Menus are redesigned to be comfortably readable when playing on handheld. You can change the UI scaling size in the Interface settings, with modes for handheld, TV, or desktop PC viewing distances. If you have any feedback or bugs to report, we'd love to hear from you in the Chippy Discord.
[ 2023-09-25 21:38:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
For players not in the very top of the leaderboards, these graphs give you a better sense of how your score compares to everyone else. It's also interesting to see how times are distributed differently on some stages, like the late peak on Execution from players that never discovered how to speed things up.

To see them, press tab or click the leaderboard mode button. At the moment we're generating them only for official campaigns, but later on we'll add support for Workshop campaigns too. The graphs are updated once a day, but you can immediately see how your score compares with a vertical line.
Workshop Showcase
Check out these recent Workshop campaigns and stages built by players in the Chippy Discord. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2979329688 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2979859859 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2994305083 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2979132329 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2976426079
Small Fixes
- Fixed timer display freezing when hijacking
- Steam Deck tweaks
- Ballpit money fix
- Player death speech fix
- UI anti-aliasing fix
- Fixed unbinding controls for one device causing all devices to lose binding
- Support for .ogg music in workshop stages
[ 2023-06-28 11:30:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed case where replays would fail to download
- Workshop validation will give more useful errors about case sensitivity
[ 2022-08-16 23:19:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed core background sometimes incorrectly having transparency
- Fixed Ball Pit repel/repeller powerups
- Added "menuBackgroundTint" property to StageMenuData
[ 2022-07-29 21:18:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed cases where the wrong leaderboard would show for recently updated workshop campaigns.
[ 2022-07-25 22:22:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Optimized split-screen rendering
- Support for older GPUs (e.g. GeForce 9 Series from 2008)
- Disabled cancelling loading between stages during a speedrun
[ 2022-07-20 16:46:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed another case where Abstinence achievement wasn't granted
- Fixed case where replays would diverge on the last frame
- Tweaked progress calculation for Execution
- Fixed bug with script backwards compatibility system
- Fixed simulation rate of particles during replays
[ 2022-07-06 09:53:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added option to disable running the game in the background (also pauses audio)
- Improved UI text rendering, particularly at lower resolutions
- Fixed soft lock related to mouse input in the settings menu
- Fixed possible error related to images in text
- Show an error message when trying to watch replays from non-downloaded workshop stages
- Fixed a replay divergence related to minion units that count towards stage progress
- Fixed respawning exploding pixels in workshop stages
- Minor ballpit fix
- Added pixel respawn glow scale option for workshop authors
[ 2022-07-01 20:44:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Reduced memory usage and allocations
- Fixed some textures becoming unloaded while in-use
- Fixed case where leaderboards wouldn't display properly
- Ballpit text fixes
- More flexible support for dropping powerups / items in workshop stages
[ 2022-06-24 17:07:38 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed possible error on death in Timebrain
- Auto-subscribe to Timebrain in the Workshop tab (only once)
- Support for shorter replay sharing URLs
[ 2022-06-16 15:25:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Along with a small patch, we've released an experimental workshop stage for you to play right now: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2810567647 Chippy Discord
- New official workshop stage: Timebrain
- Fixed campaigns sometimes being invisible
- Fixed some assets not being unloaded between stages
- Fixed case where resources could get unloaded during a stage
- Fixed Phobia core visual bugs
- Drone deployable collision fix while faded
- Workshop menu sorting / display fixes
- Fixed case where baked workshop stage scripts wouldn't load
- Workshop menu now prompts you to download latest version of workshop campaigns
- Workshop stages can now have separate medal times for co-op
- Fixed cases where workshop upload would fail
- Added Player.ForEachActiveEffect and Player.ForEachSelectableEffect
[ 2022-06-15 11:29:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Added stage subtitle (easy / co-op / speedrun) to loading / pause / game over screens
- Fixed case where workshop stages would have to bake each time they're played
- Fixed damage numbers not appearing on newer workshop stages
- Button to open local workshop plugin now defaults to opening vscode if available
- Added button to open /custom directory from workshop tab
- Don't try to re-submit scores for old workshop stages
- Fixed error reporting while playing workshop stages
- Fixed player name sometimes being incorrect when watching replays
[ 2022-05-08 11:56:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Can now click on score upload pending text to cycle through pending stages
- Fixed some issues with workshop speedrun replays
- Fixed watch replay prompt text
- Fixed displaying long usernames in current replay info
- Some small text rendering improvements
[ 2022-04-20 19:14:46 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Don't vibrate controller when watching replays
- Disable word wrapping on usernames in leaderboards
- Fixed case where bullet visuals wouldn't get removed properly
- Attempt to re-submit scores that are missing a replay
- Fixed trap background bullets getting removed on boss form end
- Load time improvements
- New replay sharing link format, with support for instant play on click Example: Neophyte - 1:04.833 by WestieNZ
- Fixed Abstinence achievement being impossible on normal difficulty
- Fixed medal-based unlock conditions when switching to co-op
- Added support for displaying 1h+ times in various places
- Added some JSON schemas for vscode
- Added support for custom speedruns
- Fixed setting background colour
- Fixed possible error when submitting workshop scores
- Fixed local plugin stages getting baked on load
[ 2022-04-19 14:55:36 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Fixed inconsistent leaderboard entry ordering when progress is less than 100%
- Fixed nearby score leaderboards sometimes getting stuck loading if you don't have an entry
- Fixed nearby score leaderboards not being clamped in both directions
- Actually allow replay playback speeds of more than 4x
[ 2022-04-06 16:24:04 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update protects your scores against possible data loss on Steam's end, and fixes a bunch of UI bugs reported by our Discord community. To follow up on our last update post, another leaderboard data loss was detected last night. This time we were able to restore almost everything on our end from our backups. If any of your scores are still missing, they will be detected and re-submitted when you view leaderboards in-game.
- Attempt to re-submit leaderboard entries using local backups of scores
- Added support for remotely restoring leaderboards from our backups
- Fixed leaderboards getting stuck in an invalid state if a score was queued to submit between sessions
- Fixed a bunch of mouse interactions in the campaign menu / leaderboards
- Merged bonus stages into one campaign
- Fixed replay playback speed slider range
- Fixed offline prompt text
- Only show offline dialog when paused or in the main menu
- Made progress bar ticks in the campaign menu more consistent
- Fixed campaign medals sometimes showing incorrectly
- Fixed percentiles in campaign menu not always showing
- Fixed many unsupported characters in player names
- First stage in workshop campaigns always start unlocked
[ 2022-04-06 11:10:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
After Tuesday night's Steam maintenance, we noticed that many leaderboards appeared to have rolled back to an earlier state. We're waiting to hear back from Valve to find out what went wrong, and whether they can restore the lost scores. In the meantime, we've created a new beta branch called leaderboard-fix which, when used to view leaderboards in-game, will attempt to re-upload any of your scores that are missing. This fix will eventually be rolled out to everyone, but you can try it out right now if you're desperate to get your score back. We've also started making our own backups of the leaderboards, in case this happens again. Sorry for the inconvenience!
[ 2022-03-30 21:16:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Support for more characters in player names
- Auto-unsubscribe from obsolete official workshop items that are now integrated into the main game
[ 2022-03-25 16:49:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
- Now imports unlocked levels from pre-redux save data
- Fixed native linux build not loading main menu
- Fixed some other misc errors
[ 2022-03-24 15:36:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
We're excited to finally release the long awaited Redux Update! Thanks for being patient, and a huge thank you to all of the testers on our Discord for their invaluable feedback. Here's the headline features for this update:
- Local splitscreen co-op
- Official campaigns revamped and rebalanced
- Easy and Nightmare difficulties
- Additional bonus levels to unlock
- Campaign speedrun mode with leaderboards
- Improved UI and game performance
- Better replay stability
Every stage can be played with a friend in offline 2-player co-op, with separate leaderboards and replays for this mode.

When players move far enough apart, it will transition into splitscreen (unless you force a single camera in the options). When you die, your teammate will have to resurrect you by destroying your respawn pod. There's no limit on the amount of respawns, so as long as one of you is alive, you've still got hope.

At least one player needs a controller. And while this is not online, it does work well with Steam Remote Play or Parsec as long as you aren't thousands of miles away from each other.
Pretty much every aspect of the original campaigns are improved. We've placed an emphasis on providing a smoother difficulty curve, while also adding extra variety. For example:
- Lots of new enemy attacks and many changes to existing ones
- Overhauled some powerups and added a few new ones
- Reworked some boss pixels and phases
- Spawn with one shield on normal difficulty
Everything is a bit more friendly in this mode, available on the main level select screen after dying at least 10 times.
- Players spawn with 2 shields
- Enemy bullets are less numerous and less fast
- Powerups are more generous
- More leniency with bullet collisions

Everything is much more cruel in Nightmare mode, unlocked after you beat the original campaigns on normal difficulty.
- No starting shields
- Enemy attacks are more dangerous and sometimes borderline unfair
- Bosses have new menacing color schemes
- Songs play a nightmare variation

These stages aren't part of the two campaigns and only have a single difficulty level, but they can be played in co-op. Crossfire and Quartet were previously workshop stages, now included in the main level select. In Crossfire, survive as long as possible. In Quartet, the order you kill the 4 bosses determines their strength.

The playable Credits stage is unlocked when you beat either campaign. Destroy the names of the Chippy team and the top 10 fastest Legacy players.

Ball Pit is a versus mode that can only be played in local multiplayer with a friend. It's sort of like a round-based bullet-hell dodgeball. Avoid enemy balls while returning as many of your own as possible. Earn money to spend in the item shop between rounds. First to 10 points wins.

Speedrun stages let you compete for the fastest time across a whole campaign, once you've beaten it the normal way first. Each speedrun has its own in-game leaderboard, with watchable replays of each whole run submitted. This also means less loading time when playing stages in succession, since it doesn't need to load the menu between stages.

While this will probably be our last major update, we'll still be releasing fixes and tweaks in the coming weeks. If you'd like to get in touch with your feedback, the best place to reach us is on our Discord.
[ 2022-03-23 22:21:54 CET ] [ Original post ]
We've been working hard on Chippy's biggest update yet, and we're very excited to announce that you can test out a preview build today. This release features improvements to every single stage from the official campaigns, a UI overhaul, and (last but not least) local co-op! To play, you'll need to switch to the redux-preview beta branch in Chippy's properties in your Steam client. You can find detailed instructions later in this post, along with more information about the new content in this release. We're looking forward to hearing your feedback before we put this update out in the main branch!
Redux campaigns
In the time since Chippy's release, we've been taking into account your feedback about each of the 14 official stages. As we didn't want to invalidate the leaderboards frequently by changing those levels too often, we've been saving up a big bunch of improvements for one major update. You can look forward to utilising new powerups, enemies will have some new attacks in their arsenal, and we've added some new sound effects and speech lines. Balance has also been adjusted, and bugs have been fixed. [previewyoutube=4UQAQtsN5yc;full][/previewyoutube] The test branch will have separate leaderboards from the main build of the game while we check for bugs and get your feedback. After everything seems nice and stable, we'll push the improved campaigns to the main branch with new leaderboards. Don't worry, we'll make sure the old leaderboards (along with their replays) are accessible, most likely through the Workshop.
For the second major part of this update, we are adding local co-op! You and a friend can now play through the entirety of both official campaigns, with either one or both of you on a gamepad. Steam Remote Play Together is also supported, so with a decent connection you can play over the net too! [previewyoutube=H5C78qittAg;full][/previewyoutube] To enable co-op, you (or your friend if using Remote Play Together) will need at least one connected controller. Pressing the Start button on that controller while on the campaign screen will switch to co-op mode, and Player 2 will be using the gamepad to play. To go back to single player, simply press Start again.

Co-op features separate leaderboards from single player, with replays fully supported. We're trying out a form of adaptive splitscreen: the screen will only be split if both players are far apart, and it will smoothly merge into one view when you meet up. If you like, you can disable this in the Video settings while in-game.
How to try it out
Before we fully release this update, we need your feedback to make sure there aren't any problems we've missed. You can test this new version today, by switching your game to the redux-preview beta branch: 1. Make sure Chippy isn't currently running 2. Right click on Chippy in your Steam client, select "Properties" 3. Click on the "BETAS" tab 4. In the drop-down, select "redux-preview - Work in progress redux campaigns" 5. Close the Properties window

Steam should now download the preview build of Chippy! When you want to switch back to the default branch, follow the steps above again, but choose "NONE" in the drop-down. For more information on how to use Steam Remote Play Together to play with a friend over the net, check out this guide.
Switch & Soundtrack
Besides the Redux campaigns and co-op, we've also been working on the Nintendo Switch version of Chippy. Hopefully we'll have some more news about that soon! Finally, we've had a bunch of requests for Chippy's OST to be released. To heed that call, Alex has been putting together a final mix of each of the songs used in the game, which hopefully will be out soon!

Get in touch
We hope you have a great time trying out co-op and the improved campaigns! If you have any feedback, or need some help, you're very welcome to join us on our Discord.
[ 2020-06-27 01:29:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
New Official Stage: Quartet

Destroy four unique bosses as fast as possible. Each boss gets stronger when another boss dies. You can fight them in any order, so experiment with different strategies and compete on the leaderboard. It's available on the workshop here, though you should be auto-subscribed to it already.
Community Highlight: Workshop
Chaos Campaign

If you're itching for even more challenging content, make sure you check out the Chaos Campaign by community member GNL2002. At the time of writing, their creation features 8 inventive new bosses to defeat, complete with custom attack patterns and dialogue. While already impressive, the campaign is a work in progress so there might be tweaks and additions in the future. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1921870040
Chippy the Anime

Also worth checking out is W1ND's reimagining of our official campaigns, with 11 bosses transformed into unique and stylish galactic waifus. Hopefully we'll get to see the remaining 3 bosses converted soon! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1897626619 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1939363684

Last but not least, current #1 player Krahie has authored a custom stage of their own called Gridlock. This challenging design has a particularly satisfying second form, give it a try! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1901141743 If you're interested in creating your own stages, check out the tutorials, and feel free to ask for help in the Chippy Discord.
Community Highlight: AGDQ

We were thrilled to see Chippy on Awesome Games Done Quick recently. The Crusade campaign and Xulgon (spoilers!) were run by Scrublord, who did a great job of presenting the game, demonstrating high level play, and performing some exploits. Here's the vod: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/532240714?t=11h08m37s
Future Plans
We're still moving along with the Switch port, and are optimistically investigating adding local multiplayer support to all versions. You can also expect some more official workshop stages at some point.
Change List
- Added Quartet stage
- Auto-subscribe to Quartet and Crossfire stages
- Changed button highlight styling
- Fixed menu music for workshop stages
- Fixed an issue preventing new workshop leaderboards from being created
- Fixed possible cause of error spam in scripts
[ 2020-01-11 21:48:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Easy Mode
For anyone that finds the official campaigns too unforgiving, we've released easier versions of all stages (except the final boss). These are available right now on Chippy's Workshop, although you'll automatically be subscribed to them the next time you launch the game if you haven't already done so.

A variety of elements have been tweaked, for example you will start with some shields from the get go, and powerups are more generous overall. Most enemy bullets have been modified to be more easily avoided, and there are some stage-specific changes like reducing Overgrowth's regeneration speed. You'll also notice that Chippy has been adorned with a fetching bow, which provides a much needed morale boost.

Workshop UI Improvements
Also in this update, we've added a bunch of new features to the Workshop UI we introduced last time. You can now rate subscribed campaigns while in-game, and see if any of those campaigns have received updates since the last time you played them. Also, now it is possible to sort subscribed campaigns by various criteria by clicking the headings of each column in the Workshop menu. Finally, there's now a button to open Ryleigh's modding tutorials right from the Workshop menu.

Relative Aiming Mode
This is a more experimental change for any mouse and keyboard players. You can now bind a key or mouse button to enable "Relative Aim" while that input is held. This mode will switch the crosshair to move relative to whatever is behind it, instead of relative to your screen. You can use this to, for example, automatically track a certain part of a boss, even while you fly around it. Let us know if you find this mode useful, or have any ideas for how to improve it!
[ 2019-11-20 01:46:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Workshop Now Available!
This update's most major feature is the ability to create, share and play custom levels. As mentioned in our last update in August, everything needed to create any of the official levels is accessible, including using custom graphics, sound effects, music and scripting.

To demonstrate what's possible, Ryleigh has built a brand new fully-featured level: Crossfire. This stage also demonstrates the new Endless Mode that we mentioned last update, where the goal is to survive for as long as possible against an increasingly escalating onslaught. This stage also features 4 unique minibosses, with some inventive new attack patterns to avoid. You can subscribe to Crossfire here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1863739017 After you have subscribed to some custom levels, you can find them in the *Workshop* tab in-game. Each item in the Workshop can contain one or more levels, organised in a campaign. Levels downloaded from the Workshop have leaderboards and replays just like any official level.

The first time you play one of these custom levels the game will need to do some extra pre-processing to make sure it can run as smoothly as an official level, resulting in a slightly longer load time. However, the result of this process is cached so that it only needs to be performed once (until the level gets modified by the creator). If you want to try your hand at making your own level, or even a whole campaign, check out Ryleigh's tutorials: https://facepunch.github.io/chippy-docs/tutorials/ You'll mostly be writing JSON files to describe the appearance and behaviour of your levels, but we've also provided a pixel editor you should use to create the visuals for your own animated bosses, as these use a custom format. Included in the game files is an example custom stage, which you can use as a springboard to try fiddling around with your own creations.
Legacy Replay Support
In the process of implementing Workshop support, quite a lot of the internals of the game have been redesigned and rewritten. This had the added benefit of allowing us to resolve some performance issues, and in general clean a bunch of systems up. Unfortunately, this came at the cost of supporting replays recorded in the old version of the game. Since we don't want to wipe the leaderboards (as no gameplay elements have changed in a way that would invalidate them), we've opted to keep the leaderboards intact, and made a legacy version of the game available to watch these old replays. This legacy build can be found in the Betas tab, after right-clicking on Chippy in your Steam library, and selecting Properties. This new legacy-v56 branch will allow you to play the pre-Workshop build of the game, including watching replays from that version, but we've disabled submitting new high-scores from that build.
New Achievements
Our final new feature in this update is a bunch of new Steam achievements, mostly geared towards experienced players. These seven new goals all involve carrying out daring displays of expertise against seven different bosses from the original campaigns:

Join Us On Discord!
As always, you're welcome to join Chippy's community on Discord! That's probably the best place to get in touch with us if you encounter any bugs, and it's also a great resource for discussing strategies. We'll also be around to answer any questions about creating custom levels, and you'll be able to get feedback from the community on what you create there too. For any expert players that can attain all gold medals on one or both of our official campains, you can be granted the Gilded Crusader and Gilded Invader roles to show off your prowess.
What's Next?
Besides continuing to patch any problems that come up relating to the new Workshop update, we'll be continuing work on a Switch port that should hopefully be ready in the next few months. Any new features we introduce for that version will also be added to the PC release. Along with that, we're hoping to put out a few more new "official" Workshop levels like Crossfire for you to try.
[ 2019-10-28 17:11:58 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update adds the ability to bind items to individual keys, along with some fixes and improvements. We're also making good progress with our new Endless levels, writing documentation for building your own custom workshop stages, and starting work on a Switch port.
Change List
- Added item binding functionality to pause menu
- Added setting to disable pause on focus lost
- Can now use Ctrl+V to watch a replay URL from your clipboard
- Fixed rare issue with pixel destroy effect velocity
- Fixed keyboard bindings on replay menu
- Fixed Phobia first form attack perpetually looping sound effect
- Fixed sound effect spam after victory
- Fixed case where controller input would be ignored
- Fixed some stage scripts that weren't being optimized correctly
- Items are now alway sorted (first by category, then by name)
- Can now hold down with left click to scroll a leaderboard quickly
- Can now properly navigate items menu on controller
- Added D-Pad button icons
- Replays are now only stored locally until you share them
- Stage selection colour improvements
- Show "=" for tied scores
- More UI uses accelerating navigation while a direction button is held
Item Binding
We've gotten a lot of feedback about it being challenging to select a certain item in the heat of battle, so we hope this feature helps. In the pause menu, navigate to an item using the controller, press A to enter binding mode, and then press one of the dpad buttons. Pressing that button in-game will now swap to that item. More than one item can be bound to the same button - hit that button multiple times to cycle through them. For mouse & keyboard, simply select an inventory item and press a number key from 0-9. Press the same key again to clear a binding. Once a binding has been set, it should be remembered across multiple sessions.

Endless Mode Progress
Our 3 brand new stages for Endless Mode are coming along nicely. Here are some teasers of ideas we're playing around with (you might need to right-click and Show Controls to play the vids): [video]https://files.facepunch.com/ryleigh/1b0911b1/walls.mp4[/video] [video]https://files.facepunch.com/ryleigh/1b0911b1/hell.mp4[/video] [video]https://files.facepunch.com/ryleigh/1b0911b1/garden.mp4[/video]
Workshop Documentation
We've also been working on documenting everything you'll need to know to create your own stages. You'll have access to everything we used when building the levels in the game, so we're really excited to see what you'll come up with when the documentation and tools go public.

[ 2019-08-11 01:53:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
This update features a new replay management menu, from which you can browse and share any recently recorded replays. We've also greatly improved leaderboard navigation, and added percentile stats to give you a better idea of how you are ranked on each stage.
Change List
- Added replay menu
- Added percentile UI to stages and campaigns, showing your relative global rank
- Fixed possible bug with assigning sort order to new scores
- Made sure camera can never have an invalid size
- Fixed music playback issue causing performance problems on some stages
- Fixed "Personal Best" UI showing up on victory after hijacking a replay
- Leaderboard scrolling greatly improved: scroll speed accelerates while holding up/down, and it no longer waits for entries to load before scrolling
- Added medal award text to victory screen
- Leaderboard entry style tweaks
- Progress bar medal visual tweaks
- Replay playback now pauses on divergence
Replay Menu
You can now browse the replays recorded during your last 100 attempts of any stage, using the new replay menu.

We've also added replay sharing links that can be generated from the replay menu. Clicking on a replay sharing link will launch Chippy, and start playing that replay. Additionally, tabbing back to the game while a replay link is in your clipboard will prompt you to download and watch it. Shared replays will be locked, and won't get automatically deleted.
Also included in this update are percentile stats for each stage and campaign. This will tell you your relative global rank, for example if you are ranked 100 out of 500 players it will list you as being in the "Top 20%".

This should give you a better idea of how well you are doing, especially when you're not near the top of the leaderboards like the 3 players that have already beaten every single stage (for comparison, over 4,700 players have beaten the first stage).

For the rest of us, we've made it easier and faster to scroll around the leaderboard.

What's Next?
The two big things we're working on at the moment are a new "Endless" mode and Steam Workshop support. Endless mode will feature some completely new stages, and task you to survive for as long as possible against a perpetual onslaught of tougher and tougher challenges. We're currently planning to start with a campaign of 3 endless stages, each with a different style of gauntlet to endure. Here's some concepts of the enemies you'll be fighting in one of those stages:

For Workshop support, our next job is to provide documentation for how to build your own stages, and later on create the UI that will let you upload and play these custom levels.
[ 2019-07-15 17:30:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Here's a small update while we're working towards some larger features. This patch fixes a handful of bugs you reported, greatly improves memory usage, and now you can bind inputs to toggle shooting.
Change List
- Experimental custom stage support on "debug" branch
- Added optional toggle bindings for shooting and braking
- Added additional speech lines to some bosses
- Fixed some missing sound effects
- Fixed Dash indicator sometimes showing when not selected
- Fixed game not pausing when focus is lost
- Fixed leaderboard time display for times over 1 hour
- Fixed hijack button not showing after watching to the end of a replay
- Fixed not being able to bind actions to the mouse wheel
- Fixed timer flickering after the end of a replay
- Much better at unloading unused resources, reducing total memory usage
- Also reduced memory footprint of music
- Made sure the player can never go off-screen during gameplay
- Bindings revert button now only resets current page
Debug Branch
While replay divergences are much less common since our last patch, there are still some edge cases that cause them. If you want to help us find out how to reproduce and fix them, the best thing you can do is play on the "debug" branch. This will record a ton of extra diagnostic info with your replays. You can switch to the "debug" branch in Chippy's properties on Steam:

Custom Stages
Also on that branch, this week we've included the first steps towards letting you build your own levels. In the install directory of Chippy, you'll find a "custom" folder like this:

The "Template" folder contains an example stage (Kraken from the main game), so to get started messing around with your own stuff you should create a copy of that folder (with a name you choose) in the "custom" directory. You can load a custom stage from that directory (but only on the "debug" branch) by setting Chippy's launch options to this:
--initial-stage :
Each folder contains a list of stages, so the "stage index" at the end tells the game which to load. So for example, to load the Template folder, you will set it to this:

We'll be putting out documentation in the near future, but for more information right now you can ask us in the #workshop channel in our Discord: https://discord.gg/xNguzDH As always, if you have any suggestions for improvements or features you would like to see, you can also head over to our Nolt: https://chippy.nolt.io/
[ 2019-06-29 15:15:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
We've added a bunch of UI and control options based on your suggestions, implemented an optional split time UI feature for speedrunners, and improved replay stability.
Change List
- Show your "ghost" on the progress bar while watching a replay
- Added button in pause menu while watching a replay, to attempt that level
- Added option (off by default) to show split times, with split time differences on replay ghosts
- Added options to reposition powerup display
- Added option to shoot automatically while aiming with an analog stick
- Added hotkeys to jump to the first leaderboard entry while browsing (Home on keyboard, Menu on controller)
- Fixed replay divergence caused by something not being properly reset on level restart
- Fixed cases where the pause menu could be opened at an invalid time, overlapping other UI
- Vibration now stops on pause
- Fixed case where music wouldn't change in main menu when you switch campaign
- Fixed a bunch more minor errors
- Better pooling of resources while playing music
- Font tweaks for numerical displays (timer etc)
- Almost all options can be reverted to default values now
- Leaderboards now show warning icons for missing replays / replays recorded on an outdated version
Chippy Arcade - Rust
Also of note, the Rust team have added a fun, fully-interactive craftable arcade cabinet, exclusive to players that have purchased Chippy. You should be granted the item after playing at least 30 minutes of Chippy, if it doesn't show up immediately you can try joining a Rust server, then restarting the game. Restarting Steam may also trigger the item. Refunding Chippy will cause you to lose the item, and unfortunately we are unable to grant the item for a second time if you buy Chippy again later on. Find out more!

[ 2019-06-22 16:07:48 CET ] [ Original post ]
Chippy's been out for a few days now, and we're really happy to hear that you're enjoying the game! You've been giving us some great feedback and suggestions, which we're excited to implement over the next few weeks and months to make this game the best it can be.
Before we talk about what we have planned next, it might be interesting to go back and look at how the game has changed since Ryleigh's original prototype.
The first version was called Space Usurper, a Unity Web Player game showing off the mechanic of breaking apart bosses made of pixels. While we've moved to a much higher fidelity art style now, you can still see that the basic design of a triangular ship with a rotating gun has persisted since way back then. Here's a video by a player that tried it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0H1tByghKY Next came a rewrite with a focus on making the levels entirely out of image files that could easily be shared. Enemy turrets would have their shooting patterns defined by which colours of pixels you arranged into a square, and more complex behaviour could be constructed using the Wireworld Cellular Automata. The ship design is even closer to the final version, although the visuals of the bosses are still much simpler than we have now. This is what it looked like, with some gameplay by another player: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgK_bhbJTUU With what we learned from those two games, we started fresh to create what would become Chippy! Now let's look ahead to see what plans we have for the future.
Here's a general outline of what we have planned going forward, although this is open to change based on what you all would like to see. We've set up a suggestion box for you to send in ideas, or vote on other players' suggestions here: https://chippy.nolt.io/ You can also find a roadmap there, which we'll update as we go along. As of now however, here is what we'd like to achieve: Next few weeks
- Add some extra UI features, suggested by Jake_Rich and Noxis on discord:
- Show your best run's progress while watching a replay
- Add a way to browse and share any replay you have recorded, not just highscores
- Add a stats page to show information such as total attempts for each level, medal times etc
- Show split times when defeating a form of a boss, and show how far behind another player you are
- Fix reported bugs and errors
- Improve memory usage and performance in general
- Fix replay stability
- Finish off boss dialogue on some levels
- Tweak levels based on feedback (looking at you Overgrowth)
- General gameplay tweaks
- Add Steam Workshop support, allowing players to create and share their own levels
- Add some new official levels
- Including some using a new Endurance game mode, with the goal of surviving for as long as possible
- Hardcore runs, where you attempt an entire campaign with one life and a special leaderboard
- Ship customisation with cosmetics unlocked by playing, that other players can see when watching your replays
Have fun!
Thank you for reading, and for taking an interest in Chippy! We'll keep you posted as we update the game, and in the meantime you can join our Discord community if you have any questions or want to chat with us: https://discord.gg/8pVW9jz P.S. There is a Rust cross-promotional item in the works, but the Rust team wanted to take some additional time to make it extra neat. Sorry about the wait!

[ 2019-06-17 22:11:33 CET ] [ Original post ]
🎮 Full Controller Support
- Space Usurper Linux [845.38 M]
Chip them apart pixel-by-pixel, slice off sections, and attack their cores as fast as you can.
- Dodge, shoot, and destroy 14 challenging multi-form bosses
- A variety of powerups - choose offensive or defensive based on your skill level
- Simple scoring system - fastest time wins
- Leaderboards and replays for each boss fight
- NEW: Steam Workshop support (including official Easy Mode campaigns)
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