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New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )



While care has been taken to avoid the obvious visual triggers, this game does feature a lot of bloomy lights and such, and also a lot of gamejammy jank. Please take care if you are sensitive to this sort of thing.

VRUM is a super late entry to 7dfps. In it, you have to drive a car (in first person) (mostly) (if you wanna) around a vast and desolate landscape, collecting keys and avoiding sky friends. After you have collected 5 keys, you can end the game by driving back to where you stared from and entering the newly-appearing portal or whatever (the lore of which is deep and intricate).

Controls are as follows:

  • !!!(in the HTML5 build) [BACKSPACE] works as you'd expect Esc to work (pauses the game and so on) (HTML5 build is kinda wonky in general, I don't recommend it)
  • [WASD] / [Arrow keys] to drive around and brake and throttle;
  • [Mouse] to look around; (it helps to note the location of nearby sky friends, for one)
  • [Space] / [Right Ctrl] to handbrake; (don't expect to pull off any daring maneuvres with this particular spawn of automotive industry, though)
  • [Q] to toggle headlights on and off; (expect to be seen much more easily when they are on)
  • [R] to recover your vehicle when it inevitably gets overturned or stuck somewhere; (this will also damage it slightly, in addition to attracting unwanted attention)
  • [C] to change view between first-person and third-person; (after you find the means to do so)


A few notes about game mechanics, in no particular order (don't read if you want to explore the game yourself, do read if you're frustrated or prefer to know anyway):

  • Sky friends can be alerted by driving off-road, having your headlights on, collecting keys or using the recovery button;
  • When their searchlights turn red, it means they are on high alert and will beeline towards your general location - it is advisable to haul your butt out of there as quick as possible;
  • The actually-dangerous bit of the searchlight is in its very centre, you won't receive damage unless you're quite deep within its light cone (you will DEFINITELY know when damage is being received though);
  • Speaking of damage, the engine is the most important part of your car - it's game over if you lose it;
  • You will likely see a lot of external/cosmetic damage happen before the engine starts getting hit in earnest;
  • The engine damage indicator is on the dashboard and will start glowing green, then yellow, then red when engine receives considerable damage;
  • It will also start emitting smoke;
  • The game aims to imitate the experience of driving a pretty lousy car. It's quite back-heavy and prone to spin out of control. Do not expect top-tier performance or handling, and try to drive carefully. Sorry :(


Using: Godot 3.5.3 (C#), Blender, Reaper, GIMP

Terrain data and texture acquired with Cities: Skylines Heightmap Generator tool (heightmap.skydark.pl)

All sound effects were sourced from freesound.org, from the following creators: bowlingballout, alex36917, felix.blume, monotraum, rattatatiana, craigsmith, softwalls, jensfelger, Pauliusi, jhumbucker, audible-edge

Fonts in use:

CompHand by j4p4n

Kh Metal Chrieng by Danh Hong (I think? I'm not sure where I got this font from, so uh if you made it lemme know if you want me to stop using it)