Stream Log
🎮 DOOM II: Hell on Earth
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📑 Sunlust + Mal's "you're going to need a bigger boat" // pistol starts. Congrats to Cacowarded and Cacomentioned people :) [Linux]
🎮 DOOM II: Hell on Earth
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📑 Sunlust pistol starts // MAP24 attempts & practice - now entering the spicy maps [Linux]
🎮 DOOM II: Hell on Earth
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📑 Sunlust pistol starts // MAP24 attempts & practice - entering scary map territory [Linux]
🎮 DOOM II: Hell on Earth
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📑 Sunlust pistol starts // MAP22+ attempts & practice [Linux]
🎮 DOOM II: Hell on Earth
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📑 Sunlust pistol starts // MAP21+ attempts & practice [Linux]
🎮 Factorio
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📑 1.1 vanilla factorio run. Haven't played in a couple weeks, so please excuse me while I get my bearings. Designing and chilling [Linux]
🎮 DOOM II: Hell on Earth
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📑 Sunlust pistol starts // MAP20 attempts. Oh. Oh no. Oh no it's happening. It's happening agaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain. [Linux]
🎮 Battle Brothers
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📑 Lernin' late gaem on expert combat. The Men of the Moist travel the land hunting for named items and legendary places [Linux]
🎮 DOOM II: Hell on Earth
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📑 Sunlust pistol starts // I am once again attempting MAP20. I've been stuck here for five streams. At least I'm having fun. [Linux]
🎮 7.62 High Calibre
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📑 JANK'O'CLOCK :) - 7,62's convoy mission with Jankguy and the Jankgang [Linux]
🎮 7.62 High Calibre
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📑 JANK'O'CLOCK :) - 7,62's convoy mission with Jankguy and the Jankgang [Linux]
🎮 Battle Brothers
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📑 The Men of the Moist vs Ancient Vampire SUCC (Necrosavants). Who will retain their moisture? [Linux]
🎮 DOOM II: Hell on Earth
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📑 Sunlust pistol starts // I am once again trying to beat MAP20. It's been really hard for me. Pls send emotional support. [Linux]
🎮 Factorio
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📑 FactoriOwO :) vanilla, thinkin bout oil setups. Using a variation of intangir's smart train depot design. Let's get comfy. [Linux]
🎮 DOOM II: Hell on Earth
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📑 Sunlust MAP20+ | Attempts & Practice - congratulations to Daerik for his world first D2All-UVMax run! [Linux]
🎮 Battle Brothers
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📑 The Moist Men cometh. And they're lookin' to bust (late game camps). Noble War is over, Orc/Goblin invasion begins. Also vampires. [Linux]
🎮 DOOM II: Hell on Earth
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📑 Sunlust MAP20+ | Attempts & Practice - the euro-friendly laivstrem [Linux]
🎮 Battle Brothers
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📑 The Men of the Moist continue on their learning Expert combat adventures. Turns out guns are very very fun. Whodda thunk [Linux]
🎮 Factorio
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📑 Smart trains in vanilla! made possible with *circuit magic*. Original design by intangir_v, I only customized it. tfw depot computer [Linux]
🎮 DOOM II: Hell on Earth
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📑 Babby's First Sunlust - MAP19 practice & attempts [Linux]
🎮 Factorio
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📑 FactorioGuy likes trains. Trains trains trains trains trains trains. Trains in grids. Trains in city blocks. Trains for everyone. [Linux]
🎮 Battle Brothers
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📑 Lernin' gaem on Expert combat. Late game Men of the Moist seek nobles to rob and camps to pillage of valuables. [Linux]
🎮 Doom II: Hell on Earth
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📑 Babby's First Sunlust - MAP18 Attempts & Practice [Linux]
🎮 Factorio
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📑 FactorioGuy does trains. I probably should have done the base makeover stuff after launching one (1) rocket, but, y'kno. I'm dumb. [Linux]
🎮 Doom II: Hell on Earth
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📑 Babby's First Sunlust - MAP18: Mu Cephei - Attempts & Practice [Linux]
🎮 7.62 High Calibre
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📑 The Jank Gang gets hired by jungle guerillas *cue it's always sunny in Philadelphia music* [Linux]
🎮 Battle Brothers
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📑 Lernin gaem on expert combat. Bustin' bustin' bustin' bustin' (camps) makes me feel good. [Linux]
🎮 Battle Brothers
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📑 Lernin gaem on expert combat. The Moist Men Cometh. Noble War continues. [Linux]
🎮 Factorio
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📑 Vanilla 1.0 First Playthrough - FactorioGuy has swarm of bots move the old base to a grid design while listening to GY!BE albums [Linux]
🎮 Doom II: Hell on Earth
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📑 Babby's First Sunlust: MAP16+ Practice & Attempts [Linux]
🎮 Battle Brothers
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📑 Lernin gaem on expert combat. Noble War rages on, and business is booming for the Men of the Moist. [Linux]
🎮 Doom II: Hell on Earth
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📑 Babby's First Sunlust - MAP32: Post Boning Doom. Not gonna lie, I'm not very hopeful about making it to MAP16 tonight. We'll see. [Linux]
🎮 Factorio
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📑 FactorioGuy uses robutt swarms to reorganize the factory into tiles and figure out spicy rocks [Linux]
🎮 Factorio
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📑 FactorioGuy uses robutt swarms to reorganize the factory into tiles and figure out spicy rocks [Linux]
🎮 Factorio
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📑 Vanilla 1.0 - FactorioGuy learns how 2 robot and how 2 spicy rocks. [Linux]
🎮 Ticket
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📑 i'm a left foot named shoe. that's all i know. more sunlust later tonight. [Linux]
🎮 Battle Brothers
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📑 Lernin gaem. NOBLE WAR NOBLE WAR OFUG IBS NOBLE WAR TIEM. Sieging keeps, raiding supply convoys, bullying peasants. How fun! ANAB. [Linux]
🎮 Doom II: Hell on Earth
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📑 Babby's first Sunlust. Practice & attempts from MAP15 onwards. [Linux]
🎮 Battle Brothers
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📑 Learning gaem. Do you guys remember when I was trying to fight 8 barbarian chosen on ~Day 70. Yea turns out that was a bad idea. [Linux]
🎮 Factorio
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📑 Vanilla 1.0 Playthrough - FactorioGuy learns how 2 train. Need moar ore. Belts not enough.[Linux]
🎮 Battle Brothers
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📑 Learning gaem on Expert combat with the Men of the Moist. ~Day 70. I am operating with about ~3 hours of sleep so I foresee disaster [Linux]
🎮 Factorio
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📑 Design, brainstorming & chill: 4 science per sec modular setup. I'm also trying to use star patterns everywhere 'cause I like them. [Linux]
🎮 Doom II: Hell on Earth
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📑 Sunlust: babby's first playthrough. Practice, attempts & chill from MAP14 onwards. I've been told 15 is really hard. I believe them. [Linux]