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This is my submission for the GameDev.tv May 2020 Game Jam. 

Current Download: build 05/31/2020 version 0.0.1 : game works, 6 levels plus title screen and end. set up to build to osx, linux and windows standalone installations distributed as zip archives.

Source Code and Level Asssets: https://github.com/nsubordin81/not-this-time/commits/master

sorry, no music or non primitive assets yet! My biggest concern is accessibility for the different ways people perceive colors, hopefully what I've picked initially won't cause serious issues with gameplay, please let me know in the comments as well.

Game Summary:

You are the blocky protagonist, and there's a clock running down above your head. You need to get to doors before that clock runs out! There are helpful collectibles to increase your time, but there are also hazardous time sucking obstacles. At the end of the game you will be ranked based on how many times you ran out of time. For now, your rank is based on various characters and mythical beings that relate to time. At some point finishing with no restarts could lead to other bonuses, like extended gameplay!

My Game Jam Story, if you're interested:

I love games and have wanted to make them as long as I can remember, much like the other creators on this site I imagine. This is my first game jam, and it is also the first game I've submitted for public play, so any feedback constructive or positive is welcome in the comments below.  I'm motivated to polish it into something great someday, so stay tuned!

I spent the majority of the jam iterating on the core and supporting mechanic designs and coding, so I don't have much (if anything) in the way of visual or audio assets, but the game is playable and I like what I have so far enough to eventually develop some art, sound, and a narrative around it. 

Things I have experience with now that I didn't so much before: 

  • Working with a 2d sprite editor
  • using cinemachine for 2d camera rigging
  • building my own event system with scriptable objects that uses message passing
  • growing a digital prototype as my method of mechanic refinement
  • a lot of the collision system and rolling my own physics for player movement (with lots of help from tutorials)
  • strategic usage of scriptable object assets to hold persistent, shared state between scene objects
  • complex prefabs and prefab variants
  • UIs with the canvas
  • trying to have scripts only add one behavior each whenever possible
  • Forcing myself to work to a deadline, probably the most valuable lesson of all

I'm really appreciative of GameDev.tv and Yang Pulse for hosting this jam, I found about about it through a Udemy course on Blender because of their community and forum on discord and I've really enjoyed creating this game and learned a lot in the process. I also want to call out talks by Richard Fine and Ryan Hipple that leveled up my unity scripting architecture skills, and generally I found there were resources in the unity learning portal and online and good conversations within the jam as well to get things working and stay motivated. 

Really enjoyed my first game jam, hope you enjoy my game!