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New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


Dr. Cray is a doctor who specializes in creating robotic parts to replace human organs and limbs. They were recently tasked to create a cyborg out of a willing participant but their body is rejecting the new robotic parts. Now Dr. Cray must infiltrate the participant’s body to fight off the immune system and be able to transplant the new body parts. Cyber Body Experience is a top down action adventure dungeon crawler that takes place in the distant future with a significant advancement of technology where the player shrinks down and traverses through the human body to be able successfully transplant new robotic limbs and organs. Fight with an arsenal of different medical tools to fight off various cells and other protective human body measures.

To utilize these weapons, use keyboard controls, press Left Mouse Button for a one space scalpel attack, press Right Mouse Button for a wider heat knife attack, and use the mouse to aim and press the Middle Mouse Button to fire a projectile from a syringe. To move around, use the WASD keys and progress through the “levels” of the human body to get to and defeat the source that’s rejecting the new robotic parts. There are 2 levels the player can traverse through for now. After each corresponding level has been completed, the body will go into a more heightened security mode and release harsher protective measures making each level harder than the last, so watch out!


WASD to move

Left Mouse Button for a one space scalpel attack

Right Mouse Button for a wider heat knife attack

Middle Mouse Button for a projectile blast from a syringe

How to Play:

Explore through the levels to find the goal room to get to the next level. In order to move to different rooms, all enemies must be defeated in the current room before moving to the next one.


What went well:

  • The quality of which all of our work came out. (had to pick between slow quality or fast trash, and you can see which one was chosen).
  • The communication between members of which things were needed.

What went wrong:

  • Everyone's limited ability to work on the game due to other class and life demands
  • The amount of content that was actually delivered vs what was actually planned
  • When we put out work it was slow to make progress

What we changed:

  • Originally we were going to have 5 levels but we ended up only having enough time for 2.
  • We were also going to have 2 more types of enemies but they were supposed to be in the later levels which we weren't able to implement.


David Williams - Programmer

Kaycee Nienhuis - Level Designer

Erin Ice-Johnson - Artist

Michaela Childs - Artist

Assets Used From OpenGameArt.org:

Fleshy Fight Sounds by will_leamon

Virus Hunter Toon Level Music by TyberiusGames

Pixel Art 2D Basic Menu Buttons by Cayden Franklin

Falling Body by remaxim