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New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


This is the home for the original alpha version of TFC: The Fertile Crescent, which was regularly  updated from 2018-2021! Download this version to see how the game played at an early point in development.

Steam Early Access

In 2022 we released TFC: The Fertile Crescent to Steam as Early Access! 

Game description

Settle your people on fertile land, gather resources and construct your village, as the commander of a Bronze Age civilization in the Near East. 

Inspired by the rise and fall of historical civilizations, you must manage the delicate balance between food production and the maintenance of your army, for a decrease in food sources can push even the mightiest of civilizations to collapse. 

You'll take part in epic battles over fertile land and resources, use food surplus as a currency to train armies and acquire new technologies, and mine metal to equip your army with copper and bronze equipment.

Single player

  • 10 minutes tutorial to give you a basic understanding over how to command your people
  • Protect your people against, and eventually defeat, an enemy military outpost with three difficulty levels on an auto-generated map

Online multiplayer

  • Up to 4 players on dedicated servers (supporting host migration)
  • Cross-platform play between Windows, Linux and macOS
  • Regional servers: Australia, EU, South America, South Korea or US
  • Friendly community that has helped us shape and balance multiplayer for years

Need someone to play with? Join our friendly community:

Official Discord


The file you download is a launcher that will auto-update the game every time you run it.

For macOs users, after you open the .dmg file, a folder with the executable should open. Make sure you drag the executable to another location, eg. desktop, before opening it.

About the development

This passion-project was developed in our spare time for 48+ months. We tried to release a substantial update every one or two months. Check out our development blog to learn more about how we developed the game and made progress.

The Fertile Crescent is no longer in early development. We signed a publisher deal and have now launched a Steam page for the game:

Feedback wanted

Any feedback is appreciated! Thanks in advance.