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New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


Supply Chain aims to explore and prompt discussion on how highly optimised, just-in-time supply chains can be susceptible to disruption.

What kind of impact does short term panic buying have? What happens when WFH leads people to shoulder the burden of buying goods that are typically bought by workplaces through bulk suppliers? How long does it take for manufacturing issues to trickle down to consumers?

Supply Chain provides an abstract and easy to understand overview of the supply chain between producer and consumer.

This is provided as a free game/toy in the interests of prompting thought and discussion. If you'd like to support the creators or follow their work, Cheese's Patreon page is here, systemchalk's Twitch page is here, and Peter's Bandcamp page is here.

Supply Chain's behaviour can be customised by copying the provided json folder to the following location and making modifications. An in-game event editor can also be accessed by enabling the Debug Shortcuts setting and pressing E while playing.

  • Linux:
    (note that this respects XDG_DATA_HOME)
  • Mac:
    ~/Library/Application Support/supplychain/
  • Windows:
  • Selecting the Open User Folder option from the settings menu will open this location in a file browser.

If you're interested in diving further under the hood, MIT licenced source code for Supply Chain can be found on GitLab.