwork and Music

Developed using Godot 4.2-dev5, Aseprite, and Photoshop. All code and artwork were produced during Ludum Dare 54. The music was produced by Yam, but not during the jam.