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New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


Afar is a space exploration game created for the StarTrekJam hosted by Sophie Houlden. Get to know your starship, learn what it can do, and see what's out there.

The game is incomplete; what's posted here is as far was I was able to get within the span of the game jam.  I plan to add to it, but I don't know when that will happen.

Features in the current build include:

  • Explore an entire solar system and battle the hostile beings you encounter there
  • Control your ship by sitting in the captain's chair and issuing orders to your crew
  • Head down to main engineering and alter your ship's abilities by replacing and moving the parts that make it function

Current version changes:

Version 0.11 - 2 July 2016 - Fixes some bugs and includes some tweaks based on user feedback

-Fixed a bug that allowed the player to pick up more than one engineering item, which would prevent putting one of them down.

-Fixed a bug that caused menus to take an abnormally long time to open if they haven't been opened before

-Fixed a bug that caused enemy ships to move in unintended ways

-Fixed a bug that locked the player out of giving commands to their bridge crew

-Crew members have been scaled to be closer in height to the player

-BGM has been disabled for the time being

-A number of new sound effects have been added

-Enemy ships have had their behavior altered to be less aggressive

-Lift doors will now open if the player selects the floor they're already on