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New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


The world is undergoing an alien invasion! Go and save the world from extinction.

This is a cool shoot 'em up game that is based of Ludum Dare 42's theme: Running out of space. With it's arcade graphics, and simple controls, this game is definitely another addition to the "easy to learn" category.

SpaceMove forward


v0.2 >>> Slowed down the enemies
>>> Fixed enemy spawn system
>>> Tweaked the colours of the planets
v0.3 >>> Gotten rid of the planets
>>> Made the enemy stars render on top of the wall
>>> Changed the wall behaviour to prevent it from getting too big
>>> Added particle effects when player hits an enemy
>>> Added unlockable ships
>>> Added progress bar onto the score UI
>>> Made walls shrink smoother
>>> Added enemies that follow the player
>>> Added auto shoot!
>>> Fixed some collider issues
>>> Added some more sound effects into the gameplay
>>> Made better background music for the gameplay
>>> Tweaked the enemy and wall colours
>>> Added screen shake
>>> Made the explosions and bullets bigger
>>> Made the enemy stars grow like crazy!
>>> Changed the way to retry the game
>>> Improved the look of the UI by changing the font and creating better looking buttons
>>> Made the story telling a little bit better...
>>> Changed how the wall behaved to make it more understandable and less of a power hog
>>> Messed about with the game feel to make the experience more satisfying
>>> Made the starships appear randomly forever! :)
>>> Changed how the bullet looks like
>>> Made the bullets move randomly to create more movement
>>> More sound effects and polish