Stream Log
🎮 Lisa
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📑 A nobody, a drunkard, a playboy, and the lord of hintz - wrestler-team extraordinaire [LISA first playthrough] | !discord [Linux]
🎮 Doom II: Hell on Earth
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📑 Saveless Valiant continues! MAP18 and onwards. The smell of sulfur and brimstone await. PistolStarts/UV | !discord [Linux]
🎮 Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
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📑 Can I offer you an egg in this trying time? | !discord [Linux]
🎮 Doom II: Hell on Earth
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📑 Saveless Valiant. Secret Map #2: Ghosts of the Old Kingdom and whatever lies beyond it. UV/PistolStarts. | !discord [Linux]
🎮 Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
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📑 How does Yoshi procreation work. How do they fertilize the eggs. Do they use fertilized eggs as weapons in a pinch too? | !discord [Linux]
🎮 Doom II: Hell on Earth
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📑 Saveless Valiant - Doing the secret maps tonight: Cyberwar & Ghosts of the Old Kingdom. UV/PistolStarts | !discord [Linux]
🎮 Lisa
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📑 pain, drugs, and big butts. First playthrough of LISA: The Painful. | !discord [Linux]
🎮 Doom II: Hell on Earth
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📑 Plutonia, but with Hideousguy instead of Doomguy. Let's see how many more yandere-spheres we can get to try to kill us | !discord [Linux]
🎮 Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
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📑 World 3 and beyond - replaying Yoshi's Island for the first time since my childhood. | !discord [Linux]
🎮 Doom II: Hell on Earth
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📑 Plutonia, but Doomguy isn't here. Hideous Destructor is, though. It is a good pain. Hurt me, Matt. Hurt me more. | !discord [Linux]
🎮 Lisa
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📑 A game about survival, sacrifice, and perverts. First playthrough of LISA: The Painful. | !discord [Linux]
🎮 Lisa
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📑 A game about survival, sacrifice, and perverts. First playthrough of LISA: The Painful. | !discord [Linux]
🎮 Doom II: Hell on Earth
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📑 Saveless Valiant, or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Enter Doom Zen. | !discord [Linux]
🎮 Doom II: Hell on Earth
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📑 Saveless Valiant, or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Enter Doom Zen. | !discord [Linux]
🎮 Doom II: Hell on Earth
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📑 Valiant! Saveless/UV/PistolStarts. This is the episode where I stop pretending I'm a speedrunner and just get out alive. | !discord [Linux
🎮 Doom II: Hell on Earth
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📑 Valiant! Saveless/UV/PistolStarts. This is the episode where I stop pretending I'm a speedrunner and just get out alive. | !discord [Linux
🎮 Doom II: Hell on Earth
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📑 Valiant megawad by skillsaw. Let's suffer and have fun together. UV/PistolStart/Saveless - MAP11 and onwards. | !discord [Linux]
🎮 Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
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📑 Wholesome childhood nostalgia with Yoshi's Island. Haven't played through this in 20 years. Using bsnes v115. | !discord [Linux]
🎮 Doom II: Hell on Earth
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📑 MilSim Demonic Operations with one very doomed space marine - [Hideous Destructor] Finishing Doom 2 tonight. | !discord [Linux]
🎮 Doom II: Hell on Earth
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📑 MilSim Demonic Operations with one very doomed space marine - [Hideous Destructor] Finishing Doom 2 tonight. | !discord [Linux]
🎮 E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
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📑 Don't try to understand. Just execute orders and get excited for next orders. (First playthrough) | !discord [Linux]
🎮 E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
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📑 [EYE] First playthrough, slightly less lost tonight. Hoping I don't make too many waves. | !discord [Linux]
🎮 Doom II: Hell on Earth
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📑 [HideousDestructor] | Colonial marine goes through Doom2. The whole thing. We did it like a year ago, let's beat it again | !discord [Linux]
🎮 Synthetik: Legion Rising
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📑 [SYNTHETIK] | 205% difficulty runs with Riot Guard, the THICCest boi of them all. tfw infinite stunlocks | !discord [Linux]
🎮 Doom II: Hell on Earth
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📑 [Valiant] Episode 2: Abattoir of Thy Madness. UV/PistolStarts/NoSaves. Song requests are on tonight :) | !discord [Linux]
🎮 Brigador
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📑 [Brigador] Chasing after remaining diamonds in F-missions + fun challenge runs | !discord [Linux]
🎮 E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
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📑 [EYE: DivCyb] First playthrough. No idea where I am, no idea where I'm going, but I know I must gain Brouzouf. | !discord [Linux]
🎮 Doom II: Hell on Earth
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📑 [HideousDestructor] SIGIL. Ugly guy goes to heck to fight Baphomet and chill. | !discord [Linux]
🎮 Doom II: Hell on Earth
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📑 [Valiant] Stopping the Mancubian Candidate. UV, pistol starts, no saves. Return of Man vs WAD, babyy | !discord !houserules | [Linux]
🎮 Synthetik: Legion Rising
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📑 [Synthetik] Sniper 205% runs, learning the game. Discord's finally up by the way. Under construction, but it's there. !discord | [Linux]
🎮 Synthetik: Legion Rising
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📑 [Synthetik] Sniper 205% runs, learning the game. Furthest I've gotten was the disco room. You know the one. Disco floor is lava. | [Linux]
🎮 Synthetik: Legion Rising
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📑 [Synthetik] Artificial beings killing each other for your amusement. Learning the game at 205% because I actively want to get rekt | [Linux]
🎮 Synthetik: Legion Rising
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📑 [Synthetik] Artificial beings killing each other for your amusement. Learning the game at 205% because I actively want to get rekt | [Linux]
🎮 The Ultimate Doom
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📑 [HideousDestructor] Thy Donuts Consumed. Bustin' E4 with the Thunder Buster. Starring Scientist Man from Black Mesa. | [Linux]
🎮 The Ultimate Doom
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📑 [HideousDestructor] Space Cowboy goes down to Inferno with his trusty bolt-action and two Big Irons | [Linux]
🎮 The Ultimate Doom
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📑 [HideousDestructor] Space Cowboy goes to Hell with two Big Irons on his hip - restarting E2 because last night's run was bad | [Linux]
🎮 The Ultimate Doom
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📑 [HideousDestructor] Cowboy goes to hell: his iron becomes the Big Iron. Are y'all just gonna watch without saying howdy? | [Linux]
🎮 Brigador
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📑 [Brigador] UPLINK ESTABLISHED: WELCOME BOOMADOR - Doing meme runs and having a good time. Request loadouts in chat! | [Linux]
🎮 The Ultimate Doom
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📑 [HideousDestructor] Cowboy goes to hell. Be rootin', be tootin', and by god be shootin'. But most of all, be kind. YEEHAW | [Linux]
🎮 XCOM: Enemy Within
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📑 [LW1.0 - S02E50] FINALE of the Long War - Temple Ship Assault tonight. Whatever happens, we made it this far. | !lwmods !deathlog | [Linux]
🎮 XCOM: Enemy Within
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📑 [LW1.0 - S02E49] Battleship raid tonight. The end of the war is so close, we can almost taste it. | !lwmods !deathlog | [Linux]
🎮 Doom II: Hell on Earth
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📑 [HideousDestructor] Space Cowboy crouch-slides into Dimension of the Boomed (& other WADs) in search of fun and suffering | [Linux]
🎮 XCOM: Enemy Within
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📑 [LW1.0 - S02E48] Running to the finish line as the ayys light a fire under our butts. Is that another Carrier? | !lwmods !deathlog | [Linux]
🎮 Doom II: Hell on Earth
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📑 [HideousDestructor] Scavenger vs Wasteland - Fallout/STALKER inspired maps, Ashes 2063. Yes, we're procrastinating on LW tonight. | [Linux]
🎮 XCOM: Enemy Within
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📑 [LW1.0 - S02E47] Wanted for INI crimes. Also: giving away Brigador keys! Type !raffle to get in. | !lwmods !deathlog | [Linux]
🎮 XCOM: Enemy Within
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📑 [LW1.0 - S02E46] Bangin' jams to interrogate ayys to, courtesy of Dr. Moira Vahlen. (August, 2nd Year) | !lwmods !deathlog | [Linux]
🎮 XCOM: Enemy Within
📺 twitch
📑 [LW1.0 - S02E45] There must be some way out of here, said the sniper to the scout. (July, 2nd Year) | !lwmods !deathlog | [Linux]
🎮 Doom II: Hell on Earth
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📑 [HideousDestructor] Full solo run of Diabolus Ex. Stick with the prod. Prod with the prod. Just in case though, we're UAC. | [Linux]
🎮 XCOM: Enemy Within
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📑 [LW1.0 - S02E44] The Ethereal said to him: Stop hitting yourself! But he could not stop, for it was hitting him with his own hands | [Linux]