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The Game

Operation Snagov is a rogue-lite inspired by The Binding of Isaac.

You are a soldier in Romania in 1989 trying to capture the corrupt leader of your country before he can flee.

The Game contains:

  • Two randomly generated Levels with 32 different Rooms
  • 12 Enemies
  • 20 Items
  • 4 Bosses and one Final Boss
  • Destructible Environment
  • 18 Vintage Christmas Songs

The Jam and my Idea for the Game

This game was made for the Secret Santa Jam 2020 in the duration of one month.

In this jam you write a letter to a Secret Santa (a jam participant) and you receive a letter from your giftee (another participant). Then you make a game for you giftee based on their letter.

My giftee for this jam was Ashkman. From their letter I extracted two main inspirations: The Binding of Isaac and Quentin Tarantino. And since it is the Secret Santa Jam I also wanted to implement the Theme Christmas into the game.

Since Tarantino likes to make movies about historical events that end differently than it happened in reality, I searched for what historical events happened during Christmas Time. And what I found fitting was the Romanian Revolution, especially the escape of Nicolae and Elena CeauČ™escu (the President of Romania at the time and his wife) on December 22nd in 1989.

So Operation Snagov takes place on exactly this date. You are a soldier infiltrating the Central Comittee Building in Bucharest to arrest Nicolae before he can flee.

The general game design on the other hand is mostly inspired by The Binding of Isaac. You have randomly generated levels with predefined rooms. You search for items to make yourself stronger and try to survive until the final boss.


Operation Snagov is written in the Godot Game Engine v3.2.1 - https://godotengine.org/

Intro Narration by ExoPrism - https://exoprism.itch.io/

Romanian Flag taken from Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Romania

The ingame font is Homespun - https://www.1001freefonts.com/homespun.font

The ingame Music is from the album "Voices of Christmas Past" by Dawn Of Sound - http://www.dawnofsound.com/2008/12/voices-of-christmas-past-2/

The intro music was made with Ecrett Music - https://ecrettmusic.com/

Sound Effects taken from All Sounds - http://www.theallsounds.com/

Source Code available on GitHub: https://github.com/TLochow/Operation-Snagov