tuxDB - linux gaming aggregate





New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


"Emily Morrison's Garden" is a game about growing plants in an alien-like planet while seasons pass.

The center of the disc works like a sundial, announcing the beginning of each new day and when the different plants bloom or die.

This planet is dying and you share its fate, how long will you endure?



-. Quick note from the devs .-

"Emily Morrison's Garden" is supposed to be a hard game, requiring you to plan the best strategy while running from one point to the other to complete your tasks in time. It may take two-three plays to fully understand all the mechanics, use the "help interface"! (pressing H while in-game)


-. Instructions .-

Best played on fullscreen. Highly recommended to download the desktop versions(web version might take a while to load sounds and music) and press "H" while playing your first game (that will trigger the help interface).

Move around with the arrow keys, plant seeds with "X" and switch your selected plant with "Z".

The planet is dying slowly and everytime you plant a new seed it regenerates. Plants bloom and die on a given season, collect fruits once they have bloomed to get more seeds.

Pay attention to the interface, as it'll let you know when each plant will bloom or die.


-. Credits .-

- music and sound design
@Ludipe - design and code
@ruben_oluwa - art and animation