tuxDB - linux gaming aggregate





New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


This game is currently incomplete and discontinued. There are likely bugs and unfinished ideas as a result.

There may be some bugs as a result.

This is a demake of the classic genesis game Columns 3: Revenge of Columns.

How to play:

Line up rows of 3 or more either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. Activate the crush ability to push your opponents blocks up and try to fill up their screen (well). You can play against another player or solo.

Special arrow columns appear for every 30 points you score. They have special properties depending on which part of the column touches the well or a block:

  • If the down arrow is on the bottom of the column, it'll remove 3 rows of gray blocks from your side.
  • If the up arrow is on the bottom of the column, it'll add 3 rows of gray blocks to your opponent's side.
  • If the middle block is on the bottom of the column, it removes all blocks of the same type as the touched block.


Player 1:

  • Use the left and right keys to move the column left and right
  • Use the down key to drop the column faster
  • Use the 'Z' key (O on mobile) to rotate the column 
  • Use the 'X' key (X on mobile) to "crush" your opponent (requires 10 or more score)
  • Use the up and down keys to navigate menus
  • Press 'Z' after a player has won to start a new game

Player 2:

  • Use the 'S' and 'F' keys to move the column left and right
  • Use the 'D' key to drop the column faster
  • Use the left shift key to rotate the column
  • Use the 'A' key to "crush" your opponent (requires 10 or more score)

Character select:

  • Move between characters with left and right keys for player 1, 'S' and 'F' keys for player 2.
  • Once the desired characters are highlighted, use the 'Z' key to select them.