Greeetings Mistwalkers,
We will be doing some work on the servers. No new content will be added this time, it's all boring technicalities.
Thanks for playing!
[ 2025-02-25 13:47:03 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Mistwalkers and Therians,
We hope you are enjoying your winter holidays. We have good news for you, but first here is what happened last year.
Our games are passion projects and we give everything we can to them, even when the odds are against us. That way of thinking can make us "overpromise", and this is what we did in the news about the 2024 planning, we would like to apologize for that.
Instead of doing half-baked updates to meet our promises, we decided to just stop, take a step back and rethink our situation. Getting out of the production for the games gave us the opportunity to explore new avenues for the studio.
Our first big news it that results for our exploration came in just a few weeks ago, and it was very positive! It's money stuff so we can't talk about it, but we can start talking about the future (without "overpromising").
As for today, our game engines are considered done, both systems are unique and offer a good support for gameplay and storytelling and they were designed for never-ending games. Future updates will be only game content, but we will have to change the way we do them.
In all Virtys history, we got an incredible help from the community. We think part of our future is to take that a step further. Our engines are built in a data-first way, meaning that we could have a community-based team thinking about new content and we could have a way to translate that to community-based game update.
What we will do starting in January is to give a better structure to this cooperation and see where is lead us. On the technical side, we already started work on the production pipeline for both games to be ready for new release and there will be an infrastructure upgrade in February to make sure our servers are up for the long run.
We won't do any promise on updates count and dates, this would be futile. We will give you everything we can.
The second big news is that Cloudigger, our lead writer on both Mist Legacy and Therian Saga, will come back to help us. He had to step away for a few years and we know the impact was felt a lot in the games. This is not a full-time return, but having one of the founders back home is really a big boost for us.
And finally, there is a third project for Virtys on the horizon, we are nowhere near the big reveal, but this project is the catalyst that allowed us to secure the future of the studio. In due time we will tell you more.
For Mistwalkers: Because of climate change in Valsonge, there won't be any snow for Christmas in your domain, but we reduced the price of all items in the game shop so you can make yourself well dressed for when the snow comes.
Thanks for playing with us!
[ 2024-12-24 07:03:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greeting Mistwalker,
Are you prepared for a new endgame adventure? Today, we are releasing an update focused on single-player character progression with a main story quest line, a dungeon challenge and an upgrade for companions.
You will also get to unlock a new part of the map that will open new resources for level 5. On the grand scheme of things, this update marks the end of the game content up to level 5. This means that the next player progression we will have to go to level 6 with everything that it implies (companions, buildings, artifacts, challenges, skills, etc.).
Nothing is fixed yet for next update, but we could have a more mid-game focused update to smooth the player progression before we can go forward with the next level of the game. The concept would be to find "holes" in the player progression and adding content to make sure more players stay engaged with the game to reach the level 50. We tested this concept in this update with a new quest line in Corrina Forest as this forest was almost empty. We also have room to advance the main storyline before upgrading the game content to level 6.
Thanks for playing!
Content Change:
- New questline in Corrina Forest for mid-levels.
- Main story questline for high levels.
- Singleplayer dungeons adventure at the Lithofortress.
- Access to the Tarzakon hills.
- The last level 5 materials.
- New substances and plants for level 5.
- Ovie, Badouk and Palenne upgrade to level 50.
- Bone drops for hunting level 5, and a new rare bone.
- All terrain skill bonus upgrade to 35.
- New shield recipe for tier 3 enchantments.
- Paladanthic Legs, Feets and Cape now drop from Gargar.

[ 2024-03-27 18:25:24 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Therians and Mistwalkers
First we would like to wish you a very fun year for 2024, may your skill raises and your coffers be full of loot.
We decided to do a joint announcement because we are the same team working on both games. Many of you wanted to know what is up with the team, especially about Mist Legacy because of the post we did in the fall.
For the short version: we will continue our work on both games as much as we can in 2024.
Mist Legacy
The change we did in the fall on monetization did have an impact, but what we still lack is volume. This means we have to ramp up the marketing. As you can expect, marketing is a time and cash-consuming task so it will impact the number of game updates we can do. But marketing, and you, need updates, so we will have a mix of marketing done and new content. So as for today, we are preparing the year with three updates: March, September and December. We expect that the updates for 2024 will focus on the main story of the game. Each one will unlock a new sector of the map and propose adventures that will have the possibility to unlock upgrades for companions and for your character with the Mistwalker reputation. Also, Sorka wrote to us and asked if she could come back to meet this cute hero she met on the Troll Plateau, well see what we can do with that.

Therian Saga
For Therian Saga, we are very happy to keep this world alive and the way we handle the game is that we accumulate the revenues from the game and when we have enough we use it to create a game update for our players. Based on current income, we expect to have Falkarma working on the next update to be released in May so he can finish the new region of Arkubel and possibly open a few other territories. There is something that is a big worry for us about Therian Saga. We are stretching our luck by continuing to use the same technological engine (Silverlight) as we were 10 years ago. There is a possibility that we wake up one morning and that Microsoft decides to turn the switch off for this technology. And having our first game disappears from the online world, with all the memories linked to it, is just not something we want. In June, Virtys created a checkpoint for the future of this game, and we will explore our available options at that moment.

In Conclusion
As always, this is our planning for the year and we cannot guarantee the plan will work as we thought it would, but its an honest plan and we think it could hold on for a year. We locked our schedule for the three Mist Legacy updates and the Therian Saga update. Let's say that if something big happens (yeah, we are also looking for other secret options) this should only mean more cool stuff is coming. Thanks for playing with us!

[ 2024-01-11 19:19:12 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Mistwalkers,
We are very happy to offer you this update for the holidays. First, we created a themed event for the seasons that will have you hunt for hidden location...until the community creates a guide for them ;-). You should talk to Stoe in Wellnear for more details.
This update should also offer new gameplay elements for all players. Starting with the Mistpiercers series of combat that will give you a combat challenge followed by a transport challenge to bring back your reward. These events will be unlocked progressively around Mist zone based on your level. For our end-game player, we added the level 6 to the masteries that will give you access to new special power and talents. Leighanna also got her missing passive work and relics that were missing compared to other "golden" companions.
New cosmetics are also in the game shop if you need some new clothes for the season.
Thanks for playing with us!
Features and Changes
- Expanded Masteries: Level 6 masteries are now available!
Content Changes
- Chillwind Holiday Quest: Celebrate the season with a special holiday quest.
- MistPiercers Adventure: New series of combat and transport challenges located near the Mist zones.
- Tier 4 Rare Resources: Discover and collect new rare resources in Tier 4.
- Leighanna's Tasks: Engage in new passive tasks for Leighanna, featuring 1 unique mission and 2 relic hunts.
- Winter Fashion: Check out the latest additions to our game shop!

[ 2023-12-20 19:11:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greeting Mistwalkers,
At last, we have a new update for you! As you may be aware, we had a talk with our community a few months back about the game and how it can be improved. Many of the comments we got were about our game shop and that was the main focus for this first refactoring update, we have described those changes below.
On the content side, we worked on new regions in the northeast of Gantras. These regions are focused on mid-level players and will offer them more to do while they are progressing on the game.
We also modified the experience for new players with the default recipe and improved the difficulty of Saharanelle Raid for endgame players.
We really hope you like the changes we made to the game!
Thanks for playing!
Features and Changes
- PvP (Player vs. Player) arena regions are no longer available.
- You can now delete characters.
- When you inspect a character, you can see every item they have.
- The shop has been updated, and all previous items are back.
- There's a new subscription feature that doubles Mastery, Skill gain, and combat XP, and boosts movement speed by 30%. Please note that this subscription is applied on a per-character basis, meaning you need to activate it individually for each character you want to receive these benefits.
- Some items in the store are now cheaper.
- You can now use Blue Crowns to skip the wait time for non-end-game tasks.
- The difficulty increase per Power Level in the Saharanelle Raid has been lowered to 20%, down from 25%. This means that for each level of difficulty, the challenge will now increase by a smaller margin, making the progression through the raid's five difficulties smoother.
Content Changes
- Check out the shop for new cosmetic items!
- Bosses now have reduced Magic Protection, lowered to 20%, down from 30%.
- Enhanced the gaming experience in the mid-level zones of the Eastern Gantras Mountains.
- Updated the initial crafting recipes for a better start.
- Decreased the materials needed for crafting items at beginner levels.

The new game shop
Lets take a few minutes to check out our new shop. The biggest change is the optional subscription system that will double all types of experience and activate the fast travel feature. We hope that this subscription will become our main driver for the creation of the game, it gives us clear metrics on how many players are expecting new content because they are engaged enough to pay for the subscription. In the game, there is a new skip cooldown feature that will allow you to skip all non-endgame tasks. We view this new feature as a means to get a character faster to endgame for players that are in a hurry. This feature also allows a player to skip the end of an almost finished cooldown for a low price when there is a bad synchronization between the play session and the cooldown end. The decision to keep the endgame task out of this feature is to make sure we keep some balance on high level features in the game. The cosmetic shop now offers a wide range of styles, frames and cosmetics that are not limited in time but that will be on sale when they are related to the current game event. This will reduce a lot of the frustration that comes from the possibility of a missed event because you discovered the game too late. Major exclusive frames and pets coming from events like the Portal Pioneer (Early Access) and the Virtysia Festivities (Launch) will stay unique as they are meant to show that you were there. With the improved offer, we decided that the companion slots price could be reduced as we want the player to invest in more elements of the game. This basically means that the base price for the game is now lower.
Our monetization in a nutshell:
If you buy any of our real money packages (Baronis, Princana, Royonar or Emperator), you unlock:
- The Trade between character features.
- Get a bonus to harvest.
- Unlock the feature to create a custom style for your character.
You can subscribe (per character) to the game to get:
- Double XP on all progression (skills, combat and mastery).
- You get a 30% boost on moving speed.
- Account wide: Slot for additional companions.
- Per character: Slot for additional equipped talent slot.
These are power ups for the game. Most of them will help you save time or overcome difficult challenges.
- Blue Chest : Allow to trade pack of 250 Blue Crowns
- Portable Portal : Create a portal at your current location. Only one portal can be active, if you setup a new portal, the old one will disappear.
- Mists Snail : Send all your new items to your domain.
- Change your name : Thats it.
- Change sex : Thats it.
- Mist shard : Is a currency linked to the Mistwalkers progression with Leonidas.
- Phenix Elixir : Forgot to bring a healing potion? Get this item to heal yourself.
- Tonic Biscuit : Forgot to bring a restoration potion? Get this item to restore your stamina.
- Hyperserum : Will give you a serum (potion) with +10 on many skills for one of durability.
These are cosmetic items (with no skills) that will help you personalize your character. New items are added periodically to the store and they will normally be on sale when they are new or linked to the current event in the game.
In the game
- Trade slots: After your initial unlock of the trade with a real money purchase, you can unlock 3 more trading slots.
- Domain coffers: You can increase the base capacity of your domain.
- Skip cooldown: You can skip the cooldown of a non-endgame task.

[ 2023-11-16 19:59:37 CET ] [ Original post ]
We identified a way to reset the Somberseason without doing a full release of the game. We will be able to restart our Halloween event for everyone. The reset will be done Monday the 30th so make sure to complete the last year quest if you don't have yet.
If you are new to the game or never have done the Somberseason, you have nothing to worry about, a new special event will appear in the game Monday.
Hail the Somberseason!
[ 2023-10-27 19:19:00 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greeting Mistwalkers,
Two years it has been since the start of our Early Access on Steam! That was fun, but it was also a lot of work. You may not be aware of that, but Virtys is basically two, sometimes three, game developers with one artist. For a team of this size, we can consider that it went pretty well!
During these two years, the game evolved quite a lot. In the first year of the EA we had to work a lot on our technology to have the game more stable until we got to a point at the end of 2022 that we considered the engine solid enough to make our official release. We also added two platforms to the game and, with the help of the community, translated the game to two new languages.
We would like to give a big thank to all Portal Pioneer that are still around after all these times. Even if it's only to come back from time to time to check out what is new or to give us your opinion on community topic (or even just to remind us to have a miego dnia). Your support has been very important to us!
So, what are we up to? Well, if you are following us on Discord or the Steam Community Forum you already know that we are currently reworking core elements of the game to make it more sustainable. We started the refactoring with an open discussion with our players to get as much feedback as we could.
The most obvious problem with the game seems to be the fact that our current game shop cannot sustain the game, we need to create a more appealing offer. This will have us move away from cosmetics and offer more options to improve the game progression for new players and add conveniences for long-time players. We should be able to show the changes to the game shop soon in a play test.
The second part of our refactoring will be about the grinding part of the game. We will try to target the most obvious problems and change some of the requirements. The game is about character progression, we wont be able to change that, but there are ways to make it more balanced.
There are also parts of the game that we did not really like. The PVP arena is one of those systems. These arenas will be removed, and the Mists region will be included in the main storyline with Leonidas. Other features like the delete character will be added for players that want to restart the game. We are also working on clarity of the game concept as it was something that was mentioned often.
Our discussion with the community had brought us to the possibility of far deeper changes like removing the universality of the character (meaning you need to raise every skill). As much as we today consider that it was not the best choice from the start, we dont have yet a way to remove this problem (well, problem for some players) without having to restart the whole game. This means that this concept is likely to stay until our next game.
On the other hand, one of the topics that was also brought to us by the player and that we now consider very important is the fact that after a very rich start in the game the player reaches some kind of empty middle game with only grind gates to do. We were way too much focused on player introduction and then on improving the endgame. The result was that we left a hole in the middle. For us, it means that as soon as the big features for the refactoring are done, we need to go back to mid game content and give you more adventures with Sorka, Leonidas and all the colorful characters already existing in the game that just stopped giving you meaningful quests to do way too early. We come to think that this hole in the middle amplifies all the other problems because the balance between pure progression and storytelling is lost.
For now, lets celebrate our two years of Mist Legacy with you sharing what you like most about the game so we can also see the bright side of this game that a few folks created just because doing games is what they like the most.
[ 2023-10-05 12:25:11 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Mistwalkers,
We had a few bugs to fix related to the last update that we needed to do. Check out the following changelog for the changes.
The team will take a short break for the summer but we will be around to make sure everything run smoothly.
Thanks for playing!
Melee critical strikes now scale correctly when combined with melee combo damage bonuses. Crafted items with power levels can now be upgraded correctly. Some abilities were giving melee combo bonuses that were not supposed to. Fixed a daily quest in Wellnear and one in Quara. Fixed a translation bug for Regis the foreman. Arcane Relics are no longer bound.

[ 2023-06-30 17:52:32 CET ] [ Original post ]
Dear Mistwalkers,
It is with great excitement that we announce the arrival of the long-awaited content update for Mist Legacy!
First and foremost, we would like to express our gratitude to all those who participated in the playtest and provided valuable feedback on the new content. Your involvement has allowed us to fine-tune the update and ensure a solid experience for all players.
This update introduces a new level of advancement for guilds and cities, allowing players to further enhance their reputation through long term gameplay content. You will also have a new territory to explore.
For our "endgame" players, a new dungeon mechanic awaits, offering a fresh and challenging experience with the progressive raid system.
On the main story front, prepare to meet a new mage companion who will accompany you on your adventures.
We are delighted to introduce our first two community-based translations of the game, thanks to the dedicated efforts of the German and Russian communities. This will enable more players to enjoy Mist Legacy in their native language.
As always, we encourage you to refer to the changelog for detailed information on the new features and updates.
We sincerely hope that you will enjoy this update and its offerings. Thank you for your continued support!
Best regards,
June 8 - Version:
Features and Changes
- A new challenging end-game dungeon that can scale up in difficulty that offers unique rewards.
- All melee abilities that uses the weapon damage will now trigger a new melee combo alteration effect. Each sucessive melee weapon ability will give a bonus of 10% up to 50%.
- All melee abilities that hit adjacent targets with weapon damage, including the Sweeping stike effect proc, will now gets a bonus of 100% damage if only one target is hit, and a bonus of 50% damage if two targets is hit.
- Abandoning a crafted vehicule will now re-imburse 75% of its materials.
- Alteration bonuses on items now scales up with the item level value.
Content Changes
- Leviathan Plateau region.
- Tarzakon valley region.
- Tarkakon portal.
- Point Ruins.
- Skill cap for crafting raised to 45+45.
- Skill cap for weapons raised to 40+40.
- All guild next reputation level.
- All cities next reputation level.
- All enchantments T3 recipes.
- Five new magic weapons recipes.
- All recipes for next level crating building.
- All recipes for precision tools for crafting.
- First prestige building for the domain.
- New golden companion with one evolution.
- New prestige companion for crafting.
- 29 new talents.
- All the catalyst buff value has been lowered a bit since now they can scale even higher that their original values due to the item scaling feature.
- The Swift alterations that grants a chance to counter strike, are now 20%, 25% and 30%. Up from 5%, 7% and 10%.
- Slam ability now uses the weapon damage.
- Blood thirst now uses the weapon damage.
- Vicious Hit now uses the weapon damage.

[ 2023-06-08 18:46:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings, We are now doing the playtest for the new content of the game. We will be handling the playtest on our Discord server. This is phase one of our playtest as we have decided to do another one for the new dungeon mechanics. Link to our Discord: https://discord.gg/DD77FCm . To get in the playtest, request access to of the game on our Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1259440/Mist_Legacy/
Please be aware that all the changes below are in active evaluation and might be subject to change. Give us your feedback during the playtest so that we can improve the game in the right direction.
Features and Changes
- All melee abilities that uses the weapon damage will now trigger a new melee combo alteration effect. Each sucessive melee weapon ability will give a bonus of 10% up to 50%.
- All melee abilities that hit adjacent targets with weapon damage, including the Sweeping stike effect proc, will now gets a bonus of 100% damage if only one target is hit, and a bonus of 50% damage if two targets is hit.
- Abandoning a crafted vehicule will now re-imburse 75% of its materials.
- Alteration bonuses on items now scales up with the item level value.
Content Changes
- Leviathan Plateau region.
- Tarzakon valley region.
- Tarkakon portal.
- Point Ruins.
- Skill cap for crafting raised to 45+45.
- Skill cap for weapons raised to 40+40.
- All guild next reputation level.
- All cities next reputation level.
- All enchantments T3 recipes.
- Five new magic weapons recipes.
- All recipes for next level crating building.
- All recipes for precision tools for crafting.
- First prestige building for the domain.
- New golden companion with one evolution.
- New prestige companion for crafting.
- 29 new talents.
- Boldar of Maliken now sells Mistglass for gold.
- All the catalyst buff value has been lowered a bit since now they can scale even higher that their original values due to the item scaling feature.
- The Swift alterations that grants a chance to counter strike, are now 20%, 25% and 30%. Up from 5%, 7% and 10%.
- Slam ability now uses the weapon damage.
- Blood thirst now uses the weapon damage.
- Vicious Hit now uses the weapon damage.
[ 2023-05-08 20:03:22 CET ] [ Original post ]
Dear Mistwalkers, We have an update regarding our next release. While working on the upcoming update, we discovered that certain elements we intended to include in the summer release were essential for our spring update. Consequently, we made the decision to incorporate these features into the current update to ensure a more satisfying experience for you. Our development progress has been steady, and we are now close to the point where we can provide you with a timeframe for the start of the playtest. We thank you for your patience and support as we strive to enhance your gaming experience. Sincerely, Virtys
[ 2023-04-06 20:37:21 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hello! We are currently conducting a playtest to assess our migration to a new internal component. Although there will be no new content available in the build, we need to ensure that the new technology we are using works for all players. You can check out the Mist Legacy Store Page and look for the Playtest button. Once you have requested access, a new game called Mist Legacy Playtest will appear in your Steam Library. With this application, you will be able to play using a copy of your character. Any actions you take in the playtest will have no impact on your real character, making it a safe place to test things and help us identify any bugs that need to be addressed. Thank you for your assistance!
[ 2023-03-06 19:47:41 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greeting Mistwalkers,
We are releasing today an update to change the game shop event. We added a few hot fixes that we wanted to do on the game, you can read them in the changelog.
Right now, the team is working on many things at the same time. The new region of the Leviathan plateau is progressing well. We are also continuing our work on the mobile version so we can have an evaluation of this possible release.
We took some time to have discussion with marketing teams to help us shape the future of the game. So far, our talks helped us a lot and changed quite a bit our perspective about the 2023 roadmap. We are not ready for an announcement, but you can expect the roadmap to change.
Thanks for playing!
February 13 - Version:
Features and Changes
- Monsters ambush on travel and gathering only if 6 level or higher.
- Fixed a rare login error which could prevent a player from login into the game.
Content Changes
- Gems of Valantom event!
- Fountain fight in Siho no longer private.
- Underground training for 30 and 45 difficulty.
- Swamp training for 30 and 45 difficulty.
- Arcanist spellbooks added for level 2 spells.

[ 2023-02-13 20:11:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greeting Mistwalkers,
We are very proud to present Mist Legacy on the "Games from Qubec 2023" promotion. We invite you to check out the games of our compatriots.
Thanks for playing with us!
[ 2023-02-02 18:57:49 CET ] [ Original post ]
We have to work on the server side of the game today. The servers will be closed for some time until we are finished.
See you very soon!
[ 2023-01-24 18:37:18 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Mistwalkers,
Here it is! Our roadmap for the year. We even took the time to create a cool image with it!
Click for the full version.
The roadmap does not include the balances fixes, QoL improvements, shop events and so on that could be done during the year.
But overall, our focus will be on new content for this year, we don't expect major engine changes, we have a story to tell and challenges to offer so we want to focus on that. With a stable game engine, content will be created faster.
Thanks for playing with us!
[ 2023-01-13 14:12:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Happy Chillwind to everyone!
It is time to start a new shop event for the game! Visit the store in the game to see what wonderful new cosmetics are now available.
The update is also about preparing for the future. We have opened three regions with the objective to improve the balance of level 5 resources has there was far too much rare stuff at this level. Good news, the level 4 and 5 gathering will now start to drop bonus components in preparation of the future update that will unlock crafting of the next set of enchantments.
In the last months we had help from an intern that designed a full questline that you'll be able to play in Grandfall forest. It was the final step to obtain his diploma in game design and is really excited that true players will play his creation.
As our plan for 2023, we will start our year on finishing a big feature that could not get into this update and then we will work on two fronts: The first one will be the mobile version and the second one will be to expand the game content.
Thanks for playing!
December 22
Content Changes
- Chillwind event!
- Three new regions.
- Sap for levels 4 and 5.
- Pollen for levels 4 and 5.
- Powder for levels 4 and 5.
- Gems for level 5.
- New potions set.
- Level 5 resources presence revision.
- Revision for enchantments crafting.
- Precision tools for Alchemy and Herbalism.
- All skill cap raised to 35 (to make sure nobody loose possible progression)
[ 2022-12-23 01:00:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greeting Mistwalkers!
On our previous update, we introduced the passive work in your domain but it was time to get this feature to a new level!
Starting today, you golden companions (Finn, Badouk, Palenne, etc.) will be able to work on tasks of their own. They will go on adventures in the world while you are offline and bring back awesome reward directly in your domain. This system will also give you the opportunity to discover secret stuff about your friend that had not been revealed before.
And that's not all, your golden companions will also get new enchantment slots that will make them more effective in combat. Each evolution of a companion will add new enchantment slot. You will get companions upgrade from passive work (let them get their own gears!) or from advanced crafting with existing enchantment you have in stock.
We also worked a lot on mid-level gameplay to get rid of many timegate for the character progression. What we did is that we converted all dailies and weeklies in a series of quests that you will be able to do one after the other. This may feel overwhelming at first if you played the game with the old system but for a new player it just feels like you can focus one reputation if you like. In short, it's better to work on getting 40 grumshumls (whatever that is) to gain one reputation for a few days than it is to sit and wait for a few days that a daily give you something you can do.
Beside that, we have a lot of improvement to the game like the companions gears the rustic building for gathering and many other cool things you can see in the changelog below.
As always, thanks for playing with us!
December 5 - Version
Features and Changes
- Golden companions can now wear special gears to improve them. They get more slots after each upgrade. The final upgrade unlocks a special "Relic" item to equip. There are two relics per companion available for now.
- Golden companions can now perform various passive tasks and adventures from the domain. They get more options after each upgrade.
- Companions can now be revived in the field by using healing consumable on them. (Bandages and heal potions)
- Multiplayer bosses will now give 2500 coins, 2x more combat XP and 20x more combat mastery XP for players that are helping. The fight initiator must not flee and helpers must have the boss on cooldown.
- Flee bad luck protection, each time a flee failed, 10% bonus is granted on the next try.
- When dismantling buildings, 50% of the materials will be given back.
Content Changes
- New season.
- Heroes now has 1 more life point per level.
- All light bonuses reduced by 5%.
- Revision of some of the high tier level resources cooldown.
- Dar'hon heroic level lowered to 55.
- Pierce, slashing, and blunt bonuses increased by 5%.
- All companions now have more life points.
- Badouk max level raised to 45 and Axe skill cap raised to 60.
- Bolnis, Yonar, Mara and Sally max level is now 35.
- All tamable creature max level is now 40.
- Smash initial cooldown on the Tamed Worm lowered to 3.
- Tamed Tortolion now has 30% resist magic.
- Tamed Spider requirement skill solidity reduced to 25.
- Lowered the requirements for some of the tamable creatures quests.
- Cybelfly egg now can drops from regular Cybelfly.
- Three new low tier gathering buildings.

[ 2022-12-06 18:53:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our playtest server is now open with the content for next update. We would really like to have mid-level players testing this version as the changes to the daily and weekly will require players that have not evolved all reputations. You can get the Playtest version of the game on our game page in Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1259440/Mist_Legacy/ .
Overall, this update was really a pain to do so we are glad that it's now out for testing. Working in existing content without breaking the game progression is much harder than going forward.
We hope the changes will help future player progress in the game, so we have more player sticking with us until the end game begin.
We handle the playtest on our Discord server that you can join here: https://discord.gg/DD77FCm
Thanks for your help!
Playtest Changelog:
Features and Changes
Golden companions can now wear special gears to improve them. They get more slots after each upgrade. The final upgrade unlocks a special "Relic" item to equip. There are two relics per companion available for now. Golden companions can now perform various passive tasks and adventures from the domain. They get more options after each upgrade. Companions can now be revived in the field by using healing consumable on them. (Bandages and heal potions) Multiplayer bosses will now give 2500 coins, 2x more combat XP and 20x more combat mastery XP for players that are helping. The fight initiator must not flee and helpers must have the boss on cooldown. Flee bad luck protection, each time a flee failed, 10% bonus is granted on the next try. When dismantling buildings, 50% of the materials will be given back.
Content Changes
Heroes now has 1 more life point per level. All light bonuses reduced by 5%. Revision of some of the high tier level resources cooldown. Dar'hon heroic level lowered to 55. Pierce, slashing, and blunt bonuses increased by 5%. All companions now have more life points. Badouk max level raised to 45 and Axe skill cap raised to 60. Bolnis, Yonar, Mara and Sally max level is now 35. All tamable creature max level is now 40. Smash initial cooldown on the Tamed Worm lowered to 3. Tamed Tortolion now has 30% resist magic. Tamed Spider requirement skill solidity reduced to 25. Lowered the requirements for some of the tamable creatures quests. Cybelfly egg now can drops from regular Cybelfly.
[ 2022-11-24 21:07:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hail Somberwalkers!
Now is time for the return of the Somberseason. Our players from the Early Access may remember this in game event. A new tree has grown this year so you can expect the final reward for the scenario to be a bit different.
The Somberseason is now becoming a shop event too. This is your chance to get a new player frame and a new pet. We also added a few cosmetic that you can use to create new style for your character.
And lastly, we have the content update that was promised for a long time. Check out the changelog for more details.
We would like to thank everyone that connected to the playtest server to help us get the release as bug free as possible.
Thanks for playing!
October 26 - Version:
Features and Changes
- Some buildings, including the Mist Tower, can now gather resources passively while not playing.
- Fixed an issue in combat position when a player flees and another join.
- Removed bones from material requesting weekly/daily.
Content Changes
- New main story quest.
- A new special challenging companion to acquire and upgrade. A total of nine upgrades available.
- Finn third upgrade.
- Two new rare level 5 resources.
- Two new building slots.
- Three new specialized gathering buildings.
- Longuard Pass reduced to 32 Mountain.
- Heroic Dar'hon.
- All non-max level 40 tamable creature max level raised by 5.
- All tamable creature now has some bonus life point. Must be leveled at least once for that to take effect.
- Terror bosses in Garrun'gol now give a considerable amount of Mist shards as loot to incentivize help.
- New season.
[ 2022-10-26 18:26:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
You have one day left to get the items of the Virtysia event! On October 26, we will release the new shop event linked to the Somberseason in game event and the new content for high/mid level players.
Thanks for playing!
[ 2022-10-25 19:33:05 CET ] [ Original post ]
One year and one day ago we started our Early Access. Yes, time passes so quickly that we literally forgot about the anniversary of our grand opening. We already did some kind of recap of our last year when we released the game so we wont go into the details one more time, thanks a lot to everyone that participated in our Early Access!
Moving forward, here is what is coming to the game in October. First, we will continue the main storyline with Palenne and Badouk, trying to get to see the lord of Wellnear. To do it, you will unlock two new dungeon zones that will also offer an alternative gameplay challenge for very high-level heroes to get a new type of companions.
For the core of the game, we will release a new feature that will allow you to do offline work. For those who played the first Alpha, this is a return to an original idea that some gathering will be done offline. Our goal is to reduce the grinding feeling and to allow players to get what they need between play sessions. The first thing we will release will be linked to the Misthouse at the center of your domain, it will offer you to automatically harvest resources that you have discovered so far with your character. As a side effect, the Misthouse will also become upgradable, meaning a better building will allow you to reach better harvesting skills to get the more difficult resources.
Passive features like the one on the Misthouse will continue to appear in the game as we want to create a better balance between management gameplay and live gameplay. Our next target will be on passive work for your companions. But we will first test the features on the Misthouse.
Our current planning tells us that we will open the playtest for the new version of the game around the 17th of October and we will have an official release around October 25. This means that we will be just in time for the next shop event, the Somberseason. We will upgrade our offering compared to last year but you can expect similarities for those that were with us since the last time.
As always, we will also have many balancing fixes and some improvements based on the community comments. We tried to spot the most commonly reported problem and improve them as much as we can without breaking the basics of the game.
Happy one-year-and-one-day everyone!
[ 2022-10-04 19:58:28 CET ] [ Original post ]
Yup, we are doing it, we are testing our playtest system today!
We have uploaded a new build of the game and created the "Playtest Steam App" for the game. On the steam page of Mist Legacy, you will now find a playtest version that you can download and add to your library.
At the start of each playtest, we will clone the existing servers and you will be able to test the new game engine and content with clones that already have all your progress.
For today test, there will be no change to game content. We will focus on two fundamental changes we have made on networking that should improve stability.
Please visit our Discord server and search for the Playtest section where we will guide you on what are the tasks for the current playtest and how to reports the problem to us.
Visit the store page now!
Thank you for playtesting!
[ 2022-09-22 18:03:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Mistwalker,
Its been one week since we opened the new server! Time to do a little news about what is happening and where we are going.
Reception to the game has been great so far, and the server handled it quite well. During the EA we spend a lot of time optimizing the game for the release and our effort has paid off. We had a lot of returning players for the new server as well as many new faces that are now part of the community. We are really proud of having probably one of the most friendly game chats in the world of MMORPGs. Community is what makes a game like ours succeed, so we are really glad that you are all part of the adventure.
Having started a new server has shown us some elements of the mid-game challenges that could be improved. We will try to improve those elements mixed with new content as we are eager to have the main storyline progressing.
For the progression of the game content, we will use an hybrid approach where we create new adventures for the main storyline mixed with end-game challenges. The main adventures, linked to the Mists and Leonidas, currently end with the recruiting of Palenne north of Wellnear. An adventure will lead you to learn new details about what is happening in Wellnear as well as our overdue evolving of Finn. The adventure will be balanced for Palenne level but will include end-game optional challenges so players from Tarathiel (and speedrunner from Rylenback) will have something to do for the long run.
The way we open new regions of the map will change too. Back in the EA we were opening a big chunk of the world and adding contents for them on following updates. Starting now, we will try to use the optic we had with the south-east of the map. We will open a small part of the world, but all gameplay associated with it will be there. Region content should include new materials, new monsters, new animal taming, new recruits and new region events or questlines for skill progression.
A test server. Yes, we will have a test server. Exiting from the EA means for us that we cannot release game content and game engine with proper testing (yeah, we did that before). We decided to use the multiverse for our tests. Here is what will happen, when we are ready to test the game, we will branch the servers (or just one) and you will have your character ready to test the new version of the game for some time. When the game is ready, the new content and engine will be transferred to the live server for everyone to enjoy. After the playtest, a huge Mist Maelstrom will wipe the test server and the next playtest will start later with a new clone. We will try to make those public tests as fun as possible to make sure you want to participate in them.
We often receive requests to add languages to the game. We will look into it, for a studio of our size adding language has a big impact as it can delay all future game updates and complicate our handling of the community for bug reports. More news on that later.
Thanks for playing!
[ 2022-09-20 20:00:40 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greeting Mistwalkers, First, we want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone that participated in the Early Access. It was a wonderful experience and, together with you, we created a very unique game during those eleven months. We never intended to do a "forever in EA'' game. So this was important to us to get out of this status as soon as we feel that the core of the game is ready. Does it mean that we will stop adding features and content? No, of course it doesn't. What will change it is that now we consider that we have a solid game concept that we can build on. In our early access pipeline, we were constantly monitoring the introduction of the game and the player progression, we adjusted the game introduction so many times that it's barely unrecognizable from last year's version. Now that the game is released, we consider that new players will be able to get into the game without any major modification to the low and mid level gameplay. There are a few tweaks still on our list, but nothing major. This means we will now go forward with the main storyline and expand the world map with new resources and challenges. The main storyline will unlock new golden companions as well as their upgrade quests. Guilds and Cities reputation quests will resume as soon as the main storyline has progressed enough. For sandbox gameplay, the team is looking to open the way to Viperin in the west as some coming adventures are linked to this region. Some of you may still rely on our last year's roadmap. We decided to delay some of the features to transform them in major release events that will take place in the future. As we are not in early access anymore, this means that new features will have to create new gameplay that does not render your past progression obsolete. Quality of life improvement will continue to appear, these are not related to the released status of the game. There is always room to improve buttons, user interface, player interaction, chat, in-game game guide and so on. As a teaser, the team is currently looking for a way to help players get together for a boss fight. On the day to day interaction with us, not much will change. Falkarma and Sicklab will continue to check on the game communication channel and we will be there to build the game for you. Some of you may not know this, but Virtys (thats us) is a four person studio with a few freelancers to help us. This means that every comment you make on the game goes directly to the heads of the business, this is a rare opportunity for you to chat with the developers and have a significant impact on the game creation. That being said, we look forward to increasing the size of the team in the future so we can produce more content for you to enjoy. A new server, Rylenback, will open today for the player that wants to start on a brand new world. All right, this is getting too long, let's play now!
[ 2022-09-13 18:00:23 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greeting Mistwalkers,
For the last update of our EA we wanted to improve the game user interface for the domain. A lot of work has been done on the buildings management so you can feel at home.
We are also releasing a lot of fine tweaks on the game progression so the new player experience is improved again.
This is especially important as we will have a new server opening next week to mark the end of our Early Access.
Here are the details about the new server:
- One character only.
- Shared Between servers:
- Companion slots.
- Trade slots.
- Premium status perks.
- Not shared between servers:
- Combat talent slots.
- Blue Crowns.
- Items from the game shop.
- The server will open at 2PM Qubec time.

September 7 - Version:
Features and Changes
- New building rooms management UI.
- The building rooms and their bonus cap are now visible during crafting.
- Joystick support is now an option and is off by default.
Content Changes
- Bolnis, Yonar, Mara, Oryctus, Blob, Boar companion max level is now 20.
- Fly, Legosus, Spider companion max level is now 30.
- Taming quests for wild companions now indicates the max level and the requirements in the domain to host it.
- Fixed the straw man quest.
- Moved +1 building room bonus cap to the building base score.
- New Lunar Caravan low-level quests.
- First Lunar Caravan daily simplified.
- "Workshop" renamed to "Machine workshop".
- Fixed a rare empty loot on Kofo-Lun chest.

[ 2022-09-07 23:55:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
There was something that we (and many of you too) did not like in the player evolution: The cap that forced you to hunt for books while losing all your progression on useless task. We did a lot of calculation and have come up with a solution that should make the game far better (and a bit easier):
The new rules:
- The cap of each skill will now be a global setting (around 30).
- The max bonus skill will stay as they were (starting around 14 and going to around 30).
- Books will now raise your possible bonus cap only.

August 25 - Version:
Features and Changes
- Skills are no longer capped. Only the bonus value is now.
- Market: Create a buy offer from another buy offer.
- Market: Ignore player market offers until next login.
- Time of day UI along with party members are now visible in the domain.
- Fixed currency on an NPC store not updating when selling items.
Content Changes
- Early game skill books are now cheaper to buy.
- Added many dailies for mid-game to help make gold and progress more easily.
- Added skills to Algunar Leather and Nicherois Fabrics that drops from Kofo-Lun.
- Arcanist and Circle hoods now available for a high price.

[ 2022-08-26 00:22:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings everyone!
It starts now! The last shop event of our Early Access. We want this event to celebrate the transition to the fully released state by offering you a series of items on the theme of Virtys, our game studio. To us, it's the confirmation of the idea that the community is a true active member of the team. We could not have achieved our dream of creating this indie MMORPG without you all, and we cannot thank you enough for that.
Celebration of our cooperation will not be the only thing in today patch. We are also releasing the last mandatory features that we needed for the grand opening: the market offer! Yes, you will be able to create requests ("I want to buy 400 domanes for 40 gold each") at the market. We know this feature will create a new kind of interaction between players as those market offers act a bit like player generated quests.
We also have a lot of quality of life improvement on the game client, balancing and a few surprises. Check out the changelog for the fine prints.
Thank a lot for participating in the adventure!
August 16 - Version:
Features and Changes
- Market buy offer system.
- New event in the shop.
- New character creation UI.
- The chat window can now be resized.
- Spacebar will no longer perform tasks that have requirements.
- /help command in chat to list all available commands.
- Fixed tooltip of resources that could stick on screen.
- Carts portrait now has their real colors shown.
Content Changes
- Eligratine domane is now accessible (how?).
- Early game quests rewards improved.
- Creatures to tame quest requirements lowered.
- Creatures to tame now have transport capacity.

[ 2022-08-16 23:56:56 CET ] [ Original post ]
Hail Mistwalkers!
It's with a great pleasure that we announce today that a new shop event will start sometime next week. This will be the event that will unify the players that were with us during our transition from Early Access to a fully released game. You will have access to new clothes, pet and a special player frame.
This also means that you have about one week left to get the Valantom items that are currently in the shop. Make sure you don't miss your last chance to get these items.
Thanks for playing!
[ 2022-08-09 19:28:15 CET ] [ Original post ]
Here is our update (a bit late because of Covid)! We are opening a new sector of the map on the south-east with a new set of quests for advanced players.
We are also releasing the new talents set manager that has been requested for some time now. We hope you'll be ready for every boss fight of this new season 4 with that.
What's next for us? One of the features that we think is missing is the market offer that will allow you request material from other players. This is one of the last features we think is mandatory to have before the game release.
Thanks for playing!
August 2 - Version:
Features and Changes
- New talent presets system.
- Season 4.
- Domain UI improvements.
- Dungeons and caves visual FX enhancements.
- Removed the sell fee for Blue Chest on the market.
- Fixed another issue of pathfinding that could lead to getting stuck.
- Fixed an issue with initiative order in combat.
Content Changes
- New regions
- Lost chests tier 2 events.
- Added capacity to the Headquarter building.
- Six combat talents level upgrade.
- New quest line from the people of the desert.
- Dragon armor is now accessible.
- Three new regions.
- A new portal to unlock.
- A new endgame boss.
[ 2022-08-02 23:45:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
The game is now available natively on macOS, it's time to welcome new users from that platform! Make sure to report any compatibility problem you encounter on macOS and we will do our best to help you.
Thanks for playing!
[ 2022-07-13 13:42:35 CET ] [ Original post ]
Here we are with another QoL update! Check out the changelog to learn more.
Behind the scene, we are working on the game visibility, doing some marketing test for the release and planning the future content update (aka: we did some test on the bone armor)! We are also working on the Mac version for our friend El Marto and other mac users out there.
Thanks for playing!
July 12 - Version:
Features and Changes
- Combat: Dynamic camera animation. Can be turned off in options.
- Combat: Units turn order and initiative are now visible top left screen.
- Combat: New graphic animation for some talents (Execute, Devastate, Bluster), some spells, and when a unit dies.
- Quest journal: Show on map button.
- Map: Cave and dungeon entrances can now be clicked to go directly to the dungeon location.
- Map: Cave and dungeon exits are now visible and can be clicked to go where it leads.
- Market: While browsing, there is now a Last Page and a First Page button.
- Item recipe tooltip in store now shows the underlying item tooltip.
- Recraft can now be performed from the backpack and equipment items.
- Party members are now visible on the paper map.
- A trade can now be sent as a gift.
- Resources can now be discovered during night time.
- Total discovered events status is now displayed in region information.
- Options: Music and ambient sounds can now be muted when the game does not have the focus.
- Pathfinding ajustment to greatly reduce the chances of getting stuck.
- Network configuration changes to perhaps improve connection stability.
- The chat window now slightly reduce in width so that it no longer goes below the action bar.
- Quest with dynamic items will now evaluate correctly after logged in.

[ 2022-07-13 00:45:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today we are releasing the most unplanned update for the game so far. Long story short, we did a Discord topic on the most hated things about the game and we decided to fix a lot of them during the weekend.
The topic was a great way for us to take a step back and rethink about some of our features. We really hope you will like those change and if you don't, make sure to tell us.
Thanks for playing!
June 27 - Version:
Features and Changes
- Recycle items to salvage a certain percentage of the materials with a mistglass of the appropriate level.
- Alternate combat stats are now visible in the character sheet.
- Looted items are now upgradable.
- Repaired items are no longer bound.
- Caves and dungeons part are now accessible when viewing the map.
- Map Boss Icon now displays a red "x" to notify if it's on cooldown or not.
- Ruins are now visible on the map and now display a red "x" as well if all tasks are on cooldown.
- Cooldown of the tasks are now visible in the tooltip of a map location for bosses and ruins.
- Removed of the sprint mechanic.
- Travel speed is now the speed that sprint was.
- Stamina bonus gain at combat start will be as if energy was at 100%, except during an ambush scenario from monsters.
- Traveler's horn removed from the shop, and players who had some have been reimbursed.
- Spacebar no longer perform fights.
- Player's pin should no longer get stuck during movement.
Content Changes
- Fixed the "Out of reach" alteration to not be capped at 35%
- Jewelry now has a lot less encumbrance
- Camps and tents no longer have durability.
[ 2022-06-28 00:13:27 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings, One thing we wanted to do before reaching the end of our Early Access is to test how close we were to support other platforms with our current technology. It turns out that our Linux build is pretty solid so we decided to go for it and give access to this build right now. As there are thousands of different Linux distributions, we hope to have feedback from you if you encounter any problem on your setup. Our MacOS build needs a bit more testing but we think we can add it soon. With that version released, we will cover all three supported platform of Steam. Thanks for playing! Virtys
[ 2022-06-22 19:58:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Let's shuffle the end game gameplay a bit. We did a lot of modification on combats and equipment to ensure that the game can progress in the right way for the future content. Check out the details in the changelog and also check your existing equipment for modification on stats and special power.
On the fashion side, you will receive the citys cape and tunics that were supposed to be rewarded for reaching 64 in reputation. Well, they have special powers and emblems slot too, but even if they are no use for your combat style, they sure look nice to wear.
As we stated yesterday, this is our first "breaking-changes" update that we wanted to do at the start of the summer. When we opened Garrun'gol last week, it showed us some weakness that we had to address in combat and gears. We really hope you will like our solution in the current update.
June 10 - Version:
Features and Changes
- Use /me in chat for emote
- Fixed a bug on NPC stores
- Fixed Stone Workshop color
- Fixed the bug on temporary lost weapon after a companion upgrade.
- Fixed a targeting issue with adjacent targets during a fight with summons.
Content Changes
- Season 3
- Solo and heroic version adjusted for new season.
- Army of darkness heroic version.
- Mo'gul heroic version.
- All rifts now train mist skill correctly.
- New tabard and cape from cities to raise the quantity of wearable emblems to 4, up from 2.
- All the new capes have a special ability.
- Badge effigy quantity requirement lowered to 1 down from 10.
- Insignia effigy quantity requirement lowered to 3 down from 30.
- Many shirts and pants now gives magic defense and special protections.
- The quantity of monsters in Garrun'gol has been slightly reduced.
- The Great Fear event has been changed so that it should be a little bit easier.
- Magic Barrier now has a CD of 4 turn, down from 5.
- Total dodge chance capped at 35%, except for the Evasion talent, which is not capped.
- Storm base damage is now 20. Up from 15.
- Cyclone hit count is now 6. Up from 4.
- Fireball 2 base damage is now 30. Down from 40.
- Tornado 2 base damage is now 30. Down from 40.
- Dancing Slice buff is now for 1 turn only, instead of 2.
- Light Flash chances to hit reduction lowered to 12% down from 15%.
- Luminous Veil chances to be hit lowered to 12% down from 15%.
- Runesculptor Hammer dodge chances lowered to 20% down from 30%.
- All heroic and solo version bosses, including Mo'gul, Ash and Cyclotus, now have a 30% magic damage protection.
[ 2022-06-10 18:07:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Mistwalkers!
The Story so Far
Were now 8 months into Mist Legacys Early Access, and it's time to announce the long-awaited release date. But first, lets wait a tiny bit longer and take a look at whats been happening up until now. We have had at least 30 content updates as well as a healthy number of patches to fix technical issues. Some of which have been done in the middle of the night when we know we probably should have been sleeping. But they were worth it, because, all in all, we now have a robust game framework that we consider ready for the next step. The game has had about 46,000 playtesters - an impressive number considering that there hasnt yet been a big marketing push for the product. More importantly, it was enough players to really test the game without the community becoming too big for our small team to handle. Speaking of the team, you may not have realized but Mist Legacy is currently being developed by a 4-person team. As you might guess, creating an MMORPG with a team of this size is a titanic challenge, and were very happy for the trust that you have put in us over these recent months.

The Roadmap to the Release
So, without further ado, September 13th will be our official release date. That means we have 3 months left of Early Access. Our focus this summer will be on balancing the end game and polishing the early game. That means you can expect "breaking changes" in the next few weeks. It's the best time for us to do it because we have just a few months left to ensure everything is fixed up and ready. The end goal of all our summer changes is the construction of a solid foundation for the official release. The team will also have to work on all the invisible behind-the-scenes tasks that well need to complete before the official release, including server upgrades, bug tracking improvements, translation tools, support tools, marketing, press kits, community management improvements, website improvements, test servers, and more! All those things will help us build a bigger and better community when the game goes gold. We will have a new summer event starting soon! The Valantom festivities are a little overdue. Also, we expect that well have other new content updates during the summer - just expect to have some delay between them.

Our Lives Post-Release
What will change after release? The first thing is the number of players online. As well have active marketing for the game, we should have more players coming in, and a more populated world. Our guess is that well have another server added for the release. Thats not only because of the potential influx of too many new players, but also we know that after 11 months of Early Access, some of you may feel like the time is right to start over with another character in a brand new realm. The team will continue working on new content post-release. We should be able to add even more updates as the foundation of the game will be more solid. Rest assured, we still have plenty of stories to tell and difficult challenges for you in the future! Regarding the team, we are prepared to grow with the community; having a bigger team will help with all aspects of the game. After the release rush has passed by, the team will determine if the game will be heading to new languages and/or new platforms, but that's a story for another time. As always, thank you for playing our Early Access, we couldnt do it without you! Virtys
[ 2022-06-09 15:48:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Mistwalkers,
The Arcanists are requesting your help with their "study" of the Garrun'gol cavern. This adventure is our first release of content unlocked by reaching the 50+ reputation level.
We also tweaked a few existing quests to help the progression on some other reputations.
The update include many quality of life improvement on the map like the level selector, the monster viewer and some other cool features (see the Changelog).
Thanks you for playing with us!
June 2 - Version:
Features and Changes
- The map can now display all resources type at once, and filter by level.
- The map can now display creatures in regions.
- The map can now be zoomed in and out using the mouse wheel.
- Substances item description now enumerates from what creatures they drop.
- Newly recruited golden companion will now come with a basic weapon already equipped.
- A trade can now be initiated from the chat window while being in the domain.
- All faces graphics have been tuned so that the eyes glare is more neutral toward their face direction instead of some having a weird look.
- Some faces are now smoother.
- The wait button cannot be spammed anymore to trigger monsters faster.
- Fixed the market bug where on some items, the name would be wrong.
Content Changes
- A new dungeon containing 6 bosses with a series of quests with the Arcanist to unlock 6 spells. Including the tree last tier spells.
- Kortombourg authorities created two new bridges outside of the city to reduce traffics in its capital.
- Reduced guild wars startup at 31 of reputation.
- Added a new craft daily in Thorval.
- Fixed Sahranna hidden weekly quest.
- Vicious Hit initial damage now takes into account the weapon damage.
- Some changes in weapon poisons, notably, the poisonous effect which now stacks.

[ 2022-06-02 19:30:17 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Mistwalkers, Here is our complementary update for last week release. Those two companions were supposed to be part of the update but could not make it. We also have done a few adjustments to the end game balancing and included some cool quality of life improvements. Our next few updates will be about very specific game features that we wanted you to have before we go on continuing the main storyline. Thanks for playing! Virtys
May 25 - Version:
Features and Changes
- New map locations visual.
- "B" to open coffers in the domain.
- "Escape" now closes the rankings window.
- "Spacebar" now works for quest items that are on the ground.
- Fixed an issue where the craft quantity would not reset to 1.
- Fixed the missing building achievements.
Content Changes
- Palenne companion is now available. (Healer, Max level 45)
- Another Ovie upgrade. (Max level 45)
- The tamed bear, worm and Tortolion max level raised to 40.
- New domain building: Headquarters.
- Brosa's escort quest should be easier now.
- Base transport capacity on hero raised from 500 to 1000.
- Fire, Water and Wind mark raised to 15%
- Fire, Water and Wind fibula raised to 25%
- Mark of magic raised to 10%
- Fibula of magic raised to 20%
- Damage buff for some elemental spells.
[ 2022-05-25 19:07:09 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings adventurer!
Today we are offering you an update that will allow you to get to the next level of each reputation levels. Most of the update is focused on high-level players but we also included low-level quests aimed at smoothing the player progression related to reputation.
This update mark an important milestone as you are now (skill-wise/reputation-wize) where we wanted the players to be at the end of the early access. This mean that for the few next updates, the new content should be about new gameplay at a similar difficulty. This will include new companions, new territory and improving the work related to storytelling. To give you an example, let say we want to give you a new sword recipe, we will most likely create a quest for it rather than relying on reputation.
For those who like the new boss ranking system, be warned that a new season is starting today. With all the new stuff available, you should be able to beat your previous score by a lot!
For the fine prints, see our changelog. But be warned that many things are not on the list, you will have some exploring to do.
Thanks again for playing with us!
May 17 - Version:
Features and Changes
- Non-premium account can now create up to two characters per server.
Content Changes
Season 2 started. Player max level raised to 50. 5 New building spaces in the domain. Skill cap raised. Next level of reputation in cities and guilds. New set of buildings. New set of harvesting tools. New set of level 5 resources. 2 new cart recipes. 9 magic weapon recipes. 3 rare magic weapon recipes. New mechanoshields recipe. Valliant armor. A new guild war reputation concept. Select the guild you want to prioritize. New quests and dailies.
[ 2022-05-17 18:18:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
It is time, we will merge Gremfyr into Tarathiel tonight. See your local time here: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/event?lid=100%2C6325494%2C2988507%2C5368361&h=6325494&sts=27525840&sln=19-21&a=show Thanks! Virtys
[ 2022-05-03 15:44:42 CET ] [ Original post ]
We will merge Eragoth and Rufgarr tonight. All the game will be down, including Gremfyr, for an expected duration of two hours. To make sure we can roll back in case of troubles, the game shop will be down for a few hours after the update.
Follow this link to see your local time: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/event?lid=100%2C6325494%2C2988507%2C5368361&h=6325494&sts=27518640&sln=20-22&a=show
[ 2022-04-28 17:58:01 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Mistwalkers,
Prepare your best weapons as this update will give you something to fight for!
We have reviewed our concept of the heroic bosses to make them forever relevant. We also added a new solo mode for bosses to give you extra challenges. From now on, each content update that improves the max power of your hero will be declared a new season. In a new season, all heroic and solo bosses will be upgraded to match the heros capability.
We don't want to focus exclusively on endgame content, we believe the fun of a game should be your character progression and what you do to reach the endgame. Offering these rebalanced bosses on each season will give us the best of both worlds, the normal version for your character progression, and the endgame version if you are at endgame.
Check out the changelog for the list of new rules.
Thanks for playing!
April 21 - Version:
Features and Changes
- Boss kill ranking system.
- Use /incognito in chat to avoid your name being put on a ranking leaderboard for the current play session.
- All materials types are now dyeable.
- Damage at 1000 and above will be displayed correctly in combat.
Content Changes
- First season of the ranking system.
- All heroic bosses are now tuned for the current content. (No cooldown, no durability loss).
- Tarathiel, Whuzulm and Rylenback now have a solo version. (No cooldown, no durability loss). More solo bosses will be added over time.
- Heroic and solo bosses now drop a symbol token. (x3 for heroic, 1x for solo).
- There are three types of symbol token (glory, wisdom and virtue).
- You can convert 3 of each symbol (3x glory + 3x wisdom + 3x virtue) to create an insignia of bravery.
- You can convert 1 of each symbol (1x glory + 1x wisdom + 1x virtue) to create an insignia of bravery one time a week.
- You can use insignia of bravery to buy special items at Mystil's Wonders location. More items will be added over time.
- T5 materials bosses are now weekly and their loot has been adjusted accordingly.
- T5 materials bosses now have a 25% chances to drop an additional T5 material off cooldown.

[ 2022-04-21 18:00:45 CET ] [ Original post ]
Here it is, our complementary update for last week Mastery update. You will find a lot of stuff that could not make it to our last update as well as a few bonus add-on that we created as we were inspired by some idea we had over the weekend.
Check out the changelog for more details.
Thanks for playing!
April 7 - Version:
Features and Changes
- Mastery System now allows to reset a mastery rank.
Content Changes
- Two new ruins with tasks for skill progression.
- Two new bosses.
- Special reward for Mo'gul. If you already killed him, check in your domain!
- Three new strong combat talents with a special twist.
- Three new tamable creatures with max level 35.
- New taming building to craft.
- A new horse with a special talent.
[ 2022-04-07 18:11:19 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Mistwalkers, Welcome to our new update! There is a lot going on and you can check the changes logs for the fine prints. The update will allow you to raise your skill caps and to start your progression to reach these new caps right now. You will also be able to check out the mastery system (in your character sheet), you will even be awarded free mastery points based on the time you spent in the game! In this update, we wanted to explore the next tier of the game, check all progression and make sure we can produce fun challenges in the future. Not everything will be doable on the spot, but you'll start your progression today to this next tier. What will happen next? We are getting close to the end of our Early Access and the date of the official release of what we will call our Chapter 1 will be announced soon. Here are the key elements that you will get soon:
- Raise all reputations (guilds and cities) to the next level (to get recipes, talents and advanced craft buildings).
- Game balances for the level 5 resources (gathering and crafting).
- Game balances of gears for hard combats (new weapons and armors).
- Main story chapters.

March 29 - Version:
Features and Changes
- Mastery System. Details are in the character sheet.
- Talents are now visible during the recruitment of a new companion.
- The snail is now 25 blue crown instead of 50.
- Item level is now visible when crafting and upgrading an item.
- Tooltips will no longer go offscreen sometime.
- Its no longer possible to paste multiline strings in chat.
- Alterations of bosses that attack multiple times per round will go down by only one now.
Content Changes
- New bosses, regions and resources.
- Hero max level is now 40.
- Skill cap can now be raised to 25.
- Finn max level is now 35.
- Badouk upgrade is available.
- New tamable creatures to find.
- All plate armor now has a lot more durability.
[ 2022-03-29 18:21:29 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Mistwalkers, We wanted to give some news for those who don't follow our Discord server. The team is working on a bigger than usual update, this is why you did not get new content in the last weeks. This is part of our process to transition from rush-updates (weekly or bi-weekly) to a more "normal" pace for updates. This will allow us to create more meaningful update that will be worth coming back to the game for. Ok, but what are you working on exactly? Is it a secret? No, we are attacking the things at the same time:
- The next chapter of the main storyline to unlock the next companion and upgrade Badouk.
- The new taming system for fighting animal companions with related buildings and devices.
- Skill-cap improvement to reach 25 (50 doable), meaning new regions to explore.
- Heroes max level improvement to 40.
- Introduction of the first level 5 resources.*
- Introduction of the mastery system.
[ 2022-03-09 17:15:25 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greeting Mistwalkers, Today we are starting our new game shop event, the Valantom, that will get us closer to spring. These festivities are a celebration that honor of the beauty of the people of Valsonge, your home town in the Mists. Make sure you go to the game shop to see the new cosmetics that are available for a limited time. We had a big chat with our players about our monetization ideas and we already have integrated a few of those in this update. You will be able to test the new portable portal and the super cute Mists Snail. We sensed a lot of friction on anything that was time controlled so we rollbacked about the idea of the return of the temporary buffs. But, we decided to reintegrate the traveler horn in a new form: a low-cost item can now be activated for each trip as you need. As promised, we have added quest lines for the Order of the Hippogriff to reach the next reputation level. This is a very, very important milestone for the game. You now have access to everything we wanted before starting to raise caps again and unlocking new buildings, recipes and companions. Stay tune for our next roadmap, things are going the get wild! Thanks again for participating in our early access! Virtys
February 17 - Version:
Features and Changes
- Valantom new in-game event! Visit the shop for more details.
- New items and features in the shop.
- Friends are now visible on the world map.
- You can now join the combat of a group member by clicking on its portrait.
- Login message to friends wont happen to early anymore.
- Fixed an issue where small steps could be used to skip monsters.
Content Changes
- New quest line for Hyppogriff
[ 2022-02-17 20:07:16 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greeting Mistwalkers,
Today we are releasing a new introduction dungeon for the game tutorial. The goal of the update is to show quickly the gameplay possibilities to someone who has no information on the game.
To create this new intro we added to the game engine a bunch of new features like the possibility to place objects on the map based on an active scenario, conditions on a map encounter so you have to do specific quests before the combat, site as a special marker for active scenario and so on.
All those features were needed to get in the next phase of the game where adventures will become more complex and challenges more difficult.
Now that our introduction has been redone, we are going back to adding new content for you to unlock. Starting with the Order of the Hippogriff.
[ 2022-02-09 02:13:08 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today, we have a very special update for you.
We took time to review many of the quality of life improvements that were requested by the community and tried to include as many as we could in this update. For more details, check out the release note.
You will also be getting the next reputation level for Gantras and the Protectors of the Rose. This means that only the Order of the Hippogriff is now "late" in the reputation evolution.
And finally, we are introducing a new dungeon-adventure mechanic. This system allow us to create a quest event, but at the scope of a whole dungeon. The rules are simple: If you have a specific quest active, a dungeon will offer a whole new challenge that you have to complete in one passage. During the event, random encounters are removed and a set of predefined challenges are placed in the dungeon. This will create a whole new set of gameplay strategies. New players will be able to test the feature in Gremanir, and you will have the opportunity to test the features with the Protectors of the Rose quest line.
In the next few weeks, we will be completing the Hippogriff evolution and we will also be working on the beginning of the game. When the game introduction was created, many of the game features were still missing, we want to make sure the introduction of the game is up to date and showcase as many of the game potential as possible.
Thanks a lot for playing with us!
February 1 - Version:
Features and Changes
- Dungeon Adventure mode! Expect this feature to become more and more used in the future.
- Multicraft! You can now craft multiple single item like weapons and armors at once.
- Option to craft to backpack.
- Companions can now be disabled/enabled to enter combat.
- Safe backpack tab to put items like tools and gears that are not in a set.
- Heroes life point per level is now 3 instead of 2. A level 35 hero will now have 119 life instead of 85.
- Lowered market fee, and a fourth option to sell for a duration off 7 days.
- No durability loss in heroic fight anymore.
- Chat text size can now be increased.
- Duel now only available in cities.
- Skill Value tooltip now explain why a skill value is restricted.
- Skills are now clickable in the skill tracker and character sheet to highlight skill value of items in the backpack.
- Market sell quantity can now be typed with the keyboard.
- Market item tooltip to visualize quantity, price per item, and the exact total.
- In the domain, ungroupable companion are now in their own section.
- Night-time doesn't reduce travel that much anymore.
- Stunned effect from weapons will no longer proc on monsters that are immune to it.
- Fixed an issue where a resource would fail to be gathered after an autopath when switching regions.
- Fixed the flashing of the encumbered message.
- After closing the companion view window, equip action will now always be toward the hero instead of the last viewed companion.
- Fixed all keyboard issue in the domain.
Content Changes
- Protectors of the Rose next level.
- Gantras next level.
- Aquagremfyr quest revamp.
- Catalytic mace balancing (added missing 0.15 in distribution).
- Protector Sword and Catalytic mace now available.
[ 2022-02-01 18:57:55 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings! This update will bring many changes to the game. First, you will now be able to reach the next reputation level in Thorval, and get a chance to fight pirates doing so. The second major change is about the gathering, read on for more details. You will now gather all resources from a node in a single action. Under the hood, the system will be the same, with rare components, bonus resources and skill progression. We want to switch the focus of a "resource run" away from a time-consuming grind to a planning challenge. In that idea, we reinstituted the rule that tools are damaged from gathering. We hope to get to a point of balance where we can reduce again cooldown on resources with these rules so we rely less and less on time gating (cooldowns). On the other hand, the system will damage your clothes much less because a gather will be considered only one action for them. Also, the Arcanists have discovered something weird in the Archantics Chain, visit their tower in Holdori when you have the chance. Thanks for playing our Early Access! Virtys
January 19 - Version:
Features and Changes
- Talent book now has an overview page to quickly see all talents and equip them easily. Left click will show a menu if more than one level is available. Right click will equip the highest level automatically.
- You will now gather all resources from a node in a single action.
- Gathering tools will now always have their durability used.
- You now have a 200-encumbrance margin before the game blocks you from traveling.
- During combat, chat will not be on the way anymore when hovering alterations on enemies.
- Fixed an issue where shortcut keys would stop working in the domain
- Fixed an issue that allowed to trade bounded items in a reply of a trade.
Content Changes
- Thorval next reputation level.
- New Arcanist adventure introducing the black monoliths.
- Balancing for item price and resources node count.
- Text revisions.
[ 2022-01-19 20:38:43 CET ] [ Original post ]
Our most requested feature was a way to quickly change your clothes depending on what you are doing. We are very happy to introduce you to our wardrobe. You will be able to create sets of adventure gears as well as style sets for your character. Shortcuts will allow you equip, unequip, store and retrieve your set from your coffer.
Check out the changelog for other surprises!
January 6 - Version:
Features and Changes
- New Wardrobe system to save your equipment and styles.
- Loot reduction when grouping with other players is way less punishing. It gives a lot more now.
- New rules for consumables like bandages and potions. Limited to one use per combat victory. This is to give value to stronger healing items.
- Chat: Escape during whisper won't quit the whisper mode.
- Chat: Clicking on a channel tab will make you quit the whisper mode.
- Fixed an issue where a very long map pan would occur when taking certain quests from a dungeon.
Content Changes
- Bosses can now drop "mist shards" for everyone in the fight. Five-player boss will always drop some.
- New Leonidas shop for shards.
- Mistglass now purchased with shards.
- New rare wood.

[ 2022-01-07 02:08:44 CET ] [ Original post ]
Greetings Mistwalkers! First, we want to wish you a wonderful 2022. We want to give you a quick overview of where we are heading with the game. As you know, we are in Early Access. This mean we need to complete the game and we aim to reach the release milestone this year. We will skip the "continuous task" in this roadmap (balancing, bug fixing, optimization, etc.) and focus mainly on the major missing components of the game.
There are four guilds/cities that are late in their reputation progress. Making them at the same level as the others will be our first target. Having all reputation increased will give us what we need to restart working on the main storyline and the sandbox content.
- Gantras.
- Protector of the Rose.
- Thorval.
- Order of the Hippogriff.
Sandbox content
This content may or may not be linked to any story-driven content and will affect all your maximum capacity and what you can do in your domain.
- Potions and jewel will be improved.
- Two new carts type.
- All skills will need to reach 25 (50 with bonus).
- New regions up to 50 difficulty.
- Specialized crafting buildings.
- New tools and machines.
- Magic Weapons crafting.
- Magic Armor crafting (hide, bone and plate).
- Magic Shields.
- New hosting building based on prestige (specialists).
- New taming building based on security (beasts).
- New bosses.
- All skills will need to reach 60.
- Introduction to level 5 materials.
Main Story
So far, you have only seen a tiny fraction of the main story of the game, we wanted to have the foundation of the game solid before getting in this storytelling. We won't tell you much today so we can keep our adventure secret. But you need to know that we are currently at the end of chapter one and we need to get to at least chapter 5 to consider that game releasable. Our main story will get to chapter 10 on the current map (the province of Ordval) before we need to get a bigger map. The main story will unlock and upgrade golden companions. Everything related to the Mists also comes from the main storyline, including the Mistwalker reputation.
The engine part of the game will have its own evolution, it won't wait for the main story or for the sandbox content to evolve. Here is what we will be working on starting today. The three last one is the big ones, we needed the game to reach a certain state before working on them. Now is the time.
- Wardrobe
- A new feature to have encounters on the map linked to a scenario.
- A new dynamic gameplay engine allowing "infinite" content (more on that later).
- Revisit the current PVP engine and find ways to improve it.
- Guilds.
Around the game
Before we can get out of the early access status, there is also a lot of thing we need to improve that are not the game itself.
- We need text tools and text reviewers.
- The translation engine need to be ready for all languages.
- We need a test server and official testers.
- Moderation tools need to be improved.
- In game chat, Discord and Steam Hub need an official community manager (IE: not Falkarma and Sicklab).
- Bot, Cheat, Alts detectors need to be improved.
- Character transfer need to be looked into again.
This concludes our roadmap. Remember that this is our general planning, we may remove some of the elements or add a few surprises here and there. Thanks again for playing! Virtys
[ 2022-01-03 20:41:50 CET ] [ Original post ]
Today we are releasing our last content update of 2021.
On the content side, you'll be able to progress with the Circle of the Great tree and with the Arcanists to get new spells for damage and heal. We also got a lot of cool changes in the game engine related to gathering, fighting and getting landform skill. Check out the changelog for more details.
The biggest change today has to do with the game shop. We got lots of comments about how you can form a party in the game and how it is perceived by new players. To improve the game experiences, the first thing we did is to create a dedicated slot for the carts. It means that a new player can now have two companions and a cart. This will improve a lot the experience of everyone and make the game much easier for players who want to play solo.
The second major change we did on the market is to lower the price of the second companions slot, making it more accessible for everyone will improve the balance of the game. Everyone that already purchased it will be reimbursed 400 Blue Crowns.
To make sure our system is understood, we changed the presentation of the game shop. Now you will find a dedicated page for the unlocks and Scissana will give you hints about each purchasable item. We hope this page will make our monetization system much more understandable and remove the "surprise effect" that our old system generated.
The team will take a short break for next week. It will be a good time for us to take a step back and think about all that we will have to do in 2022.
Thanks a lot to all our players, we could not do it without you!
December 22 - Version:
Features and Changes
- The cart no longer uses a free companion slot. So you are always able to bring one with you.
- New group user interface.
- The fifth group companion slot price has been reduced to 1200 BC. Players who bought it at full price will receive 400 BC back.
- Shop UI redesign to show unlockable slots all at once.
- Combat now grants terrain skill experience if victorious.
- You can now "Recraft" an item in your coffer if you have the recipe.
- There is now a small chance to trigger a +1, +2 or +3 bonus on resource gathering.
- Weapon use skills are now available in the skills filter menu.
- Market item usability now displays the correct skill value.
- Fixed items durability not being updated upon fleeing a combat.
- Fixed some rare issue where a withdraw could cause a disconnect.
- Fixed an issue where the game client computed Next Daily and Next Weekly wrong.
- Cure ability should now only cure alteration with poison damage.
- Fixed coffers and market where items could be in the wrong category.
- Fixed an issue where the maximum crafting quantity of a stackable item could be wrong and caused a disconnect upon crafting.
- When abandoning or failing an escort scenario, if the event gave a location, the location is now correctly removed.
- Fixed some spell animation delay and end of combat delay.
- Fixed shortcut target number key in combat could stop working on summoned enemies.
Content Changes
- Unlocked next Arcanists tier.
- Unlocked next Circle of the Great Tree tier.
- Superior weapons enchantments review.
- Added a 39 difficulty cavern.
- Mage staff recipes review.
- Student/Mage armor skill and recipes review.
- Badges level and difficulty fixes.
- Lowered Vilocopiparadatanolor price list.
- Increase Boomerang hit chances.
- Slash now deal 100% of weapon damage.
- Increase bleeding damage done by Vicious Hit.
- Increase Burnt damage by Burn Spell.
- New dynamic dailies that require to kill x creatures.

[ 2021-12-22 19:55:51 CET ] [ Original post ]
You get up from your bed with a strange feeling. The lighting is not the same, everything is brighter. You approach the window and you understand what is going on. The Windchill has started, winter has fallen on Valsonge and the Mists. To your surprise, the lands of Ordval do not yet appear to be affected by the Windchill. What does it mean? Is this a clue about your domain's position in relation to Kortombe? Or maybe the seasons of the world outside the Mists are in no way related to those of your native land?
This new change of season brings you more questions than answers on the temporal and geographical links between Mists and Myriaden. You will need all your courage to continue your exploration in this cold weather. Luckily for you, Scissanna has a good supply of supon for the fireplace and Ovie will be able to stay warm inside the mansion.
December 15 - Version:
Features and Changes
- Chillwind event is up with a new player frame and a new pet.
- Cosmetic items are now available in the shop with the thematic of the Chillwind event.
- Other players will now be visible in the same region as you. Max 10 players visible. A setting has been added to hide these unknown players in the options window.
- Ressources tooltip to gather now shows quantity in have in your coffers.
- Removed the market fee to sell items.
- In combat, when spamming a key to attack, it should no longer make the toolbar stick sometime.
- Rylenback heroic had one of his mechanics not working properly. If you have the achievement, you are welcome to try again for a nice challenge.
- The sleep button should no longer fail when a fitting item to sleep is present in the backpack.
- Fixed the WASD key that sometimes stopped working.
- Fixed the missing 1 of materials during crafting of stackable items.
- Fixed an issue where you could start moving while gathering if the Wait command was used before and right next to a node.
- When an item breaks, skills are updated right away.
- Bound status is no longer lost when an item is upgraded.
- Fixed a rare issue where a location would stay closed upon taking a new repeatable quest.
Content Changes
- Rylenback normal had a small tweak to make him a little more interesting.
- Forest Cave difficulty lowered to 41.
- Part of Minotroll is now 37 in cavern skill requirements.
- Ruins of the Swamp quest line.
- Tweaked the game introduction for new players.
- Daily and Weekly quest now gives more gold that scale with what is required.

[ 2021-12-15 19:02:39 CET ] [ Original post ]
- CotH Content [7.07 G]
Experience the world of Myriaden via a top-down view that brings every character and dungeon to life with unique storybook qualities. Forget about jumping, climbing, and so on. This is a pure RPG, where every action you make is based on the skills you have (or don’t).
No classes means no limitations. Your character evolves and grows based on the skills you use.
No fixed blueprints are required for crafting objects of any kind. Mist Legacy is using a unique skill-distribution system that takes properties of each crafting material and converts them to items with skills.
A world where skills matter. Forests, mountains, rivers, and even cities have skill requirements you must meet in order to explore them. This system even extends to plants, trees, and weather, creating a world that feels alive but also bound by your expertise.
Your Domain is your home base for crafting, storing materials, and hosting guests. Like the rest of the game, your skills dictate the strength of every building in your Domain.
You come from a world shrouded in Mist, a barrier that has prevented your people from exploring beyond its boundaries. You were trained as a Mistalker, whose job was to explore the Mist and keep your home city of Valsonge safe. But...something has gone wrong. You begin your adventure by awaking outside of the Mist, suddenly thrust into the “real” world. This was not supposed to happen and the answers you seek will take the heart of an adventurer to discover.
Combat offers a turn-based and multiplayer combat system. As a Mistwalker, you can bring companions from the "real" world that you will recruit during your adventures. For the most challenging fights, you can group with other players to form a powerful combat team. The game offers five combat specializations that can be mixed in thousands of ways to create your unique fighting style. Adapt your combat strategy based on your opponents and cooperate with other players to dominate some of the fiercest creatures of the game.
- OS: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 64 bit or SteamOS
- Processor: 2.0 GhzMemory: 4 MB RAM
- Memory: 4 MB RAM
- Graphics: Anything qualifying as a GPU
- Storage: 8 MB available spaceAdditional Notes: (other distributions may work)
- OS: Latest Ubuntu or SteamOS
- Processor: Dual Core 2.0 GhzMemory: 8 MB RAM
- Memory: 8 MB RAM
- Graphics: GPU with dedicated video memory
- Storage: 8 MB available spaceAdditional Notes: (other distributions may work)
[ 6040 ]
[ 1538 ]
[ 1732 ]