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New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


Updates and plans for full demo: https://derekbottles.itch.io/the-magicians-thief/devlog/667661/v012


This is a fast pace 2D Platformer where you play as well... The Magicians Thief, from a disbanded group called the Magicians 8.

In this first level/demo you play through the junk yard, home of The Charlatan Magician, with 15 rooms to play through and 1 boss to fight.

There's also an option No Hit Run mode which I made for myself after playing it hundreds of time and wanted to challenge myself specifically.

There is an assist option to reset health every time you go into a new room in case you're new to this kind of platformer, it's in the in-game pause screen under options.

Thank You:

If you have decided to try out the game, thank you, I hope you enjoy it, I made this entirely in my free time, I work an 9-5 office job whilst living in a tiny room in a house share so I don't get much time to myself, but whilst making this game/level demo has been difficult it was a joy nonetheless and I don't intend to stop.

A lot of playtesting from so many people and positive feedback help motivated me to keep working on this so I'm very happy this is finally out there, there's a lot of things I want to do and learn, but due to being a single dev with very little budget there's so only so much I can do by myself, I hope you can understand where I'm coming from when playing this in mind.

A full fledge demo of the game will come in a few months, if you liked playing this please a comment! the fact you're even reading or considering playing this makes me happy enough. 

I have set up a dedicated twitter account for this game in the future if you wish to follow: https://twitter.com/MagiciansThief otherwise follow me over at https://twitter.com/DerekBottles for game dev log/updates.


RECOMMENDED - To play with an Xbox or Switch Wired Controllers (I will add button mapping and more options down the line when I'm making the full game.)

Xbox Controller

  • A - Jump
  • A+X - Dash
  • B - Shoot

Switch Wired

  • B - Jump
  • B+A - Dash
  • A - Shoot


  • ASDW / Up Down Left Right = Move
  • Space = Jump
  • Space + Shift = Dash 
  • Z or X = Shoot


If I have missed any please let me know and I'll add it! Also a credit to all my friends who helped play test over weeks and months!

Note: Have yet to test the Linux version, Mac and Windows seem to the fine, any issues let me know in the comments, any bugs/glitches, if you're able to record and link it that'll help a lot, otherwise leave a comment below