tuxDB - linux gaming aggregate





New Twitch streamer aggregation implemented (#FuckTwitch) due to Twitch's API issues (more info on my Discord )


An audio-only survival  game using a  character who moves through the forest, with the help of their navigation, looking for their injured friend to assist them to get out of the forest. The goal for the player is to try their best to not get deceived by a creature, who mimics sounds, which is also in the forest trying to track the player and capture them. The game is fully audio driven and will provide an accessible game and interface to those who are both visually impaired and those who are not.

- Movement: WASD or arrow keys
- Hold the left-SHIFT and movement keys to run
- To get navigation instructions and follow the voice to the ending press SPACE [turn until you hear the voice centered/straight ahead of you & head towards the sound]
- Bell sound/"ding" indicates that you are moving in the right direction(you may not always hear it if you don’t trigger them at certain points)
- If you get caught by the creature there will be a siren/alarm sound
- In order to escape the creature, continuously press the ENTER key
-if you hear a thump sound or pain/"ouch" sound you may have encountered a boundary wall and should try to move out of the way by backing up/turning however
- To pause the game, press "P"

This is my first audio-only game, its currently only built for Mac, Windows, and Linux and there may be a couple issues but it would be awesome to get your feedback!

Here is a link to a form to give feedback: https://forms.gle/rVMjWA2UHxZR3FVK8

Thank you! :)